I'll get around to doing a little research and making my assessment of this year's cup over the next several days. But as the Cup Manager Page so eloquantly puts it, "If Liverpool can do it, WHY NOT the Wind?" Hell, if Greece can do it, why not the Wind? Eh?
Some initial questions I have going in are:
1. Does Ellwood have what it takes to three-peat and finally solidify his spot as an 'elite' b-cup squad among all of us? One more and we'll actually be talking Dynasty, no?
2. What are the Avs going to do this season? Are they going to throw down the doormat and let you walk all over them or are they gearing up for a run? Last year's beating put them in a tought position with Ratz and the HATED Bonerfried.
3. Can someone other than Ratz, Tigre and Ellwood win this thing?
4. Who will be the first Worldbeater?
And finally,
5. The WOP has decided to lay out an award at the end of the Season called, "The WOP's Annual 'Tony Tuesday' Award." The Tony Tuesday award will go out to my 'favorite' team of the B-Cup campaign. Crtieria will be performance, involvement, innovation, ugliness, and a host of other elements of the season that will be chosen at my sole discretion. The Awardee will be chosen by me and only me. But, make no mistake, however, that I will fully disclose why the team and how they won in a very funny passage to be posted here, at this site, in this space - at the conclusion of this Cup. So, my final question is this. Who will win the First EVER Tony Tuesday Award?
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