I won! I beat the Ratz in The feared Rat Hole! :-)
It wasn't until I stumbled in on a secret message sent from Jeff to Jay where Jeff in a somewhat degrading way stated the following...
Head_Rat: "Anyway it is about time I ground Claus' non-xpert11 team into the dust again ;)Cheers for giving me the determination to do it next week :D"
...it was then I decided to bring my mid field giant Sandro Caredda to The Rat Hole, along with my A-keeper Gustav. I believe they were the ones that made the trick! Mua ha ha ha ha... ;-)
(The 3rd A-squad player - Anghel Pantea - was suspended last league match so he was also on the pitch when 'the-Miracle-in-The-Rat-Hole' took place!:)
Sorry for this Jeff, but you ought to know that I'm a bit sensitive when it comes to my precious Avs.
I tend to over-react when people try to beat my boys verbally...before a match ;-)
Eh..what? Return match? Next week!!! Ehm...don't try to interupt me while I'm trying to, in a most humble way, say 'welcome to Stockholm next week' to my dearest friend Jeff and his very very nice and clean ratz.
All for now...
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