Lack of coresspondance is due to the fact that I've been moving this last week. I won't have a 'proper' internet connection now until next Saturday!!!!!
I'm in the library now and will do my best to keep UTD.
Cheers me dears!
Support website for the competitors of the Brooklyn Cup competition.
Lack of coresspondance is due to the fact that I've been moving this last week. I won't have a 'proper' internet connection now until next Saturday!!!!!
Given the last round of matches, the playoffs today shape up like this:
All this weeks results, stats, tables and BrookStats have been updated... phew!
We are up to date with match reports now... just as we go headlong into week 6 ;)
As I've sent them along. As part of the reports, I added a bonus section called Down the Stretch, which tells you all what to expect in this playoff drive.
The week 4 reports are up on the site and (I am assured) week 5's will be on the way to me soon :)
I had never heard of this 'amicable owner award' until this moment. "Good windup" I thought... so I checked out the USA conference. It actually exists!
Go to the USA forum and look for "Sea21 Most Amicable Owners" thread and vote for the Head Rat!!! Here's the post:
I have finally finished updating the stats (I had to go to bed around 1am last night as I was falling asleep... sorry they weren't finished by then)
There was no way I was going to demolish your A team that way; when I saw the scoreline I understood immediately what must have happened. These are still friendlies, after all, but you're right in saying that the playoff round will be another story entirely.....
I have updated the tables and results only so far. I will finish the update when I finish work tonight (about 2230 hrs).
I kinda had to put out a 'second' side last night I'm sorry Scott. I hope that we can meet up again for a proper match up!
Things have been a little tight on this end for me here in the states. I will (attempt to) have recaps written for both last week and this week by the weekend. Especially considering the gravity of tonight's Group A Super-Match between System and Brooklyn. This is shaping up to be the best race ever in the Cup. Too bad for System they're going to have to take a pounding. It was such a nice story there for a time...
A glorious evenings work for the UK sides tonight... well done ladz ;)
It's 1am now, and I'm sinking the wine, with me boys on the 3loc.
Love the new stats!! Just one thing to be altered.....Time for Ellwood to get back on top after a couple of weeks F*****g around. I have apoliged to all my fans especially after losing to Bloc and then Brooklyn. Watch your back guys, my name is on the cup.
Cheers, Brett ;)
Great job on the stats, new name for Jeff:
Hey Peter does that include the knockout stages? ;)
I think I've got it right this time.
............. For the latest offering from the Brooklyn Cup's very own Information Minister!
System were lucky they got out alive. Due to heightened security concerns the Brooklyn fans were not allowed to bring in their size D batteries that they "lovingly toss" at the opposing players. Next time, if there is a next time!!!
"On behalf of the team, and myself, I would like to apologise for my disgraceful behaviour in the game against Kings County. It was totally uncharacteristic of me, and I would like to extend my apologies to the travelling fans. Whom I attacked after the game, with a tootpick."
The stats/results/tables have all been updated... I got over my paddy from last night ;)
I've switched to Boyd in order to accomodate the gentleman from England. Besides, that's what Scott, John, Julian etc call me anyway.
It is going to be even more interesting now we have two Michaels posting on here as well ;)
Well my first match is over and I have finally worked out how to add a comment to this site.
I cannot believe this dumbassed....... *** Please note that BLOGGER has edited this text as it contained an unacceptable number of profanities and disgusting swearing, this is not tolerated on a public blog *** ....... spreadsheet!
LOL at the match report for Me Vs Ellwood. A stirling job you've done there Scott.
I have added the week 3 match commentaries! Big cheers to Scott for his (as always) superb work on them :)
Hehehehehe... sorry m8 but I could not resist a little jibe ;)
Nice message on your team news page Jeff.
I have added some HT-Arena team pages to the mix. To make navigation easier I have partitioned the Team Pages section a little.
Good game Dan. Oh,hang on, 6-1? That's a 5 goal differential isn't it? Hmm?
I like it, Dan, there is a kind of 'rightness' about what you suggest ;)
Ask yourself, "Can this really be happening"??
...... to anyone who has tried to access the site in the last half hour or so.
Updated the tables, stats and added week 2 commentaries ;)
First, Scott, you beat my butt for the first time ever in our friendly. Then, after I have just finished all the stats for the week and am about to upload them you go and dismiss Sea Lane from the cup entirely... now I gots to go and redo it :P
This season's B-Cup has gone on with a couple of fits and starts.
Sorry they're late, but the week 2 Match reports were submitted last night and should be posted to the site ASAP whenever Jeff gets around to it. I'm just starting out with the week 3s right now, and I'll have them up by the weekend.
At last after many years of trying to log on i am eventually successful!!! Thanx Jeff m8.
Right back atcha, Brett. 3loc is ruling the school right now. First Ratz, then Ellwood....I'm starting to be glad I didn't wind up in Group A, even if I do have to (try to) deal with Tigers...
In that case, Scott, sort it out man, we have no time for peole to be lacklustre ;)))))))
2 goals against in the 85th minute, is that physically possible, to dash through the central line of defense, twice, all within one minute????? Damn!!!!
I dont write the commentaries... Scott does. Ask him where they are... or... you could write them and email them to me so I can upload them onto the site ;)
Hmmm. isn't it a strange coincidence that Jeff loses his first game, and we see sight nor sound of Week 2 Commenary ;)
All welcome our latest Brooky Cupper... Iamthenewno2 (wot a mouthful!) He is the manager of Maidstone Reunited (57203) and will be taking over from Dragons AFC and Sea Lane.
Aidan is a great name but rather unique, isn't it? Anyway, I got curious and looked it up (Google search was great Jeff..he he). I found that the name Aidan belongs to men with cultural skills, such as authors, writers, musicians and photographers. Well, fine I thought...but then I SAW IT - Probably why you have chosen that specific name -
Excellent news, mate! Fan-fecking-tastic :D
Just a little note to let everyone know that I am still here and I am still playing Hattrick. I have not logged on in a little while and for good reason. My wife and I welcomed a new addition to our family at 1:27 pm New Years Eve. He weighed 8 lbs 11 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. We named him Aidan. After staying at the hospital with mom and baby for the past four or five days we brought him home yesterday and everything is going great. I would like to continue in the BC, but I may miss a match or two more. I just found out today was Monday. lol. I will do my best to set up and play my matches from here on out. Good Luck to all, and a Happy New Year to ya!
I have been thinking about this for a long time but have always decided it would be too much of a pain to do... "What is this idea?" I hear you cry... Well i have been thinking that this site needs some sounds (especially the title page) but I do not have any good ones to use.
I have finally cracked the Java problem that was causing Brett's team page to be functioning incorrectly (It all work perfick now, Brett ;)) and I have added Jimmy's teamsite link to the menu as well... go take a look ;)
Please check out my team site and tell me what you think.
Happy New Year!