You are welcome to the points ;)
I went to Iran in 1977 at the ripe old age of 8 years! In late 1979 we had a bomb thrown through the window of our house (fortunately it failed to detonate as I was watching it from 10 feet away!) and were then given 24 hours to leave the country by the British Embassy or else the Iranian police were going to arrest all British military personel and their families.
Scary stuff!
Being ushered through Tehran's airport by your parents whilst rich 'westernised' Iranians are thrusting millions of 'rials' (the currency of the time) at you begging for your airline ticket is a grim memory that will stay with me forever. We lost all the possessions we had except the clothes on our backs and a hastily packed suitcase.
My family is not exactly a stranger to these sorts of incidents but I digress.
Good win for the 'Pus... all I want to try and do now is avoid the DLI :/
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