Thursday, June 02, 2005

Xpert Manager League starts on Saturday June 4th

Hi all Brooky cupers, least those of you that have applied and got a team in our Xpert Manager League.

Finally we Brooklyn Cupers can meet each other in the very same league with equal starting conditions. It will be great fun and add some extra fire to the one and only and already existing Brooklyn Cup challenge. I have a feeling that the play in XpertEleven will create another dimension and feeling amongst us that have accepted the challenge to play in the same league under fair and equal conditions.
At least I myself think it will make the Brooky Cup more exciting when you meet your own league buddy (from Xpert Manager league) in The Brooklyn International Invitational Cup for another crucial match...and in order to maintain one's prestige you just HAVE TO WIN!

Anyway, this blog just to remind you of the fast approaching League start in Xpert Manager League.
On SATURDAY JUNE 4TH at 12.00 the referee will blow his whistle and your team is finally in action!
Don't miss out to log in and prepare your team before a.m. dead line.

GOOD LUCK to ya all!

N.B. The Xpert Manager League will create its own home page, so that other Brooky cupers that have chosen not to participate can focus 100% only on matters related to Brooklyn Cup and the team owners taking part in this awesome cup. Peace! :)

clarremarre - proud owner of Bajen Avalanche


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