Monday, December 19, 2005

Good Luck

to all you guys in the semi final. No excuses from me, just could not recover from auto losing 2 games. I will look forward to representing you guys in the new Hattrick Masters next season. Will get my arse kicked but at least can say i was in it!

Have a great Christmas and New Year to all of you my friends.


At 3:37 pm, Blogger patient boy said...

I will certainly be pulling for you in the Masters, even if you should cross one of the USA teams. What's national loyalty in the face of B-Cup pride? Please do not make too much money though, it's hard enough to keep up with you as it is.

At 5:20 am, Blogger Jeff said...

Have a great crimbo m8! And you keep on winning that welsh cup.... it means one less serious contender for the real cup competition ;)


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