Thursday, December 08, 2005


Did Boyd mention CUP RULES!!!!!!!!!

We went down to the wire with my picks. I hit a new high with 7 of 8 finalists. It was due to the defending champ Bonerfried that I was not perfect this year. You would think the DEFENDING CHAMPION would AT LEAST QUALIFY (!!!!!!!). He's not even trying to win his series or avoid relegation? As we were both on-line yesterday watching our matches, I jinxed him by telling him that all KCU needed was that 1 point. 5 minutes later - the equaliser was in the net. Son of a bitch, eh Boyd?

Still, in an age of parity and equlality in the B-Cup, where so many had a shot, I'm giving myself a pat on the back.

Good luck to everyone. I'll be handicapping the Finals over the weekend. I'll tell you though. It's wide open, isn't it?


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