Well, well, well….here we are again. Hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and are ready for the New Year. It’s been a year well worth remembering for all of us - babies born to at least three of us (that we know of) – the Baby Rat, Tom’s Aiden and my personal new best friend little Lily Boyd. Congrats to all. Then, we have these overbearing international developments that affect us all and none of them, frankly, have been very positive: a senseless war in the cradle of civilization, genocide in the Sudan, and a natural disaster on a scale rarely ever seen on Earth as we know it. Oh, and Bush won too and was named Time’s Person of the Year – both wholly appropriate and inappropriate at once. With children to feed and such global issues affecting our collective conscience, it’s a wonder we have this little thing called Hattrick and the Brooklyn Cup to occupy just a small, or for some of us even larger, corner of our brains. I can’t remember what a ‘Brooklyn Cup-less’ world looks like, but I know I don’t want to live in it. I feel so sorry for those on the ‘outside’.
OK, OK, I’ll get on with the bloody friggin picks…….stop your damn griping. I can hear you already. Remember, these odds are made for illegal wagering purposes only.
Tigers 3-1
Look, they were upset early, fought through their new training confusion and ended up winning their Group and getting a first round match at home vs. System. Say all you want about parity, but somehow I think things are going exactly how Le Tigre’s Planned it. Damn it. They may be favored, but I think they’ll get beat. I know, it makes no sense but as as my friend Boyd pointed out recently, either do I most of the time.
Brooklyn FC 4-1
Having blown through Group play and establishing that Road to the Cup this year cut through Clinton Street, B-Cup Founder Scotty “Bao” (love that, Jay) Santandrea has the best chance ever to bring this Cup where it belongs- in Brooklyn, US of A. He’s carrying the hopes and dreams of an entire arrogant superpower nation along for the ride. Come on, Scotty, don’t let us down.
The Dirty Ratz 4-1
Defending Champion Ratz always make me feel uneasy for some reason. It’s not Jeff, really, he seems like a swell guy, it’s his team and everything about it. Did you see his Holiday logo? What was that all about? As much as the Cup means to this team, you know you’ll see his best. Series spot looks secure. Beware.
Ellwood 4-1
I made some pretty derogatory statements about Welsh ladies earlier in the year and I really must say, that they were completely based on generalizations and untruths. If you know me, you know that I tend to speak with disregard for fact and a certain arrogance that tends to make people want to hit me. Having said that, has anyone ever seen a hot Welsh chick? I mean that as an honest query and not a rhetorical swipe. I mean, really? Ellwood is scary these days. But always beatable.
Rasurital Delta 4-1
What happened to Delta and how did they get so damn good? What is going on out at the Brooklyn Cup Romanian Outpost. What’s he feeding his players? I guess he’s just decided to take this Cup a little more seriously. He knocked off Le Tigre earlier in qualification and came to close to beating them at home. He’s among the elite now and that first round match vs. Ratz is going to be a barnburner. Can’t wait.
System 3Loc 8-1
This guy gets more damn red cards than Boyd’s Mom at Church. He got red carded in 3 of his Group play matches and still managed to qualify. Faces Le Tigre at Le Tigre in the Quarters. Tough road to hoe System……just try and keep 11 men on the pitch – yes guys, like Boyd’s Mom - and see what happens.
Chocolate Thunder 20-1
Thunder should be focused and ready having no hot women in Wales to chase while visiting but they’ll be totally outclassed and outmanned in their Quarterfinal match. Hey Tom, we got here right? See you back down in V next year. Funny how our teams mirror one another.
The Brooklyn Wind 20-1
This team is in horrible form and lucky he’s not in Das Losers Invitational where’d he get bounced easily by one of the better squads there. Our appearance in the Quarters is really due to a mistake made by the Stone’s management a week ago when he switched up an EIM and CD. Thanks for nothing Stone, it got me a date with BFC at Clinton St. Despite Scott’s comments, this Round 1 match is hardly a grudge match, but more of a drubbing.
Match Picks:
BFC over Wind, 5-0
Ellwood over Thunder, 4-1
Delta over Ratz, In Kicks
Tigers over System, 4-0
BFC over Tigers, 1-0
Delta over Ellwood, 0-1
BFC over Delta, 2-1
BFC brings home the Cup!!!!!!!!!!!
As they say here in Brooklyn, "Fughetaboutit" and Happy New Year,
Johnny the Wop