Thursday, June 30, 2005

Answer to Sic's question no. 2

Bajen Avs club director intend to continue to roll out the doormat whenever it will prove to be beneficial for the club on longer terms. But, Avs will not be as generous as last season with this kind of 'over-friendly gesture. This due to the newly introduced rules where you risk to be kicked out from Brooky, if you're too kind to your opponents. We've been in this cup since start in season 19 and have no intention whatsoever to leave you guys...even if it's "only" temporarily and "only" for one season. We like you all too this wont happen. I can assure you! (Don't you start crying now...please?)
However, being involved in a fight for the no. 1 spot in the league and the clear order from Avs coach not to lend out A-squad players to the Brooky Cup-team, if it's not absolutey necessary, will not increase Avs chances to reach the play-off this season...although we've been placed in a rather "easy group" with these annoying rodents from East Anglia, these defensive long-time rivals Bonerfrieds and then these salt pussies from 'over there'...we'll continue to use the red doormat also this season.
The only thing I for sure know is that it's going to be great fun and as exciting as always!

Good Luck to ya all! (except these dirty one's! ;-)
Go Avs Go!!!

Well well well

It's probably just as well that I have a walk in the first rpund as Delta are going strong!

So, it's that time again, and it's time to beat some arse. Although, having seriously reduced my squad this season, I'm not sure that I'll be as strong (was I ever) a contender for the losers invitational as last season.

But, we'll see.

Good luck to all.

Except Dan, who, after 31 years, the other day admitted that he was, in fact, NOT the only gay in the village.

Friday, June 24, 2005


I'll get around to doing a little research and making my assessment of this year's cup over the next several days. But as the Cup Manager Page so eloquantly puts it, "If Liverpool can do it, WHY NOT the Wind?" Hell, if Greece can do it, why not the Wind? Eh?

Some initial questions I have going in are:

1. Does Ellwood have what it takes to three-peat and finally solidify his spot as an 'elite' b-cup squad among all of us? One more and we'll actually be talking Dynasty, no?

2. What are the Avs going to do this season? Are they going to throw down the doormat and let you walk all over them or are they gearing up for a run? Last year's beating put them in a tought position with Ratz and the HATED Bonerfried.

3. Can someone other than Ratz, Tigre and Ellwood win this thing?

4. Who will be the first Worldbeater?

And finally,

5. The WOP has decided to lay out an award at the end of the Season called, "The WOP's Annual 'Tony Tuesday' Award." The Tony Tuesday award will go out to my 'favorite' team of the B-Cup campaign. Crtieria will be performance, involvement, innovation, ugliness, and a host of other elements of the season that will be chosen at my sole discretion. The Awardee will be chosen by me and only me. But, make no mistake, however, that I will fully disclose why the team and how they won in a very funny passage to be posted here, at this site, in this space - at the conclusion of this Cup. So, my final question is this. Who will win the First EVER Tony Tuesday Award?

Tigers, Oh My!

I think I've shared a group with the Tigers every B-Cup season I've been involved. Nice to see a couple of fresh faces, too. Wind and Presidents scare me; but still, variety is the spice of life.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fixtures Posted: It's On.

Rule changes and groupings are listed below. Fixtures have already been generated on the Cupmanager site. Please note that Delta is still alive in Romania and therefore B-Cup group play will start in Week 7, not this week.

In addition to the more extensive DLI format changes explained below by Scott, also please note the following minor rule tweaks, both of which are compelled by automated features within Cupmanager:

1. Default wins will now be awarded 3-0.
2. B-Cup playoff fixtures and brackets will be held according to the bracket generated by Cupmanager (since we do not have the ability to re-seed and override).

Personally it seems clear that Group C is the Group of Death this year. Can't wait to see how that will shake out.

Bring on The Wop for the preseason odds!!!

B-Cup groupings

at long last....

Group A
Ratz 56406 ENG
FC Bonafide 71939 USA
Saltopus 229252 USA
Bajen Avs 101308 SWE

Group B
Brooklyn FC 70981 USA
Thunder 72057 USA
Genetic Freaks 228487 USA
KC United 8457 USA

Group C
Ellwood 177895 WAL
Maidstone 8008 ENG
System 57936 ENG
Delta 180587 ROM

Group D
Brooklyn Wind 72213 USA
Tigers 5740 SWE
Direwolf 70984 USA
Presidents 228484 USA

Competition changes

I've posted this before, but a refresher never hurts. In an attempt to add a little life to the competition, we've made a couple of changes to the Das Losers' Invitational. Essentially what we've attempted to add is a bit more incentive to the top and the bottom of the fixtures.

It occurs to me that many of you may not know how we establish groupings each season, so here's how it currently works:

B-Cup Semifinalists
Ratz 56406 ENG
Brooklyn FC 70981 USA
Ellwood 177895 WAL
Brooklyn Wind 72213 USA

B-Cup Quarterfinalists
FC Bonafide 71939 USA
Tigers 5740 SWE
Maidstone 8008 ENG
Thunder 72057 USA

DLI Semifinalists
System 57936 ENG
Direwolf 70984 USA
Saltopus 229252 USA
Genetic Freaks 228487 USA

DLI Quarterfinalists
KC United 8457 USA
Presidents 228484 USA
Bajen Avs 101308 SWE
Delta 180587 ROM

Basically, group play is constructed by randomly choosing one member of each of the 4 groups. That ensures that there is some reward for a good previous season and attempts to prevent the 'Group of Death' phenomenon we love so well. However, it tends to preserve the order of things as well, which is why we've instituted the following changes.

First off, the winner of the DLI will now recieve one of the top seeds (B-Cup semifinalists) for purposes of group play the following season. That way, the winner of the DLI now has an easier road to the Brooklyn Cup finals than in previous years. This, of course, means that two teams will slip one level each in terms of seeding; we will use goal differential in playoff matches to determine which of the semifinalists slips to the quarterfinal seeding group and which of the quarterfinal teams slips to the DLI group.

Secondly, we are instituting a relegation tournament to the DLI. The 4 teams that lose in the first round of the DLI will play in an elimination tournament using Cup Rules. The pairings will be determined randomly, and the matches will be played on neutral sites. The two winners of the first-round games are safe, while the two losers will play another match under the same conditions. The loser of that match must sit out a season, but can rejoin after that.

As I mentioned before, I already have 2 teams interested in joining; Sea Lane has been in the B-Cup before, and Anfield is an experienced team and happens to be run by a friend of Claus. I am thinking that it might be a fun thing to have a competition between the two clubs to see which team is permitted to join for next season; sort of a play-in game (or series of games). I have to check with them to see if they are intersted, of course. If that happens, we could extend this in a lot of ways.

I hope this is all clear; anyone with questions feel free to email or HT-mail me and I'll answer them the best I can.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Once again, here's a little status report that I'll update weekly...


Still Alive (and Holding Us Back)


Done and Ready to Rumble!

Le Tigre

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Xpert Manager League starts on Saturday June 4th

Hi all Brooky cupers, least those of you that have applied and got a team in our Xpert Manager League.

Finally we Brooklyn Cupers can meet each other in the very same league with equal starting conditions. It will be great fun and add some extra fire to the one and only and already existing Brooklyn Cup challenge. I have a feeling that the play in XpertEleven will create another dimension and feeling amongst us that have accepted the challenge to play in the same league under fair and equal conditions.
At least I myself think it will make the Brooky Cup more exciting when you meet your own league buddy (from Xpert Manager league) in The Brooklyn International Invitational Cup for another crucial match...and in order to maintain one's prestige you just HAVE TO WIN!

Anyway, this blog just to remind you of the fast approaching League start in Xpert Manager League.
On SATURDAY JUNE 4TH at 12.00 the referee will blow his whistle and your team is finally in action!
Don't miss out to log in and prepare your team before a.m. dead line.

GOOD LUCK to ya all!

N.B. The Xpert Manager League will create its own home page, so that other Brooky cupers that have chosen not to participate can focus 100% only on matters related to Brooklyn Cup and the team owners taking part in this awesome cup. Peace! :)

clarremarre - proud owner of Bajen Avalanche