Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The First Annual Tony Tuesday Award

(Thanks Boyd, for reminding me about this!)

The first Annual Tony Tuesday Award goes to: Brooklyn FC. (Runner Up: Saltopus)

Let me give you a little bit on the criteria. First, there has to be some modicum of success to win the Tony Tuesday Award. Also, there has to be some tragedy as well. Tony Tuesday is a drunk at a local dive bar here in Brooklyn who makes pizzas for a living. He annoys women, speaks in toungues, and is a generally disgusting figure. But he probably makes good pizza. It's all good here in Brooklyn.

In awarding Brooklyn FC the first Annual Tony Tuesday Award, Im taking a few things into consideration. These are:

1. A decent run in the Brooklyn Cup
2. Losing to upstart KCU TWICE in the Group stage
3. Seeing his good friend, Michael Boyd of Bonerfried, win the Cup before him as the founder of the Cup is his own little personal tragedy, escpecially when going into the season he thought this might be 'his year' given the safe series position compared with Bonerfriend fighting for a Qualifier.
4. Having Brooklyn FC leave Brooklyn is a tragedy for us in Brooklyn.

Saltopus could not have come closer in the voting by beating Ratz twice and not making the Finals. His post about the Raiders didn't help him either.


At 3:32 pm, Blogger patient boy said...

Scotty and his fiancee moved last week. Elvis has left the building.


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