Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sweden 0-0 Trinidad

What a match! Sympathies to our Swedish friends here, but still, that was about as exciting as a scoreless draw can be.

For the record, this sort of match also is an example of why American fans get so frustrated when we hear people use the argument like "Oh, you Yanks always qualify for the Cup because most of the teams in your region are so small and bad anyway." If the last 5 years of international football have taught anything, it's that the difference among all national teams is a lot less than it used to be. Trinidad finished fourth in our region and had to win a two-leg playoff against Bahrain to get to the Cup to begin with.


At 11:23 pm, Blogger Jeff said...

I heard tell that the USA doesn't even have a national professional football league (association footie, obviously ;)), is this true or have I been hearing bs?

What I have seen of the US team it looks pretty good and fully deserves it's place in the WC... far more than our team at the moment :/

We used to be good... honest!

At 6:29 pm, Blogger patient boy said...

You have been hearing BS. We do in fact have a proper league ( that is now ten years old, as well as lower leagues. It is certainly still a growing sport, but the league has done reasonably well so far and is widely considered to be a major factor in the success of the US national team at the 2002 World Cup. The league does have its quirks. Among them is the fact that we do not play on the international FIFA calendar -- our league runs from spring to fall and as a result is in mid-season right now. We don't even break for the Cup -- three matches are being played today.

The Brooklyn crew also follows the Premier League and the English side closely. So we are pulling for England, but man they did not look so good against Paraguay...


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