Friday, December 31, 2004

WOP Musings

Time's Man of the Year: They once chose Hitler for Man of the Year. I can only suppose they occasionaly select men (or women) who have a big impact on the world and not because we should admire him or her. That's the only way I can wrap my mind around the choice.

Rat Christmas Logo: I like Santa Rat. But I have to admit, he looks more like he's running away with stolen pressies than delivering them.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Week 6 Update

All stats, tables and results are updated.

In addition I have pasted Johnny's odds onto his page which is openned for business.

The finals page has been activated and stats/fixtures for the knockout rounds will be on there.

The 'playoffs' page is now redundant and has been deactivated.

December has seen a new usage record for the blogger; a total of 1869 hits so far this month. That's 64 hits per day and beats the previous record held by May 2004 of 1637 hits. Nice one guys :)

The Odds and Nothing But the Odds from The WOP

Well, well, well….here we are again. Hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and are ready for the New Year. It’s been a year well worth remembering for all of us - babies born to at least three of us (that we know of) – the Baby Rat, Tom’s Aiden and my personal new best friend little Lily Boyd. Congrats to all. Then, we have these overbearing international developments that affect us all and none of them, frankly, have been very positive: a senseless war in the cradle of civilization, genocide in the Sudan, and a natural disaster on a scale rarely ever seen on Earth as we know it. Oh, and Bush won too and was named Time’s Person of the Year – both wholly appropriate and inappropriate at once. With children to feed and such global issues affecting our collective conscience, it’s a wonder we have this little thing called Hattrick and the Brooklyn Cup to occupy just a small, or for some of us even larger, corner of our brains. I can’t remember what a ‘Brooklyn Cup-less’ world looks like, but I know I don’t want to live in it. I feel so sorry for those on the ‘outside’.

OK, OK, I’ll get on with the bloody friggin picks…….stop your damn griping. I can hear you already. Remember, these odds are made for illegal wagering purposes only.

Tigers 3-1
Look, they were upset early, fought through their new training confusion and ended up winning their Group and getting a first round match at home vs. System. Say all you want about parity, but somehow I think things are going exactly how Le Tigre’s Planned it. Damn it. They may be favored, but I think they’ll get beat. I know, it makes no sense but as as my friend Boyd pointed out recently, either do I most of the time.

Brooklyn FC 4-1
Having blown through Group play and establishing that Road to the Cup this year cut through Clinton Street, B-Cup Founder Scotty “Bao” (love that, Jay) Santandrea has the best chance ever to bring this Cup where it belongs- in Brooklyn, US of A. He’s carrying the hopes and dreams of an entire arrogant superpower nation along for the ride. Come on, Scotty, don’t let us down.

The Dirty Ratz 4-1
Defending Champion Ratz always make me feel uneasy for some reason. It’s not Jeff, really, he seems like a swell guy, it’s his team and everything about it. Did you see his Holiday logo? What was that all about? As much as the Cup means to this team, you know you’ll see his best. Series spot looks secure. Beware.

Ellwood 4-1
I made some pretty derogatory statements about Welsh ladies earlier in the year and I really must say, that they were completely based on generalizations and untruths. If you know me, you know that I tend to speak with disregard for fact and a certain arrogance that tends to make people want to hit me. Having said that, has anyone ever seen a hot Welsh chick? I mean that as an honest query and not a rhetorical swipe. I mean, really? Ellwood is scary these days. But always beatable.

Rasurital Delta 4-1
What happened to Delta and how did they get so damn good? What is going on out at the Brooklyn Cup Romanian Outpost. What’s he feeding his players? I guess he’s just decided to take this Cup a little more seriously. He knocked off Le Tigre earlier in qualification and came to close to beating them at home. He’s among the elite now and that first round match vs. Ratz is going to be a barnburner. Can’t wait.

System 3Loc 8-1
This guy gets more damn red cards than Boyd’s Mom at Church. He got red carded in 3 of his Group play matches and still managed to qualify. Faces Le Tigre at Le Tigre in the Quarters. Tough road to hoe System……just try and keep 11 men on the pitch – yes guys, like Boyd’s Mom - and see what happens.

Chocolate Thunder 20-1
Thunder should be focused and ready having no hot women in Wales to chase while visiting but they’ll be totally outclassed and outmanned in their Quarterfinal match. Hey Tom, we got here right? See you back down in V next year. Funny how our teams mirror one another.

The Brooklyn Wind 20-1
This team is in horrible form and lucky he’s not in Das Losers Invitational where’d he get bounced easily by one of the better squads there. Our appearance in the Quarters is really due to a mistake made by the Stone’s management a week ago when he switched up an EIM and CD. Thanks for nothing Stone, it got me a date with BFC at Clinton St. Despite Scott’s comments, this Round 1 match is hardly a grudge match, but more of a drubbing.

Match Picks:
BFC over Wind, 5-0
Ellwood over Thunder, 4-1
Delta over Ratz, In Kicks
Tigers over System, 4-0

BFC over Tigers, 1-0
Delta over Ellwood, 0-1

BFC over Delta, 2-1

BFC brings home the Cup!!!!!!!!!!!

As they say here in Brooklyn, "Fughetaboutit" and Happy New Year,
Johnny the Wop

Quarterfinal round matchups

#1 Brooklyn FC v. #8 Brooklyn Wind
#2 Ellwood v. #7 Thunder
#3 Ratz v. #6 Delta
#4 Tigers v. #5 System

The mother-of-all grudge-matches-so-far will take place this week with a Brooklyn Derby between myself and Wind. The mother-of-all-grudge-matches-of-all-time narrowly missed happening when System scored enough goals to earn the 5 spot and avoid a playoff matchup against Ellwood. THAT would have been something. I hate to say it, Peter, but I'm rooting for System just so I can see that matchup in the semifinals.

And I've got to say that for the first time ever in this tournament there is no clear-cut favorite. Anyone in the top 8 has a legitimate shot at winning the whole thing. Of course, we'll probably see Ratz/Tigers in the final again, but at this point let me keep my wishful thinking.

Home teams listed first, as usual.

Chick 'Magnate', indeed

Very funny stuff from a very funny guy

Here are the pairings for what should be a very compelling Das Losers Invitational this season:

#1 Avalanche v. #8 Presidents
#2 Maidstone v. #7 Kings County
#3 Direwolf v. #6 Genetic Freaks
#4 Bonafide v. #5 Saltopus

Sick how good the quality of this competition has become when 3 of the 8 DLI teams have made the playoffs, one as a finalist (Avalanche), the other as a semifinalist (Bonafide). And this is a first time that two teams who made the playoffs the year before will ever meet in the DLI--let alone the FIRST ROUND. Scary.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Not Sure....

I can live up to the myth that is being created out there......but I'll try.........

Chick Magnate

I love it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A few late stocking stuffers

Just got back from being snowed in over a 6-day Christmas vacation. My kids kept me entertained, but there was no Internet. The first thing I checked when I got home was HatTrick of course. Then I turned the heat back on in our house...

Delta- thanks for a great battle of penalty kicks last week. Whew--My scrollbar is tired!


1. "Babe" can be guy or girl, no? Babe Didrikson Zaharias...or Babe Ruth. To be considered a "babe" you just need to get your photo on the cover of "Tiger Beat"...just like our very own Scott "Baio" Santandrea, Johnny "Depp" Sic, and Michael "J. Fox" Boyd. From what I've heard from my sources in Brooklyn, these guys are more like Chick *Magnates* anyway...

2. Magnets can attract OR repel, especially when you point them at each other. I suppose it just depends on which end you're facing.

3. Speaking of beating the Tigers....I made a desparate run, and even though everyone in Group C may finish 3-3 (if I can help it)...I'm realizing I'll be in the losers bracket unless I beat the Tigers like 12-1... So, Losers beware!

and finally, please accept the following wishes...with (almost) no innuendo whatsoever....

Happy New Year, everyone! In 2005, may your Cup runneth over...and may your hardware always be working (especially you, Scott!)...

Cupmanager Signup

Yes indeed, Jeff. I have set up the cupmanager page to be as pain-free as possible for our teams. Basically, you don't have to do anything to sign up. There's no account or anything like that. But I DO NEED to know the email address that you registered with Hattrick. Some of them I know, many I do not.

So far I have registered Bonafide, FC Brooklyn, Ratz, Wind, Avs, KCU and System to the cup. If you are not one of those teams, please send me your email address either via HT mail or at I won't use it for anything, it's only used to verify that the cup administrator does actually know who is playing in the cup.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hattrix Cupmanager

I've used this before; it works pretty well.

New Link in Menu

I have added a link to the new Hattrix Cupmanager site for the Brooky Cup. This will be used from next season to help take some of the workload off me and to give us even more stats!! :)

We shall see how it goes but I would envisage some extra stats still being accessible from this site in addition to the new cupmanager site.

Cheers to Boyd for getting the ball rolling on this :)

I am not entirely sure about the signup procedure but I am certain Michael will explain more about it as we get towards next season's startup.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Re: Claus' Voices

I'm really glad you mentioned the headphones in the subject line. Otherwise I would have been very worried you were hearing voices in your left ear.......

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Yiipeee yej kajey...wireless headphones to me! :)

My wish came through! Never again I will have to listen to a voice only in my left ear! Yippeee! :)
I sincerelly hope you all also had some success with your christmas wishes, if not there will always be a new chance to become even nicer in 2005 and throw in a new wish...although I'm sure noone in this community failed to charm Santa already this time!

Now, I feel that I need to comment Michaels point no. 6 below:

Since Scott brought Maria in, and both Idali and Skaningarnas are nowhere to be found, who's the real chick magnet? Hmm??

Answer: I am.

So, when we've now solved this subject I wish you all the best for a new happy end of this year!

Gott Nytt År! :)

Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy Holidays

Merry X-mas to all.

Maybe a Brooklyn Cup get together during the "x-mas break"?

All the Brooklyn locals can meet up for a drink at Last Exit. I'll call Dave (The Genetic Freaks) and Mike (The Presidents), see if they are down.

Let me know what you guys think. or just post.

P.S. Is anyone getting anything cool for chirstmas? All I'm getting for christmas, to use a Brooklyn euphemism, is "BALLS". Damn, I miss being a kid!

Moody Women

Sorry to disappoint you, John. ;) I blame my wounded midfielder, though. He's got a toe of glass.

I hadn't noticed before; but Delta lost with PKs, twice in a row. How frustrating.

Have a great Christmas everyone!

Merry Crimbo Update Complete!

Yup it's true... I have completed all the updates for this week. I have caught up on updating last week's stats as well (Read: Some lazy git forgot to do it last week :P).

Also the Interactive stats have gone... Probably for good.

And I have updated the playoff info as well.

With just one more week of group play it looks like Ellwood and Tigers might face off in a quarter final clash of the titans!

There is everything to play for in Group C, however, as any two of the four teams could still qualify. Groups A and B look pretty sewn up but there is still a chance for Claus in Group D as Brett is not in an unassailable position yet.

Christmas Smiley War Anyone?

Claus? :) Chimney Presents Bad Gift
Santa Scrooge Frosty

Christmas Tree Christmas Snow

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Holiday Wop Wishes

Best wishes to all this holiday season from Johnny the Wop. It should be noted that unless Direwolf pulls out another miracle, we're looking at 7 of 8 of my predicted advancing teams to actually do so. This, I believe, is nothing short of brilliance. I would be a perfect 8 of 8 had Maria actually pulled through. And this is the one and only time I can really blame everything on a woman and really be correct, by the way. I think that's some kind of weird Italian karmic occurence, yes?

Buon Natale Everyone!
Looking forward to handicapping those 2nd Round matches!!
Peas on Earth,


As a member of the informal steering committee for the Cup (loosely composed of Scott, Jeff and me, although open to anyone who feels the need), this seems like a good moment to note a couple of points about our little venture (in no particular order):

1. From a competition standpoint, the Cup has never been better. Consider that neither Ratz nor Tigers is absolutely running away with it. Then consider that this season's Das Losers Invitational will include Bajen Avalanche, Bonafide, Saltopus and either Delta or Direwolf, and it is clear how tight the Cup has become, which is great.

2. Several things make the Cup unique. Certainly it would not be what it is without the tireless and selfless efforts of Jeff the Information Minister in maintaining the stats and infrastructure. That said, the steering committee is giving serious consideration to using the Hattrix Cup Manager ( to help run the Cup starting next season. The big advantage is that a good portion of Jeff's current workload (tables, fixtures, some stats) would be fully automated. If anyone has thoughts or opinions about that, let one of us know.

3. Also thinking ahead to next season, it's clear that some of us (certainly Ellwood, probably Ratz and Brooklyn, possibly others) have progressed in quality such that they will now be surviving in their domestic cup competition long enough to miss our "usual" start time for the Brooklyn Cup. We're working on how to handle that, but we don't have a final answer yet.

4. Scott has been suffering significant hardware problems recently. This explains his lack of comment recently in our postings here. It also explains (together with an end-of-year rush at my job) the delay in match reports for the last couple of rounds. We are trying to catch up (possibly in one conslidated report per group), and we're planning to be back on track for the last round and the playoffs.

5. Personally, I'm looking forward to the return of Johnny the Wop. It's almost time.

6. Since Scott brought Maria in, and both Idali and Skaningarnas are nowhere to be found, who's the real chick magnet? Hmm??

Happy and safe holidays to everybody.

Thank you, gentlemen! And special thanks to Jeff for creating the office of Brooklyn Babe.

To answer Sic: I personally cannot become a Chick Magnet because I am far too kind. In my case I would either attract women-friends who would then be in reach of you guys or I'd earn the romantic attentions of a lady for whom I could not return the same. Since most of you appear to be married, whether traditonally or non-traditionally, I wouldn't want to tempt you in the case of the former and in the case of the latter, I just don't want to be cruel.

There can only be one chic magnet in Brooky Cup!

Have I ever failed to magnetize a chic? Of course not! ;-)

I had a hard time to prove that I was the natural choice in Brooky Cup to become the 'chic magnet'. Many sleepless nights, chasing suitable (read beautiful) chics all over HT community, and several discussions later (mostly with my girlfriend about whether or not this assignment was necessary, fun or even serious (!?)) I finally delivered the first female coached team to the Brooky Cup, 'Skaningarnas'. She and her team lasted a season, maybe two at the most, before leaving the cup. This mainly due to the fact that the 'other' Brooky Cup teams didn't treat her like the lady she was. They kept on literally crushing her team without saying they were sorry about it! (Gentlemen? well...). Another hard chase started and I presented the second female coach for Scott and Brett - Team Idali from Sweden. They instantly approved Idali. She played from abroad (international student) and was not having 'supporter package'. Today she is back in Sweden and has bought HT supporter package... eager to join us again!

I've learned a lot while practicing this serious job in Brooky Cup. So now I've built up a larger queue of interested chics who wants to join in. I have said that meanwhile I'm interested to get to know them order to enhance their chances of being approved (a sunny day! he he)...and so I've had several quite interesting physical meetings with those lovely chics (once again my girlfriend doubt this is really necessary!!?). Anyway, the queue is there...if ever needed by anyone else than me! ;-)

So, there's no need to assign any other chic magnet (probably much better! least more seroius) than me!
Capice? :DX

Finally I really wish you all fantastic mates and your near loved ones a
(even valid for Brett and his annoying team System 3loc!)

Greetings from Santa Claus (the one and only GENUINE chic magnet in Brooky Cup)
Ho ho ho

chick magnet?

Where is the qualifications list for being a chick magnet?

Can I be a chick magnet?

World Beaters and Brooklyn Babes

Cheers for clearing up that little piece of BCup history, Boyd. Very amusing stuff... hehe :)

After Maria's post on chick magnets I decided that it was quite sexist to have such a position without a female equivalent... so created the position of 'Brooklyn Babe' to balance it out. Both positions should be available to both male and female members of this great federation so do not feel pressured into becoming our first Brooky Babe, Maria. ;D

Upon further inspection of our offices I had noticed that there was a position for the old-timers (original members of the first cup) but no 'senior' position to honour anyone else; hence, the creation of the 'World Beaters' (Not very keen on the name though so any suggestions would be gratefully recieved). This position is for those teams who have been in the cup for so long that they have now played each and every other current member at least once.

Sadly I have yet to achieve this myself :(

Anyone who wishes to become a Brooklyn Babe (Residing in Brooklyn is not a prerequisit) or a World Beater please feel free to apply :)

More on the Magnets

Very interesting comments Boyd.....thank you.
It is true that my friends Boyd and Scott have two of the finest looking ladies not only in all of Brooklyn, but really, in all of the land. Not only that, but they might be two of the coolest ladies I've ever met. I've been confounded for years how these two gents of average looks and intelligence achieved such great things in the game of love and romance, and in all honesty I still can't figure it out.

However, Boyd is inaccurate when talking about a 'flavor of the week'. I am in a committed and loving, monogamous relationship, thank you. Right?

Anyway, I want to be a chick magnet. How do I apply? If there is a position of Chick Magnet in the Brooklyn Cup, there MUST be a real chick magnet in Brooklyn that fulfills this office. Otherwise, we might as well just pack it in......

And Maria, who says you can't be a chick magnet?

More about chicks, magnets and offices

There is actually a little more to the story. I will confess that I created the office of Chick Magnet because my intent was to promote myself into it. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite manage to get the application accepted, and the position was just empty for a while. Once Claus was able to bring in the first female manager (Skaningarnas, in memoriam), it seemed only natural that he should take it. Dan, of course, merely thought that "chick" was some sort of Yank slang for "ewe".

Now, you might think that my inability to become a chick magnet of my own design could be poetic and apt, but you would be wrong. The fact of the matter is that Johnny Sic, Scott and myself are all so astoundignly debonaire and good looking that we are constantly surrounded by some of the hottest ladies Brooklyn has to offer, which of course includes my wife, Scott's common-law girlfriend, and Sic's flavor-of-the-week. No, really. Just ask around.

I also noticed that we have some new offices. I wonder what the job description is for "World Beater". (Edit: "If you have played every single team in the BCup at least once you can apply for this position.")

The Brooklyn International Cup

There is a logical explanation Jeff, Scott felt sorry for me cause i could not be called a "Sheep Magnet "! Therefore he took pity and said i could be a "Chick magnet" instead and while its not the same, it is better than nothing. And there ends the story.......

Dont think i have ever updated mt stats but think i should do! Watch that space

Chick Magnets and Team Pages

Scott created the chick magnet position specifically for Claus because of his prowess in dealing with members of the opposite sex. I am not entirely sure why the second position was created (I am sure there will be a logical explanation).

Team pages were set up by me in the very early days of the BCup, well before HT-Clubhouse and HT-Arena. The idea was simply to give each team a bit of the website to express themselves in and draw us together a little bit ;)

Most of the data on them is extremely out of date as noone sends me updates for them anymore :P

If you want one then there are two choices: Either create your own page and I will put it up for you; or email me any details, pictures etc etc and I will create it for you... I will even give you bouncy lettering too :)

Re: Chick Magnet

Ha. So funny, I was just looking at federation levels too. I'm the only one who can't really qualify for that position. ;)

Also, I see some folks have team pages on this blog. How is that done?

Chick Magnet

Here's a few important questions. How does one become a 'Chick Magnet' in this Federation? Why are there only two allowed? And why do we have no American Chick Magnet?

PS: The Wop will return for the Playoffs.

(I'd also like to thank Stones publicly for allowing for one brightspot in the 'year' for the Wind - virtual qualification in our teams 4th B-Cup. Can't wait for this season to be over so I can start winning again. Total case of promoting too early. But I had to try. Right Jeff?)

Chick Magnet

Here's a few important questions. How does one become a 'Chick Magnet' in this Federation? Why are there only two allowed? And why do we have no American Chick Magnet?

PS: The Wop will return for the Playoffs.

(I'd also like to thank Stones publicly for allowing for one brightspot in the 'year' for the Wind - virtual qualification in our teams 4th B-Cup. Can't wait for this season to be over so I can start winning again. Total case of promoting too early. But I had to try. Right Jeff?)


Peter you could have the answer. My firewall probably doesn't have a problem with the interactive tables as they originate from my computer but everyone elses may have an issue with them.

Most of us will have firewalls (I assume) so perhaps this is the reason for the problem (I suspected it was some kind of 'browser preference' issue but a firewall is even more likely imho).

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Interactive seriousnessless problem

Hello everyone

I experienced the same problem as Santa Claus and Im using WinXP with latest Service Pack2 installed. So i disabled my firewalls on the computer and then it all worked fine.

So that is one solution u might wanna check out.

In Sweden we celebrate christmas on the 24th. So we get our presents before most of you, merry merry x-mas to you all.

Peter the Great-full

Win XP

I'm using windows XP, but it seems like people using several different operating systems are haveing problems with the interactive menus, so I don't tink that means much, but maybe we can find a commonality between us. The Genetic Freaks, thanks for weakening the front runner of our group! Sorry Dan ;-)

If I could have everybody's attention I'd like to make an announcement. After 10 games played this season CTFC pulled out their first win! Yes that's right, I know you all thought we were invulnerable, but to be honest we've had some disappointing results this season and just haven't been able to get on track. Without much to play for in our league we find ourselves in the position to throw everything we have into the BC this year. Translation: it's nothing we haven't done in the past, so expect the same results.

peace out!

p.s. I have a clown I am looking to unload if anyone is interested. His stats are:

Stamina: passable Goaltending: wretched
Playmaking: disatrous Passing: disastrous
Winger: wretched Defending: wretched
Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: weak
A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest. Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities.
He also likes long walks on the beach, drinking pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.


Merry Christmas to all of you(apart from Genetic Freaks who put half my side in the Royal Welsh infirmary last night....git!) Hope you all have good one and get everything you want from Santa.

P.s I can see the stats through win 2000.

IM anyone interested in IMing me during matches? I think it would be fun, especially with my comrades in The Four Faces of Death. But, it would be fun with any B-Cupper. I have ICQ, AIM and Yahoo accounts. ICQ is the best since that's the only one I use at work and I'm there from roughly 21:00 upwards, HT time. Mail me on HT if you are interested. :)

Re: Interactive Tables

Sounds like you're giving up, Jeff, but in case you're curious. The interactive tables have failed to work for me on two computers: Win 2000 with Mozilla browser and XP with Internet Exploder 6.0 browser.

You have a Win 98? If Santa grants my wish, I'll buy you a new computer. ;)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Interactive Tables

Jefe - I'm on a Mac (9 and X), and having the same problem with it. But if I click and bang on my computer enough in frustration, it feels quite "interactive".

I just came out from my cave and realized that my team actually won last week. What happened? HatTrick seems to be giving stronger than usual weight to home-field advantage, even in friendlies. But on the other hand my youth pulls have been pretty good for the first time in awhile (18 & 19 yo Solid PM).

BTW- We've decided to rename our Group C as "The 4 Faces of Death". Until I lose again, that is -- then it will be "3 Weddings and a Funeral"...

Happy Holidays all!

Interactive Tables

I am mystified as to why they are not working for everyone. The only thing I can think of is that there must be an excel incompatitbility issue.

I use win98 and office 2000. Any XP owners may have probs I suppose (why? because xp is evil that is why!)

I won't be continuing with the interactive component... all I have to do now is stop playing peek-a-boo with my son and get the stats sorted!... I'll try again tomorrow :P

oh yeah!

and thanks for the clarification about the coach's abilities. It's exactly what I wanted for Christmas!

Thanks Santa Claus!

And a Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. And to everyone, I hope you all enjoy an wonderful holiday season.

Now on to more pressing matters. Claus, I am having the same problem with the interactive stats. Just a little white box, nothing more.

Anyone else???

Dear Santa Claus,

I want to be independently wealthy for Christmas (and every day of the year!)

Yours truly,

P.S. I've left some nummy cookies on the table and shot of good Irish whiskey. I've also left a big bag of oats for your reindeer. Tell Rudolph I said hi!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Help needed!

Hi guys,
busy before x-mas?
I will spend the holiday together with my girlfriend and her parents. Her mom and dad lives way up north in Sweden.
Lot's of snow and a fresh temperature of appr. - 15 to -20 C degrees. Ho-ho-hoo

Now to my small but rather irritating problem. I CAN'T READ THE NEW INTERACTIVE STATS TABLES !!! :(

Anyone else having the same problem? It seems as if the page is loading correctly but ends up showing a small white icon with no text at all.

Please, anyone who knows what's missing to be able to read it?

Finally I wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
From your very own BCup S:ta Claus in Sweden! he he hee

Yup... positive ;)

Copied directly from HT6.5 announcement (Announcement can be read in full on the Hattrix site):

Skills decayCoaches will now slowly have their leadership skills decay.
Decay will not start until the coach has been in the club for more than a
season. We think it is both unfair to new teams and quite unrealistic that once
you have bought a super coach, you could keep him forever - until he is 100
years old or more. Of course, we could have added an upper limit when coaches
suddenly retire, but we really think it is more fair that they slowly decay,
just like players do, and leave the final choice to you when it is time to bring
in some fresh blood. Our "in character" reasoning is that a coach that might
seem bustling with energy and inspiration when he first arrived, after a few
seasons loses some of his "edge". He has simply grown bored with the job... ;)
Finally, once a coach reaches disastrous leadership (and that would typically
take perhaps 10 seasons for a coach starting with solid leadership), the decay
starts hitting hs trainer skills instead of the depleted leadership. Let us
underline that the decay is very slow, although it will go somewhat faster for
coaches with very high leadership, so a solid leader might go down to passable
after 1-2 seasons (more likely after 2 seasons or more though).

great match huh?

Ok Tom, will look forward to it should we meet again this season. I will ask the boys to go easy on you!

Jeff, are you sure about the coach losing his coaching ability when leadership hits zero? Where did you get that from?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Coach Leadership

Maria is correct... coaches leadership affects how quickly TS rises and how slowly it falls. Coaching skill is unnafected by leadership drops.

However... Once the leadership drops to disasterous then your coaches skill will start to fall (about one drop of skill per season) so be ready for that when it happens ;)

Experience has no effect on a coach at all... unless he is also your team captain ;)

Coach Leadership

It will affect your team's spirit, but I don't think it effects his training skill.

great match, huh?

I didn't see it, but it sounds like it was a good one. If I run across it I will have to take a look. Oh and Dan...........Next time.... I will score a goal. Hopefully more than you. ;-)

I have a question about my coach. He is 39 years old and keeps loosing leadership status. He is down to "weak". Does this affect his coaching ability? He is still a solid coach that who is a pleasant guy, balanced and honest. His experience goes up and is now at inadequate. I know experience is a part of it but does leadership play a bigger part?

Thanks mates!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The Brooklyn International Cup

Brett and I went to Anfield to watch the Liverpool versus Olympiakos game. Did anyone see it? If not get a copy. The best game of footie i have ever seen, i guess the atmosphere made it so it was a bit different watching it live but what a will stay with me for ever.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

If I only had known...

that it was YOU, my friend and attorney Michael Boyd...ehum..then...then..
Well, I'm sure you can separate a friendly joke from a serious charge...I hope!
If everyone forget about this false rumour about Vodka and other fishy stuff going on in Stockholm before match day, then I'll withdraw my little joke about suing anyone in this awesome cup...of course!
Well then, Michael - your amazing...too! :)

N.B! No wonder FC Bonafide have such a great defence then...and a defensive caoch and a defence counsel in the back ground...but a truly offensive sense of humour! hi-hi
I've just stopped laughing (thanks god!)...down to giggling only, which saves me from another hospital visit. hi-hi....don't do this to me one more


Thursday, December 09, 2004

Week 3 Update

Tables and results updated.

Stats updated

Playoff info updated as well... check out who you'd play in the finals if the groups finished today!

Incidentally, as there were so many problems with the interactive stats I have decided not to update them this week and will try to work on a solution.

I confess

Claus, I can't let Scott take the heat for leaking that news. It was me. I am writing the match reports for Group B and Group D this season, so I must take the blame.

You may want to think twice about suing me though given my profession... ;-)

I still haven't decided if I should sue you due to your insinuation that Vodka have been used deliberately to lower my guests performance in the following match...or just keep on laughing my pants off..??!! :DX

You're amazing! :)

N.B. The kindness I provide by offering (a decent amount) of Absolute Vodka to the teams visiting Stockholm and my club is only because I want to contribute to an increased team spirit so that the opponent team perform better than in "normal" mode. By this I believe they have a slightly better chance to make the match (hangover..? Hmmppfr!!) more exciting!
Furthermore, I cannot be hold responsible for the "actions" that might happen when my female welcome squad (anything wrong with sexy blonde Swedish "ladies" decides to prolong the welcome party with my opponents player the night before match date.
We are all grown-ups and thereby responsible for our own decisions...or?

I admit, I wasn't aware of System 3loc's new alcoholic policy. BUT is this faiure of mine enough for you to announce my secret kept strategy and tactics ALL OVER THE HT WORLD??!! eh?

As said...I haven't decided yet..!

Match commentaries

Tom, I think Scott is writing that one. But I am sure he will include some appropriate comment to your superb win ;)

As far as Delta's performance goes I think they are one of the top teams in this competition that have not reached their true potential. Ellwood is also in that category imho.

Peter has a superb team. The problem with superb teams is that you have a tendancy to underestimate the opposition.

I have a fairly average team... this is why I do so well in the BCup (imho) because I always feel that unless I get the tactics right I am going to lose. I don't mean to say I am a better tactician... just that maybe I have an edge because my team is so 'ordinary'.

I hope that makes sense to somebody here... If so then please explain it to me ;)

The funniest thing about that

is that I was just about to make a prom-night joke in a comment in my guestbook. Hmm....

You got me this time Tom. This time. ;-)

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

week 2 match commentary

Jeff, I'd like to submit a match commentary for my game last week.

Thunder killed (to use the coined name from Sic) FC Bonerfide. Bonefide sucked on the pitch and CTFC used and abused them like (how again does John put it? ah, yes) like Boyds mom on prom night.

There that ought to do it.

Mike, I'm not looking forward to going to Henry St. for the second leg. We've had problems with your Brooklyn Brigade in the past and I think they're going to be a little fired up. Oh and just kidding about prom night of course.

Re: Group C

I have to say, through all the speculation about Group C, I think the Cap and his Deltas have been underestimated. With all due respect to Johnny the WOP, Maria the NAM predicts Delta will not only advance to the next round but will, at the very least, make it to the finals.

I lost again

Yepp. I lost again. Even though my players were superior and Raz played dirty (the ref was payed feeble sum just before game) and was punished for it, I couldnt make my players understand my new tactics. I guess we are to be compared with Real Madrid and the likes.
We need to motivate the guys a bit more.

So next game against Raz I'll promise to play my best. Until then, play cool!

red card

Oh that I forgot - let the record note that Kaplan, the Rasaritul player eliminated in the game against the Tigers, was provoked while the ref was looking at the moon - it is so unlike him to hit another player. he is equilibrated and honest.

group C is heating up

Despite the tough race I have to get promoted in the league, I really wanted to play my very very first team against the Tiggers, as I was planning one of the biggest BC surprises ever. Too bad the Tigers switched to training defenders just ahead of playing Delta on Romanian turf, and thus got a bit of confusion, I hope I would have won even against their best formation.

And yesss - 3 games left to play and Group C is charging up, ever contenders from Sweden - the Brooklyn Tigers - will struggle to avoid the honour of contending in the invitational tournament (or shall I call it the Losers' Cup? Nah, it would have a negative connotation like that, and I want it to show prestige, as I even won it once). But now I'm after the big trophy.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Brutal Brett

You're so mean, Brett! How can you keep those poor boys away from women and wine?! ;)

Thanks to Scott and Boyd for writing those entertaining match reports. :)

Jeff: I haven't been able to play with your new tables. It tells me I need IE 4.blah or higher, which of course, I do have.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Week 2 Update

It's all finished now and I have been experimenting again ;)

This time I have come up with interactive statistics tables!

Please let me know what you think about them... they would take only a fraction of the time for me to upload onto the site so would save me a lot of time. However, if you don't like them then please say so and I will not replace to existing stats pages with them.

Click here for a look!

(Edited by Jeff)

Friday, December 03, 2004


About me trippin to NewYork/Jersey.
Date is not yet set, but I'm aiming at april or may. There is yet some details that needs to be sorted out first (money!), and to find a spot when my friend has time to welcome me.

But it would be great fun if it could be possible to do a B-Cup special-event.

I'll notify you as soon as I've got more details straightened.

By the way- Do you beleive the loss I made against Direwolf, hmmmm, there something fishy goin on.

Week 2 Update

Results & Tables updated. I will update the rest at the weekend as I am pretty knackered right now :P

A Brooky Cup gettogether sounds great... shame there is no way I can get to the first one :(

Maybe next summer I could find the time/cash/passport to go :)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Peter's Jersey/NYC Trip

When are you thinking of traveling there?


I think I speak for the entire Brooklyn contingent that it would be a crime for you to come to New Jersey and not make it to see us in our fair Borough. In fact, we've been talking for some time about having a Brooklyn Cup meet-up and your trip out here would make a perfect reason to do so.

Off the top of my head, Sic (Wind), Boyd (Bonafide), myself, Jim (KCU) and Genetic Freaks are all in New York City. Sic, Boyd and I are friends from the neighborhood, but KCU and Freaks have yet to meet the rest of us in person despite being so close, so this is a great opportunity to meet.

Send me an email ( and let me know the details of your trip. I'll put the meeting together from there.

Johnny the With Out Papers (WOP)

Well a well a well boys and girl. Here we are again. I regret to inform you that after having spent a half hour of my day yesterday making Group Post Pre-season picks for this season's already begun B-Cup, my browser froze and I lost it all. It was some of my best work as well. I screamed and ranted and beat my wife when I got home. Just kidding of course! Anyway, here are the hightlights!!

1. The Wop is friggin happy he's NOT in Group C or Group D. Groups of Death, they are, with the two most recent defending champions heading them up.

2. The Wop is predicting FC Bonerfried doesn't get in to the 2nd round and noted Saltopus really screwed himself by doing so well last season. Jay, you're looking at last place, yet, you'll definitely win our Fantasy Football league.

3. The Wop predicted these teams to advance: Ellwood, Choc. Thun., BFC, Wind, Tigers, Direwolf, Ratz and System.

4. The Wop is predicting Brooklyn FC to beat Le Tigre in the Final of this year's B-Cup, bringing it stateside for the first time EVER!!

5. The Wop got screwed in its first match vs. BFC.

6. Starting next week, the Wop will make predictions on one game per Group per week and post them to the site.

7. Good luck to all!

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