Sorry you see it that way, John, it would be a shame for me to lose you as a supporter.
Sadly we can only support 5 teams and when I get a spare slot (for example when a team I support loses their HT supporter package) I always support the team who has supported me the longest that I don't already support (if you get my meaning?). Personally I'd like to support everyone in the BC (along with a few others) but without more slots this is impossible.
Currently I have 12 supporters and constantly feel guilty that I cannot return the honour to 7 of them. Consequently I fully understand if any of those 7 dropped me and am grateful to them for having supported me for so long as it is... especially as my newsletters have been few and far between for a while now (or maybe that is a good thing? ;)).
PS My webprovider is still not accessible at the moment hence the lack of a final update. I have sent several emails to them without any helpful response so far :/
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