Saturday, December 25, 2004

Yiipeee yej kajey...wireless headphones to me! :)

My wish came through! Never again I will have to listen to a voice only in my left ear! Yippeee! :)
I sincerelly hope you all also had some success with your christmas wishes, if not there will always be a new chance to become even nicer in 2005 and throw in a new wish...although I'm sure noone in this community failed to charm Santa already this time!

Now, I feel that I need to comment Michaels point no. 6 below:

Since Scott brought Maria in, and both Idali and Skaningarnas are nowhere to be found, who's the real chick magnet? Hmm??

Answer: I am.

So, when we've now solved this subject I wish you all the best for a new happy end of this year!

Gott Nytt År! :)


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