Friday, February 11, 2005

My theory

Hey John, at least I had enough class to just post the link! LMAO!

How exactly do you rip a testicle off with your bare hands??? I have a theory. :-)

Here's how it went down. This guy gave in to his ex after a night of heavy drinking. (as only a man can do when he runs into his ex girlfriend.) (mistake number one)After wearing him down he agreed to go back to her place. (mistake number two) On arriving at her place, both in a drunken stooper, they entered her flat and began the dance of the devil, passionately ripping each others clothes off. The two sinners were hot for each other and between bouts of the spins were able to remove the rest of their clothes and find the bedroom. Being sloppy drunk isn't really conducive to effectively satisfying your partner, which both of them were learning real quick. She was getting more and more angry with him and his lack of enthusiasm, and before too long she simply lost it. It may have something to do with the fact that he finally just passed out. (mistake number three)Having enough, she started beating on him until he came to. Between her drunkeness and his poor performance she went totally berserk, at which point she proceeded to rip off his testicle with her bare hands. "Now", she says, "maybe I can get some satisfaction." With puzzlement on his face and his hands on his groin, he looked at her through tear filled eyes. She stared back at him with a look of triumph and said, "everybody knows that a ball in the hand is worth two in the bush."


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