Thursday, December 23, 2004

There can only be one chic magnet in Brooky Cup!

Have I ever failed to magnetize a chic? Of course not! ;-)

I had a hard time to prove that I was the natural choice in Brooky Cup to become the 'chic magnet'. Many sleepless nights, chasing suitable (read beautiful) chics all over HT community, and several discussions later (mostly with my girlfriend about whether or not this assignment was necessary, fun or even serious (!?)) I finally delivered the first female coached team to the Brooky Cup, 'Skaningarnas'. She and her team lasted a season, maybe two at the most, before leaving the cup. This mainly due to the fact that the 'other' Brooky Cup teams didn't treat her like the lady she was. They kept on literally crushing her team without saying they were sorry about it! (Gentlemen? well...). Another hard chase started and I presented the second female coach for Scott and Brett - Team Idali from Sweden. They instantly approved Idali. She played from abroad (international student) and was not having 'supporter package'. Today she is back in Sweden and has bought HT supporter package... eager to join us again!

I've learned a lot while practicing this serious job in Brooky Cup. So now I've built up a larger queue of interested chics who wants to join in. I have said that meanwhile I'm interested to get to know them order to enhance their chances of being approved (a sunny day! he he)...and so I've had several quite interesting physical meetings with those lovely chics (once again my girlfriend doubt this is really necessary!!?). Anyway, the queue is there...if ever needed by anyone else than me! ;-)

So, there's no need to assign any other chic magnet (probably much better! least more seroius) than me!
Capice? :DX

Finally I really wish you all fantastic mates and your near loved ones a
(even valid for Brett and his annoying team System 3loc!)

Greetings from Santa Claus (the one and only GENUINE chic magnet in Brooky Cup)
Ho ho ho


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