Friday, January 26, 2007

New team: Röda_Stjärnan

Please welcome the newest addition to the B-Cup, Röda_Stjärnan of Sweden, and its manager Susanne. Claus has kindly fulfilled his traditional function by convincing Susanne to join us. She has been playing HT for about 9 seasons and I'm pleased to have her on board.


At 6:07 pm, Blogger Dan said...

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At 6:07 pm, Blogger Dan said...

Welcome to the B Cup Susanne, enjoy

At 11:31 am, Blogger Jeff said...

Likewise... welcome aboard!

At 12:52 pm, Blogger Jeff said...

Hey, that's my speciality :P

At 8:30 pm, Blogger Dan said...

Did someone mention blondes!!

At 5:43 pm, Blogger johnsic said...

And welcome to Group D. This kinda changes things in Group D a bit, doesn't it? Better to have a blonde suzanne tan a brunette Bruce. Looking forward to welcoming you for real next week.

Another from Brooklyn.



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