More tomorrow when I have recovered the power of speech. In the interim, consider this:
30 Aug 1971: Boyd born
30 Aug 1997: Hattrick born
30 Aug 2005: FCB scores biggest win in B-Cup history
Coincidence or fate? You be the judge....
Support website for the competitors of the Brooklyn Cup competition.
More tomorrow when I have recovered the power of speech. In the interim, consider this:
Not only did Boyd Bring the Cup home, but he brought it home on his birthday no less. Quite a birthday gift for the 29 (+5) year old, eh!?
I suppose it was only a matter of time before one of our colonial cousins got lucky and managed to steal the Brooky Cup from it's rightful home in Europe.
KCU would like to congratulate Bonafide on a great cup run.
I have returned the links to the previous seasons statistics in the menu bar (season XXIV needs a menu created for it which I have yet to do but should be accessible in the near future) as requested by some of you stat-freaks ;)
As a anecdotal exercise I decided to see where everyone ended up. This is what I found. Nobody outright relegated at least!
But I don't mean beating stones and take the 5th place in DLI. ;-)
Oops. So Jeff is quite correct that you cannot double-book a venue for friendlies. As a result, let's try this:
Apparently, there have been some complaints amongst the ranks of the DLI team managers regarding the lack of attention that the group of failed teams get from the B-Cup's chief prgnosticator and official totemaster - also know as Johnny the WOP - also known as Johnny Sic - also known as yours truly.
1. Do I have to support someone in this final match? Yes, I have to support Boyd, clearly, though I'm not naturally inclined to do so.
Here are the official fixtures and venues for the final matchday. Just for fun, we are starting all matches in England and Wales so that we can see them all at the same time. (Suspension of disbelief, please, as we have double-booked some venues...)
First off I want to congratulate Jimmy on a great match and a really excellent B-Cup season for KCU. Our semi could have gone either way. More importantly, congratulations on the baby, which is great news. Welcome to the ranks of fatherhood.
I'm cooked! Damn!
Right back atcha Jimmy. I have a funny feeling that I am going to lose this one by a narrow margin.
Holy Shit, I'm a bit nervous. LOL
Nice work on the site.
I have spruced up the old blogger a little and will continue to refine it over the next couple of weeks. The comments have now finally been sorted out so you can post away!
Congratulations to each of the four semifinalists. Even Boyd. It's clear to me now that I actually deserved to lose that match, though I am still pissed off about it.......
Congratulations to each of the four semifinalists. Even Boyd. It's clear to me now that I actually deserved to lose that match, though I am still pissed off about it.......
Some might call it match fixing, others might call it managerial savvy. It is true that with just hours to go before the match and an injury hole in my lineup, I plunked down $150K on a high-skill set piece guy in inadequate form and took a risk on him in my lineup. The payback was two sweet goals against BenditintheWind. BUT THEN it got even sweeter when that guy scored two more goals last night in a crucial, crucial 2-1 win in my league that will likely be the difference in avoiding autorelegation. Again I say: Best. $150k. Ever.
Last week was tough for me.
Because Ellwood and Ratz decided to forgo the scheduled 5th place semifinal matches, Delta and I will be playing the 5th place FINAL at the Rat Hole THIS week. Ratz and Ellwood can battle it out for 7th next week, if the they really want to.
whoops, I already set up the next match with System 3Loc...
from the rules: "In all stages the top seed will play at home against the lowest seed; second best seed will play at home against second lowest seed, etc."
After all the sturm und drung, we are left with the following matches (home teams first):
I am travelling at the moment with only very brief internet access. Official fixtures will be posted by either me or Scotty later tonight, so hold tight on those challenges. Remember due to the seeding process for next year EVERY TEAM will continue to play over the next two weeks to determine exact placement.
Had I beat Boyd, I would have joined Ellwood in the ranks of the Worldbeater. Son of a biscuit-eater!
More evidence.....what am I supposed to do?
If anyone wants to see the biggest 'job' ever in a match, check out mine with the Boner Boyd. Are you KIDDING me??
Great picks Johnny. And good luck to you in the final.
Very excited to be here.
Well, at least i am top of something this year!! Well done to Scott. Concentrate on staying out of the relegation zone now in my league. Good luck to everyone left in.
Wow. All I have to do is advance to the quarters and someone will win it.
In the interest of somehow justifying my title of 'Information Minister' I thought it was about time I did some stats!
People of the B-Cup Nation:
Back in late June, I included the following line in a post about technical rule changes: "2. B-Cup playoff fixtures and brackets will be held according to the bracket generated by Cupmanager (since we do not have the ability to re-seed and override)."
My best mid-fielder went down tonight, (its a good thing i'm done in my series). Sigh, and I thought I was going to make a B-Cup run.
So KCU sweeps BFC and 'Pus sweeps Ratz? What is going on here? Next thing you know planes crash with everyone walking away.....