Monday, March 26, 2007

The Brooklyn Youth Premiership is born!

It may be a little premature, but I created a league called the 'Brooklyn Youth Premiership'. If anyone has any better names, lets post them up here and have a vote. We'll all then need to submit our Youth Team ID numbers (I'd suggest up here) so the teams can be invited.

I'm not sure what the deal is with regard to the leagues, you can have up to 16 teams, and it can be national, regional or international. Not sure on the fees for playing an international youth friendly.

So how many people are def interested, post here and we can decide when/where to set up a league, and who should organise it.

Personally I have scrapped the old system of youth pulls as it's a new start so I thought, why not!?

Oh, and my youth teams name?

system 3loc!!!!


At 11:19 pm, Blogger Jeff said...

I am the Mucky Mice FC (58944)... kinda predictable too :P

At 1:36 am, Blogger James said...

KCU Juniors!!!

At 1:45 am, Blogger - Brett said...


At 8:18 pm, Blogger Jeff said...

Doesn't seem to be too popular. What do you want to do Brett?

At 11:22 pm, Blogger James said...

I'm holding off until i can know for sure that it wont cost me anything to play in an international league. The rules are not clear if they will charge me travel expenses each week, couple that with the b-cup matches on neutral ground, my already fragile financial situation could get worse.

At 6:14 pm, Blogger - Brett said...

Not sure really Jeff, but nee to make a decision asap to get the most out of the youth invstment. I have knocked it down to 4, with reefs joining up today, we need one more. May take a look at the public leagues a little later hen i have more time. seems a shame tho....

any ideas?


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