Thursday, November 10, 2005

Thank you

Thanks very much for all the messages of support and congratulations that have been recieved. It was a great moment in Ellwood's history and hopefully the first of many cups.

Now, lets get that Brooklyn Cup back where it belongs!!


At 3:27 pm, Blogger patient boy said...

I have no idea what you are talking about. The Cup is already back where it belongs.

[Slurps coffee from trophy.]

At 4:09 pm, Blogger johnsic said...

You don't have to believe everything you hear, but you can believe THAT.

At 7:48 pm, Blogger patient boy said...

[Opens trophy case, moves Cup 4 inches to the left.]

OK Maria, how's that?

At 9:55 pm, Blogger johnsic said...

Actually, it's rightful spot is about a block and a half south of it's present location. Boyd's place is merely a staging area for it's final resting spot at 477 Hicks.

Have we ever thought about getting a real cup, or would that be to real for a virtual game?

At 11:47 pm, Blogger patient boy said...

What, you thought I was kidding about slurping the coffee?


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