Welsh Babes
I cannot speak for Brett but I lived in Bangor, Gwynedd (Wales) for a year when I was a young (fit, virile, studmuffin etc etc etc) man and can honestly say that there were lots of very fine young ladies there. I even slep... er... courted a few whilst I was there ;)
The only problem I had with the luscious young ladies was their accent... I find the North Welsh screechings (sorry Dan) to be particularly horrific first thing in the morning (Read: rude awakenings af a lovely warm dream-state) and this factor probably contributed (in no small way) to the short-lived nature of our assignations.
To be fair to the Welsh women though, there are many accents in the UK that I find an equally big turn-off (Essex, Liverpool, Newcastle for just three). In fact, I am very choosy about my accents when it comes to women... I like west coast Scottish accents and... well that's about it really ;)
So in summary: Welsh ladies are fine... as long as you can keep their mouths shut ;P
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