The WOP Picks the Winners: Season 29
Since there are no actual World Cup matches on this morning, I have time to make a few predictions about our Season 29 B-Cup campaign. I don't know about you guys, but I have to say that Hattrick becomes a little, dare I say boring, when a World Cup is actually going on. I mean, when the worlds actual best players are playing in the actual World Cup, playing actual football....well, then, all this virtual stuff seems a little silly. Oh my god, did I just say that? Onward.....
Group A
God I hope Ellwood stays in his Cup long enough for Sea Lane and Brooklyn to advance. Who needs Ellwood in the 2nd Round anyway! I'm predicting that to happen nonetheless. Anfield and Presidents follow in the 4th and 5th spots respectively. THE BIG MATCH: Ellwood vs. Brooklyn in Round 5.
Group B
This Group is tough to call but I'm going with Dirty and Bonafide to advance. They are in safe and secure spots in their series and have a little to burn in the Cup. Delta will miss out by a hair. Reefs and Monmoutch follow respectively. THE BIG MATCH: Bonafide vs. Delta in Round 1.
Group C
I don't know but this really feels like the Group of Death to me. Every single team has a legitimate chance to advance in this group. It's virtually impossible to call, but I'm going with Le Tigre and Maidstone. With Legio and Wind just barely missing. It's ridiculous for me to pick KCU in last but that's what I'm doing.
Ah well.....THE BIG MATCH: Stones vs Legio in Round 2.
Group D
Now I hate to say it, but this Group feels like the Group of Life. I see only ONE team with a legitimate chance to advance here and even that team is a tossup. This Group is wide open so I'm going with Avs and Freaks to advance in a battle of futility. THE SMALL MATCH: 'Pus vs Freaks in Round 5.
(I know I'm going to catch hell for that but it's all just a literary device, you know.)
Endland vs. Sweden: 1-1 Draw.
Good luck to you Swedes and English out there today. I gotta say, the Swede supporters are a little better looking....
PS: Where is Wales in this World Cup?
There's a real world cup going on??? T'rific to see you finally posting, what with the opening ceremony tonight and all. I was getting a little worried you had forgotten about the BCup ;)
You predict a draw for Sweden v Inger-lund?! Nonsense! The dirty Swedish players will jump all over Rooney's foot in the first 10 minutes, sending him off to hospital; the ref will red card the offending Swedes; Inger-lund to win 3-0 against 9 men.
The Rat has spoken.......
I thought all the world's problems were caused by the US! 300 million South Americans can't be wrong ;)
Foiled again! ;)
Pity there are only a few games left.
The matches have been on here at 6/7/8/9 a.m. and this week at noon. I could take a long lunch and go home to watch. So I've caught much of the Cup.
And my 3-year old daughter has been waking up every morning asking "Daddy, can we watch soccer?" See, it's my fatherly duty to watch the World Cup.
btw-My kids' favorite new summer activity is going out in the back lawn, so they can practice their dives..."just like that guy from Ghana/France/Portugal/etc..." Acting skills seems to be one area where the U.S. squad has always been sorely lacking. Start 'em young--so we can catch up with the rest of the world, I say!
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