Yeeeees! We made it!!!
But I don't mean beating stones and take the 5th place in DLI. ;-)
I mean, WE REALLY DID IT! Follow the link above and have a look! :)
Now, we can relax and focus on avoiding the "Nobody-cares-about-DLI" next season...
What a wonderful world this is!!! :)
Good luck in your own decisive league matches.
Cheers mates
That is FANTASTIC Claus!
I'm really pleased for ya mate. Hope you don't get beaten up too badly next season ;)
*Goes off immediately to change the settings on who can and who cannot post comments*
Gratz again Claus ;)
Phew I think we are safe now... I also took the time to delete all those 'spam' comments so now you only have quality replies from your blogpals Claus ;)
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