Monday, February 28, 2005

Sorry Claus

Certainly the Wind is a supporter of Avalanche football, but I had to let someone go to allow Jay to support me in return. I know you understand.

Can you remaining gents throw your damn Cup matches so we can get the show on the road?

Lost supporter...

John, I'm also sorry for the same reason as Jeff that I haven't been able to support your team in return. But as I'm a loyal and serious employee, working for the Brooklyn Cup Federation as chic magnet you must understand that I have to look after the interests of this Fed and reserve my supporting tool with tactical caution.

You just weren't enough long-haired..! ;-)

N.B! In the coming cup round I'm up against a top team in div III. And as he already stated that he is sorry to kick my ass out of the Sverigecupen (truly sorry! =) I hereby declare that I will cease to exist as a show stopper in the forth coming Brooky Cup XXV!

I'm ready for you guys...and aspecially The Wind who abandoned me! ;-)

Cheers mates

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Proud Supporter

For the record, the Brooklyn Wind is a proud supporter of Dirty Ratz football.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Digital Ole?

Soccer to Test Ball With Microchip Beep

I think it should play digital music like cell phones do. Ole Ole would be the logical choice...

You'll notice Wales is in the news again. They are just on the cutting edge these days. So to speak....;)


Sorry you see it that way, John, it would be a shame for me to lose you as a supporter.

Sadly we can only support 5 teams and when I get a spare slot (for example when a team I support loses their HT supporter package) I always support the team who has supported me the longest that I don't already support (if you get my meaning?). Personally I'd like to support everyone in the BC (along with a few others) but without more slots this is impossible.

Currently I have 12 supporters and constantly feel guilty that I cannot return the honour to 7 of them. Consequently I fully understand if any of those 7 dropped me and am grateful to them for having supported me for so long as it is... especially as my newsletters have been few and far between for a while now (or maybe that is a good thing? ;)).

PS My webprovider is still not accessible at the moment hence the lack of a final update. I have sent several emails to them without any helpful response so far :/

Friday, February 25, 2005

Supporter Update

It occured to me recently that only three of 5 teams that I support actually support me. That changed with the addition of Saltopus and the dropping of Bajen Avalance. It also means that I am supporting Dirty Ratz for no apparent reason because he's not a supporter of the Wind. I'm willing to drop him to if someone wants to support me in return.

Sorry Claus. Someone had to go.

Now I am going to look at those Wingers below.

Shameless Commerce

Some of the fruit of my Winger training is finally maturing.

Mario Jutras (30290750) 21 years, solid form, healthy A controversial person who is balanced and honest. Has wretched experience and wretched leadership abilities. Speciality: Head
Total Skill Index (TSI):
4 340
1 176 US$/week including 20% Bonus
Brooklyn FC
Set Pieces:

Miroslav Tenev (20799592) 22 years, poor form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is temperamental and honest. Has wretched experience and passable leadership abilities.
Total Skill Index (TSI):
7 610
2 880 US$/week including 20% Bonus
Brooklyn FC
Set Pieces:

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I'll take that action

Your challenge has been accepted. The gauntlet has been thrown down. I'll have a go at the mighty Brooklyn Wind.

Friendly anyone?

I got smoked last night in the cup, anyone up for a pre-cup exhibition?

ready to rumble

I'm afraid that I may be joining the ready to rumble group after today's inevitable defeat. I got all screwed up with the holiday and just now realized that I was playing today, sooooooo I have an injured keeper playing and a bunch of guys from my B team. DAMMIT!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Jeff - Congrats on kicking your habit of manually managing the BCup stats! Now maybe you will finally have time to take up smoking. Or spend more time at work and with family. I mean the other, real family.

btw, thank you all for the sympathy messages sent to Saltopus team members. I have no idea what the hell happened in the final 3 minutes of my Cup loss. Except it's happened before. I walked away from my computer just as we scored in the 88th minute to put me up 4-2...only to later find out I'd lost 5-4 in sudden death. Must be some mix of bad stamina, low experience, whatever. Of course, I'm also soliciting more supporters for my team, so feel free to stop by my team page and sign up.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Fort a minute there.......

I thought Jeff was the Englsih chap who declared "If the Welsh win I'll cut me balls off." There had to be one of them anyway. Of course, he wouldn't have 'the balls' to do it because he's English.

Bitter irony that is.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Still here folks!

Sorry if I have appeared absent for a while. I have been away on holiday for a few days recently but I am back now honest!

I have updated all my site pages but there appears to be a problem with my web host and I have been unable to update anything on the website except team stats and the finals page. :(

I will update the rest once I am able to use the ftp part of the wanadoo webhost again... shame really as this is the last time I will need to do this anyway!

I am finding increasing demands on my time at the moment from both home and work so it is probably a good thing that we are going to be moving away from this labour-intensive way of coordinating the stats and using the cup-manager site. Even so I am going to miss doing these stats every week as it has been part of my routine now for two years nearly!

Good luck to everyone in the next tournament.

The J Files!!

Anyone know what has happened to Jeff???? Has he been eaten by a giant rat???
Never known him so quiet. Maybe he is in hiding, after all he is English and you guys dont have to much to shout about after a) That football performance against Holland b) Cricket series versus South Africa and c) LOSING TO WALES IN THE RUGBY....yipeeeeeee!!!

Friday, February 18, 2005

In for Boyd, Cup Status

With Boyd down in Florida with his family, I thought I'd fill in and update on the Cup status. What is amazing is that 12 of 16 teams are alive in their respective Cups going into Round 4. We're getting pretty good I'd say.

(Love the idea of the Cup Final on a Neutral Field, by the way. I think we could campiagn for the honor and vote as a group.)

"Still Alive (and Holding Us Back)"

Done and Ready to Rumble!
Genetic Freaks

more on BC final

A neutral ground would be fun. Each team can submit their bids to host the final. So much money kicked back to the organizers, special mass transit projects to alleviate the increase in traffic to and from the stadium, and new luxury boxes to be installed in time for the event, not to mention the TV deals. We're talking millions and millions of dollars!

the master

John, you are the master of the double post. I guess you just really want to get your point across.

James, that is an intersting idea. I think I like it. Definitely something to consider.

Tom, I really know how you feel.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

New Arena Rules

Now that we can select any arena to play matches in, maybe a different team could host the B Cup final every year. Just a thought.

Tom, I know hou you feel

I think we were seeded as fourth Division teams eventhough we proved to everyone last season that we actually weren't. I'm playing away for my 4th Cup match as well. Damn it.

Tom, I know hou you feel

I think we were seeded as fourth Division teams eventhough we proved to everyone last season that we actually weren't. I'm playing away for my 4th Cup match as well. Damn it.

US Cup home games

I will be playing my fourth cup game next week after beating my third opponent yesterday and I have yet to play a home game. What's with that?!?!?!


This would seem to open up some possibilities....

2/13/2005 New feature: Neutral friendlies
It is now possible to challenge teams for a friendly to be played at any arena, not just your own and your opponent's. Choose "Other..." for venue in the challenge forms, then you will be asked to supply the ArenaID. If the arena is in another country than any of the teams it counts as an international friendly. Matches are played at the match time of the arena's league. For instance, two Spanish teams arranging a friendly in France, will have the match played at France's match times.

As before, if you travel abroad, you will pay the travel costs. The owner of the arena has nothing to gain from the match, except the honour of hosting it. As before, income is split between the two teams playing the match.

When you "collect flags", matches played on neutral ground do not count.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Re: Interesting Note

...and Jones is a common Welsh name.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Interesting Note

Both of the ball losers were named Geoff.

full story

I will say this: Vasectomy is much less painful when done as a medical procedure.

I guess every few years we need the topic of rendered genitals to occupy our time (e.g. John & Lorena Bobbitt, Braveheart, etc). Somehow now we are blessed with two such stories.

Apparently, here is the rest of the story (below) as written on another blog. I'm wondering, how did they go from drinks w/friends-->argument-->struggle-->"completely naked"?

A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison.
Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage when Geoffrey Jones, 37, rejected her advances at the end of a house party, Liverpool Crown Court heard. She pulled off his left testicle and tried to swallow it, before spitting it out. A friend handed it back to Mr Jones saying: "That's yours."

Monti admitted wounding her boyfriend and was jailed for two-and-a-half years.

...'Pulled hard'

Sentencing Monti, Judge Charles James said it was "a very serious injury" and that Monti was not acting in self defence. The court heard that Mr Jones had ended his long-term but "open relationship" with Monti towards the end of May last year. The pair remained on good terms and on 30 May she picked him up from a party in Crosby and went back for drinks with friends at Mr Jones's house.
An argument ensued and Mr Jones said there was a struggle between them. In his statement, Mr Jones said she grabbed his genitals and "pulled hard".

He added: "That caused my underpants to come off and I found I was completely naked and in excruciating pain."

The court heard that a friend saw Monti put Mr Jones's testicle into her mouth and try to swallow it.
She choked and spat it back into her hand before the friend grabbed it and gave it back to Mr Jones. Doctors were unable to re-attach the organ.

In a letter to the court, Monti said she was sorry for what she had done. She said: "It was never my intention to cause harm to Geoff and the fact that I have caused him injury will live with me forever. I am in no way a violent person." The letter added: "I have challenged myself to explain what has happened but still I just cannot remember. This has caused much anguish to me and will do for the rest of my life."

English & Welsh: Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know

If that were the case, I think the England-Wales matches would top the England-Argentina matches for fierce rivalry.

ripping and stuff

yet about the second testicle-ripping story, could it be that the 2 characters were also supporting different teams (say for the sake of story-telling, she was following England and he Wales). Could it be that the 2 stories have a common red herring?

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Nice Blog, this

I'm away for a couple of days and the B-Cup blog becomes testicle central.

First off, I am ready to make you all a wager: If I win the B-Cup this year I will rip Johnny Sic's balls off. You have my solemn promise.

Second, Maria ought to rip the balls off of the owner who beat her in last week's Cup match. That's a tough loss.

Third, back to Delta's point: Trades are not ILLEGAL, not in the least. The only thing that has changed is the fact that we cannot now list our players well above market value to ensure that there is no competition for them.

Teams who want to trade now are allowed to do so. All we have to do is list at or below market value and follow the bidding to make sure that we end up with each others' player. There is a risk that another owner will step in and enter the bidding, but that can be taken care of with a bit of care. At any rate, if anyone wants to make a trade with another owner, it is easier today than it was previously since GM approval is no longer necessary.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Number 8

A friend gave it back with "this is yours". Why was it identified? Does this imply the woman had a collection from various victims?

I'm a little puzzled over Wednesday's loss, too. I suspect he MotSed. Either that or he was just lucky - he won in OT.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Number 7

I would add a (7). She hid it in her mouth.
Now, this story has probably itself many more times in the history of humankind.

Getting back to Hattrick - Maria, DL B-Cup Champion of Season 24, how did you lose your second round US Cup match?

My theory

Hey John, at least I had enough class to just post the link! LMAO!

How exactly do you rip a testicle off with your bare hands??? I have a theory. :-)

Here's how it went down. This guy gave in to his ex after a night of heavy drinking. (as only a man can do when he runs into his ex girlfriend.) (mistake number one)After wearing him down he agreed to go back to her place. (mistake number two) On arriving at her place, both in a drunken stooper, they entered her flat and began the dance of the devil, passionately ripping each others clothes off. The two sinners were hot for each other and between bouts of the spins were able to remove the rest of their clothes and find the bedroom. Being sloppy drunk isn't really conducive to effectively satisfying your partner, which both of them were learning real quick. She was getting more and more angry with him and his lack of enthusiasm, and before too long she simply lost it. It may have something to do with the fact that he finally just passed out. (mistake number three)Having enough, she started beating on him until he came to. Between her drunkeness and his poor performance she went totally berserk, at which point she proceeded to rip off his testicle with her bare hands. "Now", she says, "maybe I can get some satisfaction." With puzzlement on his face and his hands on his groin, he looked at her through tear filled eyes. She stared back at him with a look of triumph and said, "everybody knows that a ball in the hand is worth two in the bush."

Welsh babes, fine. English babes, maybe not.

There are many things about this story that don't seem right. But for starters: (1) he's 37, (2) she's 24, (3) she's drunk, (4) she's asking for sex, (5) they are ex-lovers and (6) he says no. What??? Obviously I'm missing something. Maybe it's that English sense of propriety that compels a 37-yr-old single guy to decline his 24-yr-old drunk horny ex. Now he wishes that he hadn't, I'm sure.

Thu Feb 10, 9:56 AM ET Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - A British woman was sentenced to two and a half years in jail Thursday for ripping off her ex-lover's testicle with her bare hands during a drunken brawl after he refused her sex.

Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage in May last year after Geoffrey Jones, 37, who had ended their long-term relationship, rejected her advances.

She grabbed him by the genitals, tearing off his left testicle, then hid it in her mouth before a friend of Jones handed it back to him saying "that's yours."

Monti, of Birkenhead, near Liverpool, pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding at an earlier hearing.

It all comes back to the Welsh ladies

I'm pretty sure this all comes back to the Welsh ladies, because this would never happen in Sweden.
I'm sorry I posted the story on this site by the way. It's actaully hauting me and fascinating me at the same time. I'm such a sick bastard that I actually researched the event and found out the poor lad actually walked back into the pub wearing a kilt.

I am tempted to research this even further over the weekend and find out the history of such events in the story of humankind as we know it. I have to believe the total number of male humans who have lopped off their own nutsacks in all of history has got to be under ten. I also have to believe they were all Welsh.

No balls and no glory

*laughs and laughs and laughs*

Dan, you blew your 15 minutes of fame on simulated soccer! Doh!

As for the other Welsh fan, at least his friends know he'll keep his word.

Welsh fan . no testicle

Sorry to disappoint you lads but this was not me!! Unfortunately i had already chopped mine off after winning the Brooklyn Cup but as this competition doesnnot carry the same esteem as the 6 nations Eng v Wales match nobody covered my story!!

IT wont be long till i am out of the welsh cup cause a)if i win there is nothing to cut off anymore and b) league survival is my aim!!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Trouble in Cymru

This wasn't you was it Jon? Sounds like you guys need all the "cups" you can get. Ouch.

Tuesday February 8, 10:28 AM

Welsh rugby fan cuts off testicles after win

LONDON (Reuters) - A Welsh rugby fan cut off his own testicles to celebrate Wales beating England at rugby, the Daily Mirror has reported.

Geoff Huish, 26, was so convinced England would win Saturday's match he told fellow drinkers at a social club, "If Wales win I'll cut my balls off", the paper said on Tuesday.

Friends at the club in Caerphilly, south Wales, thought he was joking.

But after the game Huish went home, severed his testicles with a knife, and walked 200 metres back to the bar with the testicles to show the shocked drinkers what he had done.

Huish was taken to hospital where he remained in a seriously ill condition, the paper said. Police told the paper he had a history of mental problems.

Wales's 11-9 victory over England at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff was their first home win over England in 12 years.

Re: Now that we're talking about transfers

Scott, as another unfortunate winger trainer, I can understand your desire to trade... Winger prices are so low, it is annoying - such a valuable class of players being treated with such contempt by the price-makers... :-). I'll be switching training in 2 weeks - probably bad timing to do it on the bottom of the curve, but I've got to do something... My calculation long time ago (3,4 seasons? who knows) was that I would change a winger say brilliant for similar player - defender, pm, etc, but that calculation does no longer hold any water...

I thought however that trades are now prohibited, as they were to be done at a higher price than "market", which is currently forbidden?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Dan, this isn't you right?????

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Now that we're talking about transfers

Is anyone interested in discussing a possible trade for a Brilliant winger?

I've got a player I'm looking to move; Miroslav Tenev has Brilliant wing, Solid passing and Passable defending. More than anything else, I need help either up front or at CD, but I would be willing to discuss anything. HT-mail me if you've got any interest.

thinking aloud

How does the whole LOGO thing work? I'm frankly clueless, but wouldn't it be nice if we could have a logo designed for the B-cup that the winner gets to display as long as he holds the crown?

Also, is it possible to design a smaller logo designed to go with a team's existing logo, identifying them as a former B-Cup champion?

Hell, I'd even go so far as to say we should do the same thing for the DLI, but I'm not the one doing the work.



That's some pull. The next thing you ought to do is send an HT-Mail to the manager of the American U-20 team and let him know about your player. They have owners they work with who want to train potential NT players and you might find they're willing to bid a lot to keep Americans being trained at home.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Ute Pull

I'm pretty happy about this youth pull. Unfortunately, I've decided to train defending right now and I need the money. But I put him up for bid 6 hours ago, and someone already bid at $1.39 million:

Jimmie Beaulieu (54323386)
17 years, passable form, healthy A controversial person who is temperamental and upright.
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.

Nationality: USA
Total Skill Index (TSI):  1 950
Wage: 819 US$/week
Owner: Saltopus
Warnings: 0

Stamina:   weak  Goaltending:   disastrous 
Playmaking:   passable  Passing:   inadequate 
Winger:   inadequate  Defending:   wretched 
Scoring:   solid  Set Pieces:   wretched

Friday, February 04, 2005

One casualty

So far so good in the HT Cup. Except, poor Presidents...that was a tough Cup loss...

I love the realistic description generated by hattrick:
"What was Andrea Coluccia thinking? That's what everyone wondered when he for no apparent reason shot a cross pass over his own penalty area, giving Michael Scroggins an extra chance..."