Saturday, January 03, 2004

Minor Alterations

I have finally cracked the Java problem that was causing Brett's team page to be functioning incorrectly (It all work perfick now, Brett ;)) and I have added Jimmy's teamsite link to the menu as well... go take a look ;)

Personally, Jimmy, I think what you have done is ace! My present site is actually site number 5 (I think) that I have designed for the Ratz (I wasn't very happy with the first ones) and I am in the middle of revamping that for season XXI (Yeah yeah, I know its half over but I am a busy man :P). It's hard at first because you are learning all the time and it's hard to know when to say enough is enough. Your site is simple, yet efficient. Best of all, it won't take all night (or half a season) to update it ;)

I am sure you will be adding more to it as you go... try to get people coming back again and again to it. This is what I have tried to do with mine... but I have still a ways to go :/

Great start mate... now I just have to get everyone else to do their own :P


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