Sorry Claus
Certainly the Wind is a supporter of Avalanche football, but I had to let someone go to allow Jay to support me in return. I know you understand.
Can you remaining gents throw your damn Cup matches so we can get the show on the road?
Support website for the competitors of the Brooklyn Cup competition.
Certainly the Wind is a supporter of Avalanche football, but I had to let someone go to allow Jay to support me in return. I know you understand.
John, I'm also sorry for the same reason as Jeff that I haven't been able to support your team in return. But as I'm a loyal and serious employee, working for the Brooklyn Cup Federation as chic magnet you must understand that I have to look after the interests of this Fed and reserve my supporting tool with tactical caution.
Soccer to Test Ball With Microchip Beep
Sorry you see it that way, John, it would be a shame for me to lose you as a supporter.
It occured to me recently that only three of 5 teams that I support actually support me. That changed with the addition of Saltopus and the dropping of Bajen Avalance. It also means that I am supporting Dirty Ratz for no apparent reason because he's not a supporter of the Wind. I'm willing to drop him to if someone wants to support me in return.
Some of the fruit of my Winger training is finally maturing.
Your challenge has been accepted. The gauntlet has been thrown down. I'll have a go at the mighty Brooklyn Wind.
I'm afraid that I may be joining the ready to rumble group after today's inevitable defeat. I got all screwed up with the holiday and just now realized that I was playing today, sooooooo I have an injured keeper playing and a bunch of guys from my B team. DAMMIT!
Jeff - Congrats on kicking your habit of manually managing the BCup stats! Now maybe you will finally have time to take up smoking. Or spend more time at work and with family. I mean the other, real family.
I thought Jeff was the Englsih chap who declared "If the Welsh win I'll cut me balls off." There had to be one of them anyway. Of course, he wouldn't have 'the balls' to do it because he's English.
Sorry if I have appeared absent for a while. I have been away on holiday for a few days recently but I am back now honest!
Anyone know what has happened to Jeff???? Has he been eaten by a giant rat???
With Boyd down in Florida with his family, I thought I'd fill in and update on the Cup status. What is amazing is that 12 of 16 teams are alive in their respective Cups going into Round 4. We're getting pretty good I'd say.
A neutral ground would be fun. Each team can submit their bids to host the final. So much money kicked back to the organizers, special mass transit projects to alleviate the increase in traffic to and from the stadium, and new luxury boxes to be installed in time for the event, not to mention the TV deals. We're talking millions and millions of dollars!
John, you are the master of the double post. I guess you just really want to get your point across.
Now that we can select any arena to play matches in, maybe a different team could host the B Cup final every year. Just a thought.
I think we were seeded as fourth Division teams eventhough we proved to everyone last season that we actually weren't. I'm playing away for my 4th Cup match as well. Damn it.
I think we were seeded as fourth Division teams eventhough we proved to everyone last season that we actually weren't. I'm playing away for my 4th Cup match as well. Damn it.
I will be playing my fourth cup game next week after beating my third opponent yesterday and I have yet to play a home game. What's with that?!?!?!
This would seem to open up some possibilities....
I will say this: Vasectomy is much less painful when done as a medical procedure.
If that were the case, I think the England-Wales matches would top the England-Argentina matches for fierce rivalry.
yet about the second testicle-ripping story, could it be that the 2 characters were also supporting different teams (say for the sake of story-telling, she was following England and he Wales). Could it be that the 2 stories have a common red herring?
I'm away for a couple of days and the B-Cup blog becomes testicle central.
A friend gave it back with "this is yours". Why was it identified? Does this imply the woman had a collection from various victims?
I would add a (7). She hid it in her mouth.
Hey John, at least I had enough class to just post the link! LMAO!
There are many things about this story that don't seem right. But for starters: (1) he's 37, (2) she's 24, (3) she's drunk, (4) she's asking for sex, (5) they are ex-lovers and (6) he says no. What??? Obviously I'm missing something. Maybe it's that English sense of propriety that compels a 37-yr-old single guy to decline his 24-yr-old drunk horny ex. Now he wishes that he hadn't, I'm sure.
I'm pretty sure this all comes back to the Welsh ladies, because this would never happen in Sweden.
*laughs and laughs and laughs*
Sorry to disappoint you lads but this was not me!! Unfortunately i had already chopped mine off after winning the Brooklyn Cup but as this competition doesnnot carry the same esteem as the 6 nations Eng v Wales match nobody covered my story!!
This wasn't you was it Jon? Sounds like you guys need all the "cups" you can get. Ouch.
Scott, as another unfortunate winger trainer, I can understand your desire to trade... Winger prices are so low, it is annoying - such a valuable class of players being treated with such contempt by the price-makers... :-). I'll be switching training in 2 weeks - probably bad timing to do it on the bottom of the curve, but I've got to do something... My calculation long time ago (3,4 seasons? who knows) was that I would change a winger say brilliant for similar player - defender, pm, etc, but that calculation does no longer hold any water...
Dan, this isn't you right?????
Is anyone interested in discussing a possible trade for a Brilliant winger?
How does the whole LOGO thing work? I'm frankly clueless, but wouldn't it be nice if we could have a logo designed for the B-cup that the winner gets to display as long as he holds the crown?
That's some pull. The next thing you ought to do is send an HT-Mail to the manager of the American U-20 team and let him know about your player. They have owners they work with who want to train potential NT players and you might find they're willing to bid a lot to keep Americans being trained at home.
I'm pretty happy about this youth pull. Unfortunately, I've decided to train defending right now and I need the money. But I put him up for bid 6 hours ago, and someone already bid at $1.39 million:
So far so good in the HT Cup. Except, poor Presidents...that was a tough Cup loss...