I have updated the 'introduction to the cup' page for the new season and have included almost everyone's team badge. Unfortunately I cannot seem to view Anfield's badge and Sea Lane do not have one on their team page so they are not represented on the intro page. If you guys could email me a copy of your badges then that would be appreciated.
I haven't done a plea for contributions for a while so I will make one here. If anyone wants their team page on this site updated or would like me to create/host one for them then please do let me know and I will get right on it!
On the intro page I have embedded the Hattrick theme song so it should play whilst you view it... sadly nothing plays for me when I view it. Whilst I suspect this is a problem with my computer I cannot be sure so if someone could tell me if they can hear the song when they view the intro page then I would appreciate it :)
My holiday is just about over now so the creative juices may stop flowing for a while... but you never know ;)
Can't hear the theme tune Jeff mate, how have you embedded it?
I think the problem may be that the sound file I have used is an #.asx file... this may not be playable in this format. The html I used was: "[bgsound src="Hattrick.asx" loop=1]" (replacing the square brackets for the traditional ones ;p)
The sound file is definately present but I may have to provide a link to it so people can manually activate it... what do you think?
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