Thursday, August 25, 2005

Extreme blog renovation


A total extreme home make over. What a pleasant surprise!
So Jeff, how much are you going to charge us for this work? ;-)

Perhaps I can offer you my latest youth pull?
18 y.o. with a TSI of 20!? Oh, I forgot...I sacked that trash already before he entered the club house. *sorry*
But at least I'm offering you a "Thank's Jeff!". It's in a sense more like a cosy room now, and not so bloody bloggish any more. Great initiative! :)

Then to my question: Boyd (or was it Scott?...or maybe Jeff?) wrote sometime something about adding a new rule which meant that the lowest ranked team after this season will not participate in the next Brooky Cup. And that this empty spot then had to be replaced by another team.
I answered that a team in my league, Anfield IF (He also participate with a team in our Xpert Manager League under the same name) was eager to join us whenever we accept applications from new teams.
Now, he is still interested so what's the plan for next season?

N.B. Congratz to the Tigers who got clear to the final. HEJA SVERIGE!! (translated: Go Sweden!!)
...and right now it looks like the final will be a fight between Peters Tigers and Boyds Bonafides (KCU - Bonafide 1-3 after 65 minutes...) ...and Michael hasn't logged in yet!!? :D

Cheers mates


At 2:32 am, Blogger Jeff said...

Cheers Claus... and a TSI 20 youth would be a vast improvement on my latest pulls :/

I hope to make a few further cosmetic alterations to the site shortly. It's just a question of time, as per usual! :)

At 2:53 am, Blogger Jeff said...

PS Anfield IF seems like a great idea... 'bout time we Euros had a 50% share of the Cup again ;)


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