A few late stocking stuffers
Just got back from being snowed in over a 6-day Christmas vacation. My kids kept me entertained, but there was no Internet. The first thing I checked when I got home was HatTrick of course. Then I turned the heat back on in our house...
Delta- thanks for a great battle of penalty kicks last week. Whew--My scrollbar is tired!
1. "Babe" can be guy or girl, no? Babe Didrikson Zaharias...or Babe Ruth. To be considered a "babe" you just need to get your photo on the cover of "Tiger Beat"...just like our very own Scott "Baio" Santandrea, Johnny "Depp" Sic, and Michael "J. Fox" Boyd. From what I've heard from my sources in Brooklyn, these guys are more like Chick *Magnates* anyway...
2. Magnets can attract OR repel, especially when you point them at each other. I suppose it just depends on which end you're facing.
3. Speaking of beating the Tigers....I made a desparate run, and even though everyone in Group C may finish 3-3 (if I can help it)...I'm realizing I'll be in the losers bracket unless I beat the Tigers like 12-1... So, Losers beware!
and finally, please accept the following wishes...with (almost) no innuendo whatsoever....
Happy New Year, everyone! In 2005, may your Cup runneth over...and may your hardware always be working (especially you, Scott!)...
Actually a 6-0 win over tigers will see you into the last 8 ;)
Good luck with that btw ;)
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