Wednesday, August 31, 2005


More tomorrow when I have recovered the power of speech. In the interim, consider this:

30 Aug 1971: Boyd born
30 Aug 1997: Hattrick born
30 Aug 2005: FCB scores biggest win in B-Cup history

Coincidence or fate? You be the judge....

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

By the way...

Not only did Boyd Bring the Cup home, but he brought it home on his birthday no less. Quite a birthday gift for the 29 (+5) year old, eh!?


I suppose it was only a matter of time before one of our colonial cousins got lucky and managed to steal the Brooky Cup from it's rightful home in Europe.

To be honest I expected it to happen sooner or later as you guys are starting to look as if you know what you are doing on a football pitch now (e.g. you no longer try to grab the ball and run it over the goal mouth... too often).

I had visions of Scott lifting the Cup, majestically, over his head, biceps rippling; or Sic filling the cup with lager and chugging it down to the grunts of his teammates; or Maria, delicately taking the cup from Dan and sauntering off with it to some glitzy celebration party.

Any of these would have been expected and within my understanding as a fellow human being.

But why, oh why, did you have to let Boyd win it?!?!?

I may never sleep soundly again!



KCU would like to congratulate Bonafide on a great cup run.

The cup is home that's all that matters. When is the parade down Henry Street!!! We can march down to the Gowanus and back up, throw some rocks at the cars on the BQE and rob the "artists" moving into the new buildings on Court and Atlantic! Let's show the world how Brooklyn Hooligans do it. We can go to all the embassies of all the foreign teams in the Brooklyn Cup and burning effigies of the leaders of the world. Who's with ME!

The WOP is dumfounded.

Image Hosted by

Gee, how'd THAT happen?

Congrats Bonerfriend! The Cup comes HOME!

New Stuff and Old Stuff

I have returned the links to the previous seasons statistics in the menu bar (season XXIV needs a menu created for it which I have yet to do but should be accessible in the near future) as requested by some of you stat-freaks ;)

I have also compiled a list of the strengths of all the teams in the BCup and placed a link to it in the 'special interest' menu. This list compares the TSIs of each team in several ways. When I scout teams I always check out this info but tend to give more weight to the combined TSI of the best 11 players when I want to know how strong a team is. Hence my list is sorted by this value.


Monday, August 29, 2005

Congrats to the Series Champs

As a anecdotal exercise I decided to see where everyone ended up. This is what I found. Nobody outright relegated at least!


The Brooklyn Wind - 1st - USA Div. V
Brooklyn FC - 3rd - USA Div. IV
Bonerfried - 6th - USA Div. IV
Delta - 1st - Romania Div. V
Saltopus - 1st - USA Div. V
Chocalate Thunder - 1st USA Div. V
Ratz - 4th - England Div. IV
Ellwood - 3rd - Wales Div II
Avalanche - 1st - Sweden Div. V
Tigers - 5th - Sweden Div. IV
Direwolf - 3rd - USA Div. V
Presidents - 5th - USA Div. VI
Freaks - 4th - USA Div V.
Kings County - 3rd - USA Div. V
Maidstone - 5th - England Div. V
System - 2nd - England Div. V

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Yeeeees! We made it!!!

But I don't mean beating stones and take the 5th place in DLI. ;-)

I mean, WE REALLY DID IT! Follow the link above and have a look! :)

Now, we can relax and focus on avoiding the "Nobody-cares-about-DLI" next season...

What a wonderful world this is!!! :)

Good luck in your own decisive league matches.

Cheers mates

Friday, August 26, 2005

Neutral Site Venues

Oops. So Jeff is quite correct that you cannot double-book a venue for friendlies. As a result, let's try this:

Bonafide-Tigers at System

BFC-KCU at Ellwood

Ratz-Ellwood at Heacham Hornets
(Dan: note this ain't really neutral cause it's still in Norfolk, Jeff's region...)

Saltopus-Direwolf at Maidstone

System-CTFC at [TBD]

Avalanche-Maidstone at [TBD]

Presidents-Freaks at Ratz

For the two [TBD] matches, you guys can feel free to select a neutral venue of your own chosing, preferably in England or Wales but it can be anywhere really. Apologies for the mix-up.

A Quick Statement from the WOP

Apparently, there have been some complaints amongst the ranks of the DLI team managers regarding the lack of attention that the group of failed teams get from the B-Cup's chief prgnosticator and official totemaster - also know as Johnny the WOP - also known as Johnny Sic - also known as yours truly.

Well, I have to admit that I completely forgot about you group of underachieving losers and decided to spend most of the time talking about how I was going to win the B-Cup.

I apologize, really.

Here is my official B-Cup DLI prediction. The Pus 3, Wolves 1.

Happy now? Next time qualify for the second round and you'll be less forgettable.

Love you all. Sic.

I'm NOT satisfied with 5th or 6th place...

Beware of the Avalanche least not in the DLI that nobody seem to care about. Not even a small prediction
Next season...then... ;-)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Posting Picture

Jeff, how do I post my pic in the bio?

A few observations from my deck.

1. Do I have to support someone in this final match? Yes, I have to support Boyd, clearly, though I'm not naturally inclined to do so.

2. Congrats to Jay and Maria on your DLI Final berths. That will actually be be a great match.

3. My predictions turned out to be dead wrong, didn't they? I'm a Das Loser Totemaster.

4. Wish me luck on my winner-take-all series finale. I need it.

Good luck everyone and thanks for another splendid B-cup Season.


Here are the official fixtures and venues for the final matchday. Just for fun, we are starting all matches in England and Wales so that we can see them all at the same time. (Suspension of disbelief, please, as we have double-booked some venues...)

Bonafide-Tigers at System
David v. Goliath

BFC-KCU at Ellwood
Winner keeps a top seed for next season's group.

Ratz-Ellwood at Stones

Saltopus-Direwolf at Maidstone
Winner earns a top seed for next season's group

System-CTFC at Ratz

Avalanche-Maidstone at Ratz

Presidents-Freaks at Ellwood
Loser will sit out next season, winner survives.

What? I'm in the final?!?

First off I want to congratulate Jimmy on a great match and a really excellent B-Cup season for KCU. Our semi could have gone either way. More importantly, congratulations on the baby, which is great news. Welcome to the ranks of fatherhood.

Obviously this is an historic moment for the Bonafide. We have tasted semis before but never been to the finals. (Am I correct that I'm only the second US team to reach the finals, after Scott? Or am I forgetting something?) It's a great end to the season after surviving and winning the Group of Death.

There are several people I'd like to thank. I'd like to thank Johnny Sic for setting such long odds against the Bonafide -- now if I just manage to beat Le Tigre I can cash that ticket and my daughter can go to college. I'd like to think Habib Mahmoud for coming in at the last moment to beat Wind, and also Joshua Hollfeld for repeating that act last night. Finally, and most importantly, I'd like to thank those crazy programmers over at Hattrix Cupmanager for allowing Ratz, Ellwood, BFC and Le Tigre to all be placed in the same half of the playoff bracket and eliminate each other.

Now I must go review videotape of Tigers. Surely there must be a way, despite the fact that they have yet to lose. And they have only allowed three goals in the Cup.

2 missed chances

I'm cooked! Damn!

Great game Bonafide, good luck next week, bring that cup home.

If this was a league game it would have been a devastating loss for KCU, the Team Spirit would have taken a plunge off the deep end.

This loss really hurt, we dominated the midfield and possession but could not capitalize when we needed to. Our arena was probably ½ full with FC Bonafide supporters, and the rest were the WOPS army tossing flares at them, but nevertheless, we could not finish, a true sign of a green team. We need more experience.

Anyway, this one really hurt, so I’m going to mope over to my pregnant wife and try to explain to her why I’m so disappointed, she’ll just look at me with that look in her eye making this night that much more painful.

WOW, this loss really hurt! (mopes away, shaking head,)

Extreme blog renovation


A total extreme home make over. What a pleasant surprise!
So Jeff, how much are you going to charge us for this work? ;-)

Perhaps I can offer you my latest youth pull?
18 y.o. with a TSI of 20!? Oh, I forgot...I sacked that trash already before he entered the club house. *sorry*
But at least I'm offering you a "Thank's Jeff!". It's in a sense more like a cosy room now, and not so bloody bloggish any more. Great initiative! :)

Then to my question: Boyd (or was it Scott?...or maybe Jeff?) wrote sometime something about adding a new rule which meant that the lowest ranked team after this season will not participate in the next Brooky Cup. And that this empty spot then had to be replaced by another team.
I answered that a team in my league, Anfield IF (He also participate with a team in our Xpert Manager League under the same name) was eager to join us whenever we accept applications from new teams.
Now, he is still interested so what's the plan for next season?

N.B. Congratz to the Tigers who got clear to the final. HEJA SVERIGE!! (translated: Go Sweden!!)
...and right now it looks like the final will be a fight between Peters Tigers and Boyds Bonafides (KCU - Bonafide 1-3 after 65 minutes...) ...and Michael hasn't logged in yet!!? :D

Cheers mates

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Right back atcha Jimmy. I have a funny feeling that I am going to lose this one by a narrow margin.

And let's hope no one gets injured, cause one of us is going to have to face Le Tigre...


Holy Shit, I'm a bit nervous. LOL

Good luck Mike, at least there will be one Brooklyn team in Brooklyn's way.

Classic 5th Place Match.

Nice work on the site.

If anyone missed it, Delta and I played a classic 5th place match last night that went to PKs.

Three injuries, 2 yellows, a red card, extra time and PKs.

Oh, and somehow I won.


I have spruced up the old blogger a little and will continue to refine it over the next couple of weeks. The comments have now finally been sorted out so you can post away!

I would also like to issue my usual appeal for any contributions such as your Blog Profile, and images you wish to put up, any 'special interset' pages you have made etc etc etc.

Feel free to criticise/comment on any of the changes I have (will) implement in as thorough way as you like :)

Monday, August 22, 2005

My Congrats to All Winners

Congratulations to each of the four semifinalists. Even Boyd. It's clear to me now that I actually deserved to lose that match, though I am still pissed off about it.......

It's what happens to teams with a bunch of good midfielders and nothing else.....

My Congrats to All Winners

Congratulations to each of the four semifinalists. Even Boyd. It's clear to me now that I actually deserved to lose that match, though I am still pissed off about it.......

It's what happens to teams with a bunch of good midfielders and nothing else.....

The Sweet Taste of the Semis

Some might call it match fixing, others might call it managerial savvy. It is true that with just hours to go before the match and an injury hole in my lineup, I plunked down $150K on a high-skill set piece guy in inadequate form and took a risk on him in my lineup. The payback was two sweet goals against BenditintheWind. BUT THEN it got even sweeter when that guy scored two more goals last night in a crucial, crucial 2-1 win in my league that will likely be the difference in avoiding autorelegation. Again I say: Best. $150k. Ever.

On the other hand, maybe it's just the Bonafide's intimate familiarity with being the victim of match fixing in high-stakes crosstown B-Cup matches that has taught us how to do it "Brooklyn style"... (see, e.g.: 2/12/04 FCB 2-3 BFC, 5/22/03 FCB 2-3 BFC, both losses on late "penalty" calls, along with my related press releases)

On another note, I am thinking that my semi match against KCU will be the first time in B-Cup history that a player will face his former team. I purchased Gonzalo Villabajo from Jimmy on the open market earlier this season. (Thanks Jimmy...) I am not aware of any players serving more than one B-Cup team other than Brad Denton and Dom Carmona, but I don't think BFC and Direwolf have played one another since that trade. Is anybody aware of other players, or will this be a B-Cup first?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Two shites = $5

Last week was tough for me.
I lost a crucial match in my league, so promotion looks like a longshot, unless I can outscore the other 1st-place team in league matches by 8 goals the next 2 weeks. Plus I was eliminated from the BCup, and screwed up the DLI schedule. But, leave it to HT to give my club some good news:

"Gained money for a player that has previously belonged to the club: 5.0 US$"

5th Place Final at The Hole

Because Ellwood and Ratz decided to forgo the scheduled 5th place semifinal matches, Delta and I will be playing the 5th place FINAL at the Rat Hole THIS week. Ratz and Ellwood can battle it out for 7th next week, if the they really want to.

This is of course if anyone really gives two shites.
Which I doubt.

Cheers everyone.

Friday, August 19, 2005



Just kidding. Direwolves/Thunder it will be. Wolves will be the home team. Both should be great matches.

As to the KCU/Bonafide match, that was my mistake. KCU is the home side in this one.

DLI mixup

whoops, I already set up the next match with System 3Loc...

Um....maybe my star player was refusing to report for training, so I was a little distracted....

I looked at the matchups and pictured brackets, not seedings. I realize now that, as the #1 DLI seed, I'm supposed to play the #4 seed (Choco-Thunder), rather than the #2 listed team (S3Loc).

All I can propose is that Thunder and Wolves play the other match. I think this works out better for each of you, based on "seedings", as you each play a lower seed (#3 or #4) than you would have otherwise (#1 or #2).

Should I be the Home Team?

from the rules: "In all stages the top seed will play at home against the lowest seed; second best seed will play at home against second lowest seed, etc."

I'm a higher seed, unless i'm missing something. Let me know!

Oh My God, the Semifinals

After all the sturm und drung, we are left with the following matches (home teams first):

FC Bonafide
v. Kings County United

Brooklyn Tigers
v. Brooklyn FC

The 4th place matchups (home teams first):

v. Delta

v. Ratz

DLI Winner's Bracket (home teams first):

1 Saltopus v.
4 Thunder

2 System v.
3 Wolves

DLI Elimination Bracket (home teams first):

5 Avalanche v.
8 Presidents

6 Stones v.
7 Freaks

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fixtures and refutations

I am travelling at the moment with only very brief internet access. Official fixtures will be posted by either me or Scotty later tonight, so hold tight on those challenges. Remember due to the seeding process for next year EVERY TEAM will continue to play over the next two weeks to determine exact placement.

In addition, I will of course be issuing detailed refutations of Sic's allegations, with accompanying press announcements lauding a clearly brilliant managerial decision to buy the match-winner just hours before the kickoff....

Best. $150K. Ever.

And to Add Insult to Injury

Had I beat Boyd, I would have joined Ellwood in the ranks of the Worldbeater. Son of a biscuit-eater!

Highest Midfield Ratings of this B-cup

More evidence.....what am I supposed to do?

1. Ellwood Ellwood - Maidstone Reunited excellent (very high)
Bajen Avalanche Bajen Avalanche - Saltopus excellent (very high)
2. The Brooklyn Wind FC Bonafide - The Brooklyn Wind excellent (low)
3. Brooklyn Tigers Brooklyn Tigers - Presidents excellent (very low)
4. Brooklyn Tigers Brooklyn Tigers - Direwolf Athletic solid (very high)
Brooklyn Tigers Brooklyn Tigers - The Brooklyn Wind solid (very high)
Ellwood Ellwood - Brooklyn FC solid (very high)

I Quit this Ridiculous Competition

If anyone wants to see the biggest 'job' ever in a match, check out mine with the Boner Boyd. Are you KIDDING me??

I call match-fixing!!!!
Damn it!!!!!

great odds

Great picks Johnny. And good luck to you in the final.

I have a few teams to play before I am bestowed the title of worldbeater. See Jeff the problem is that the Das Losers Invitational isn't included and that's where I like to spend most of my time. Although I think even if the DLI was included I probably would still have a couple of teams to play. Maybe next season.


Very excited to be here.

Three of the four teams left are from Brooklyn, this is our best chance yet to bring it home.

The Brooklyn International Cup

Well, at least i am top of something this year!! Well done to Scott. Concentrate on staying out of the relegation zone now in my league. Good luck to everyone left in.

I hold the power!

Wow. All I have to do is advance to the quarters and someone will win it.

I was certain I had played 3loc but looking through the archives, I guess it was Ellwood, Tiger and Delta in my first B-Cup group. Yes. I didn't "meet" Bret because we played in the same group but because I was in with Ellwood and he wanted me to beat him. ;)

Gizza Job!

In the interest of somehow justifying my title of 'Information Minister' I thought it was about time I did some stats!

I have trawled through all the old records and games and have come up with the definitive list of 'Worldbeaters' (Those teams that have played every other current BCup team at least once!). Okay, here is the unabridged list:


A little small I think you will agree :P

So here is a breakdown of who has yet to play who in this mighty competition! (Check the list and let me know if I have missed a game... it IS possible :P). Please remember this title is only open to those teams who have played each other in official BCup matches and does not include 'normal' friendlies or the Das Losers Invitational:

Ratz v Direwolf
BFC v Direwolf
BFC v Delta
Bonafried v Direwolf
Bonafried v Stones
Wind v KCU
Avs v Choc (This one amazed me!)
Avs v Direwolf
Choc v Stones
Choc v Delta
Choc v Pres (wtf have you been doing all this time Tom? ;))
Direwolf v KCU
Direwolf v Stones
Direwolf v 3loc
Direwolf v Freaks
Tigers v Stones
Tigers v Freaks
KCU v Stones
Delta v Pres
Pres v Freaks
3loc v Freaks
Pus v Freaks

I will try to remember to tick off these matches when/if they ever occur and dish out the titles as they are won.

The ironic thing is that as Danny is already a 'Chic Magnet' the title of 'Worldbeater' would be a step down the ladder... so I will leave you where you are for now ;)

Who will be the first (titled) Worldbeater???

Cue music!

#dun dun DUN!#

Monday, August 15, 2005

The WOP's Finals Odds

People of the B-Cup Nation:
After a short hiatus I am back to bring you Finals odds for Season XXVI Brooklyn International Cup. The group action - if you know what I mean, he he he - has been unbelievably great over the past six weeks. KCU beats BFC twice to qualify for the first time and win the group, the 'Pus beat Ratz TWICE and FAIL TO QUALIFY. What?

And now we are left with four quartfinal matches for the ages. I know what you're thinking, these brackets don't look right, and they don't. But we're geared up for a cinderella story, a dark horse. Someone is going to make it to the final match that wasn't supposed to be there. And without further dew, the Finals OOOOODS.

Le Tigre (2-3)
A resurgence in Tigre in B-cup play has them positioned as the clear favorite to bring the Cup back to the babes of Sweden and away from the uglies in Wales. Having played them twice in the past 6 weeks, I think they're unbeatable, but I don't think they will win. They get to face Ratz in the quarters - are you kidding me?

The Wood (1-3)
I will lop it off, really, if they win this thing again. They're good, they control the ball, they're the 2-time defending champ. They won't win. No way. No how. They get BFC in the opening match, and they will lose. By the way, I'm dating a Welsh chick these days. She positively lovely. I can't believe it.

BFC (1-4)
All. The. Way. Almost. Carmona doesn't give up a goal until the Final match running through Ellwood and Ratz to get there. Scotty is currently selling his house and might actually buy a real live excellent keeper for the neighborhood soccer team with it. Stay tuned.

Dirty Ratz (1-4)
The Ratz have been stinky this season. They lost at the hold TWICE and backed into the Finals by virtue of a Avs win against the Pus in the last match. They've had some bad luck lately, but I'm not sure if any of us feel very bad. Yet I have a funny feeling he might upset Le Tigre.

The HATED Bonerfried (1-150)
Lose 0-3 to the Wind in the first round. It's pretty simple. They never had a chance.

The Brooklyn Wind. (2-5)
They are geared up and positioned to win. And believe you me, they will. If Liverpool could do it......

Kings County Reunited (25-1)
Such a great run so far, but they seem to be on their way down in form and luck. Great Group run, no finals run.

Rasurital Delta (25-1)
Maybe? Na, no way. Strong run in the national cup doesn't translate to the B-Cup.

Match Predictions

Bonerfriend 0-3 Wind
KCU 0-2 Delta
Tigre 1-2 Ratz
Ellwood 2-3 BFC

Wind 2-1 Delta
BFC 2-1 Ratz

BFC 1-3 Wind

Cup Champ: The Brooklyn Wind

Don't everyone gun for me now....

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Back in late June, I included the following line in a post about technical rule changes: "2. B-Cup playoff fixtures and brackets will be held according to the bracket generated by Cupmanager (since we do not have the ability to re-seed and override)."

My suspicions were correct. For most of the history of the B-Cup we have arranged playoff fixtures by an "American style" seeding process. Cupmanager, however, uses a traditional "FIFA style", where for example Group A #1 will face Group D #2 and vice versa. Anyway, the bottom line is that Cupmanager has set up the playoff fixtures differently than we have done in the past. However, in order to keep continuity with the automated features of the Cupmanager, we are going to go with what they have set up. As a result, first round fixtures with home team first are:

Ellwood-Brooklyn FC

Obviously remember CUP RULES.

First round DLI fixtures are:


Feel free to email or HT mail me with any questions. Best of luck to everyone. Bring on the Wop for postseason odds!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm Fooked

My best mid-fielder went down tonight, (its a good thing i'm done in my series). Sigh, and I thought I was going to make a B-Cup run.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The 'Pus and KCU

So KCU sweeps BFC and 'Pus sweeps Ratz? What is going on here? Next thing you know planes crash with everyone walking away.....

Are you KIDDING me? Suddenly I feel very vulnerable against the Direwolf tonight........

Monday, August 01, 2005

Oh oh, that paparazzi boyd...again!

How the hell did you...ah, never mind. You catched me and the fans when we were "training" before the match against Anfield in my league. That's why we're dressed upp in red.
Normally we wear...or rather I wear green and white (the colours of Bajen Avalanche) and the girls nothing at all.
So, you could say that this picture doesn't give you the full picture! ;-)

N.B. You catched me unshaved this time...early in the morning, when this photo was taken, but I like the style. If you ask me, more fashionable than Jeff! :DX

You just wait Michael..!!