Monday, June 05, 2006

He's Gone Mad!!

I just can't stop myself! I have spent my final evening of freedom (before having to go back to work) creating these Top Trumps monstrosities for you all to laugh at... or play with, throw darts at, etc etc etc ;)

Sadly, I have to admit, that I don't know all of your real names so that is why they may not appear on your card. If you can update me then I will update the cards :)

Click the link in the menu, print them off, back them onto card if you like, laminate them, emboss them with gold leaf... whatever you like!

You know you have arrived when you have your own top trumps card ;)

Have fun!

EDIT: I cannot believe I forgot to do any backings for the cards... this has been rectified and you can now download card backs from the Top Trumps page (page 4 on the menu). My most sincere apologies for this major gaff!

EDIT2: Bah, I thought I had spotted all the typos! Three cards have some incorrect information on them (Second row on page 2). As I am presently at work there is not much I can do about it but I will correct the error when I get home... apologies for any trauma caused to Maria for making her think she had won the US National Cup ;P


At 4:54 pm, Blogger patient boy said...

Wow, Jeff. You have really outdone yourself (which is not easy to do) with these recent updates. Cheers!

At 11:18 pm, Blogger Dan said...

Quality...absolute quality Jeff, have just wet myself laughing but am very proud to be the power card!

At 12:18 am, Blogger - Brett said...

Crickey, the wife really must have driven you mad to lock yourself away and do all these updates :)

They are top notch though J, as ever. Well done!

Just one thing, whoever gets the Ellwood card, cannot be beaten :(

Pah. I'll cheat. :)

At 12:36 am, Blogger Jeff said...

Cheers for all your kind comments folks!

As regards the Ellwood card it can be won by matching it against another one of the original BCuppers and choosing 'number of BCups'. This will then force a tie. According to Top Trumps rules tied cards are placed on one side and the next cards are drawn... winner takes all!

I have no life it is true!

At 12:31 pm, Blogger - Brett said...

Hrrrmmm.... good point!

Game on!


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