Friday, January 30, 2004


Lack of coresspondance is due to the fact that I've been moving this last week. I won't have a 'proper' internet connection now until next Saturday!!!!!

I'm in the library now and will do my best to keep UTD.

Cheers me dears!

Playoff redux

Given the last round of matches, the playoffs today shape up like this:

System v. Quakes (!)
Tigers v. Ellwood
Ratz v. Avalanche
Bonafide v. Brooklyn

All of the Group A teams are decided; Quakes, Bendit and Delta all have a chance to win the 4th spot in group B.

Which would leave the Losers Invitational with the following:
Maidstone v. Thunder
Bendit v. Presidents
Kings County v. Idali
Rasaritul Delta v. Saltopus

I have recieved confirmations from everyone except Saltopus and Idali that they would be involved in the invitational. I'll post the final schedules next week. Both will be knock-out format, so check back here after each round for your next match if you're still in.


All this weeks results, stats, tables and BrookStats have been updated... phew!

For this week please note that I have included all scorers who have made two or more goals only. If you think one of your lads should be up there but isnt then do let me know ;)

It seems to be a three horse race for the golden boot this season... but with 9 of the top ten scorers likely to make it to the playoffs there could be many more goals to come ;)

Name (Team) Goals
Joseph Putnam (FC Bonafide) 8
Bernard Harden (System 3loc) 7
Hugo Manuszewski (Brooklyn FC) 7
Danny Pears # (System 3loc) 5
Edgar Lynn (Dirty Ratz) 5
Walenty Srebrny (Brooklyn FC) 5
Dewayne Fountain (Brooklyn FC) 4
Elimelech Cohen (Brooklyn Tigers) 4
Jake Dunbar (Kings County Utd.) 4
Ryan MacTire @# (Dirty Ratz) 4

What's this? Ryan MacTire just peeking into the top ten? Go Ryan! ;)

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Why is it snowing again? Someone make it stop!!!!!

Added Week 5 match reports

We are up to date with match reports now... just as we go headlong into week 6 ;)

System has already won their game... I will update the site on thursday evening with all the results after the games are all done ;)

Now I gots to read the reports.... [Nafffrenchaccent]Scott, wiz all zeeze match reports you are really spoiling uz![/Nafffrenchaccent]

I guess that line will have a 'tumbleweed' effect with everyone but the Brits.... hohum, good thing I have no plans to give up my day job yet then, eh? ;)

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

5 should be up soon

As I've sent them along. As part of the reports, I added a bonus section called Down the Stretch, which tells you all what to expect in this playoff drive.

As part of that, if the season ended today, the playoffs would look like this (home team listed first):

Tigers (1B) v. Ellwood (4A)
System (1A) v. Bendit (4B)
Ratz (2A) v. Avalanche (3B)
Bonafide (2B) v. Brooklyn FC (3A)

The "Invitational"

United v. Thunder (or a replacement for Thunder)
Delta v. Presidents
Maidstone v. Idali
Quakes v. Saltopus

Winners of each game would advance, and the losers of each game would be out of the tournament and free to find other friendlies. The home team in subsequent matches would be determined by the team with the best regular-season record. So in the finals, Tigers would be guaranteed a home match no matter who they played; the same would be true of United in the Invitational.

If this holds, we will have some fantastic matchups (Ratz v. Avalanche and Bonafide v. Brooklyn) in the opening round. Lots can change, though. Should be really exciting.

And, as mentioned, congrats to the Head_Rat for getting his own little slice of cheese in the USA conference...

Timewarp Update

The week 4 reports are up on the site and (I am assured) week 5's will be on the way to me soon :)

Watch this space folks ;)

Saturday, January 24, 2004


I had never heard of this 'amicable owner award' until this moment. "Good windup" I thought... so I checked out the USA conference. It actually exists!

I cannot believe you guys have nominated me... that is such a cool thing to do... and a little embarassing! ;)

Clearly I don't deserve to win, but the fact that you guys have thought highly enough of the (small) effort I put into this site is absolutely fantastic and really, really, unexpected.

It takes a great bunch of lads & lasses to make a great competition, not just one or two... so in my humble opinion, this competition is the greatest there is ;)

*Raises Pint*

Cheers to us all!


Go to the USA forum and look for "Sea21 Most Amicable Owners" thread and vote for the Head Rat!!! Here's the post:

Ok, the bid and nomination committee (uh, that's me) would like to thank everyone for their bids and support.

There are scores of tremendous owners in the HT world, but these six have been selected as....


They are, in alphabetical order... (please hold your applause until the entire list of nominees has been read):


Please post votes here. On your honor, please cast no more than one vote.

You are welcome to campaign for your favorite nominee, just don't do it in this thread... that'd be like campaigning for a real election on site at a polling place... it's verboten!

Voting will close on February 6th, eve of the final week of the season. The black-tie awards dinner and VIP part ywill be held the following weekend to honor The Season 21 HT Most Amicable Owner" as voted by their peers.

Have fun, best of luck to the nominees, and I hope to see you all at the party.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Updated Stats

I have finally finished updating the stats (I had to go to bed around 1am last night as I was falling asleep... sorry they weren't finished by then)

I have added a 'home' button in BrookStats so that you dont have to use excessive 'back' buttons ;)

I am likely to be tied up with year 11 reports this weekend so I wont have much time to work on BrookStats... hopefully they will be sorted by next season ;)

Thursday, January 22, 2004

I figured as such

There was no way I was going to demolish your A team that way; when I saw the scoreline I understood immediately what must have happened. These are still friendlies, after all, but you're right in saying that the playoff round will be another story entirely.....


I have updated the tables and results only so far. I will finish the update when I finish work tonight (about 2230 hrs).

3loc is still top of group A by the advantage Scott gave to them over the Dragon AFC debacle (ie It is not an error by me :P)

Not an excuse.....

I kinda had to put out a 'second' side last night I'm sorry Scott. I hope that we can meet up again for a proper match up!

I kinda slipped in the league this last week with mey first defeat and have to place emphasis on coming top even though I'm not chasing promotion (that's next season!).

I am still joint top on points, so it was a calculated decision, but rest assured, come the knock out stages, there will be NO mercy!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004


Things have been a little tight on this end for me here in the states. I will (attempt to) have recaps written for both last week and this week by the weekend. Especially considering the gravity of tonight's Group A Super-Match between System and Brooklyn. This is shaping up to be the best race ever in the Cup. Too bad for System they're going to have to take a pounding. It was such a nice story there for a time...


A glorious evenings work for the UK sides tonight... well done ladz ;)

I have updated results and tables (but not stats or BrookStats yet... until after the weeks games are complete).

I will try to get more time to add the features I would like to to BrookStats this weekend but there is trouble ahead...........

*cue suspense music*

My school is undergoing an ofsted inspection at the beginning of February (For the colonials that means a bunch of government busybodies giving us poor teachers some serious grief for a week... allegedly! ;)). This could cramp my style in Hattrick/Brooky Cup for a bit. I apologise in advance if this slows down the regular service provided by your information minister.

Everything will get done but it may take a little longer than usual ;)

Damn my sense of duty!


It's 1am now, and I'm sinking the wine, with me boys on the 3loc.

Red wine.

I'll 'av ya on the picth!

Honeymoon period over!!

Love the new stats!! Just one thing to be altered.....Time for Ellwood to get back on top after a couple of weeks F*****g around. I have apoliged to all my fans especially after losing to Bloc and then Brooklyn. Watch your back guys, my name is on the cup.

Its coming home to the land of wellies and things that go baaaaa!(for our american friends, wellies are things you wear on your feet when it is muddy, the sheep love um)

By the way, its 12.30 on a wednesday morning and a few beers have been sunk after a tremendous thraaaashing at the Ellwood arena of octupus!!!!


Bring it on Bloc, give me some banter! Hic!

Ratz Ratz Ratz

Kicked my Brooklyn ASS, all around England!

Sunday, January 18, 2004


Cheers, Brett ;)

Most Misunderstood is one of the categories of stats from HatStats that I have shamelessly half-inched ;)

Basically the number generated is from the cards your players get in a match: 1 point per yellow card and 2 points per red card.

If this doesn't make it any clearer just goto HatStats and see their explanation ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Most misunderstood

Great job on the stats, new name for Jeff:

Rat_Statto! Or, Ratstatto. Italian for ....

Now, most misunderstood?

I've no idea WHAT you're talking about!?


Really cool, great job!

The Unveiling!

Hey Peter does that include the knockout stages? ;)

Well BrookStats is now up and running for the first four weeks of the cup... I will add pages to it as the weeks go by ;)

It is not in it's final stage yet but I am too knackered to do any more on it tonight... Lookout for even more 'exciting' features on it ;D


I think I've got it right this time.
Took me some time to figure out what to do with it, but as I wrote earlier "Eureka"

In my last game I played my reserve GK just to make an end to this bet, before the stakes gets even higher. I dont want the poor guy to go bankrupt because of it :=) But it didnt make any difference, instead I managed to score plenty of goals , more then ever before. So from now on the reserve keeper is first choice for the rest of the cup.

Friday, January 16, 2004


............. For the latest offering from the Brooklyn Cup's very own Information Minister!

He brought you a website, complete with flames and bouncey letters! He brought you a blogger with the ability to hold meaningful (read: meaningless ;)) conversations! He brought you lots of useless statistics complete with team colours!..... And now, 'Head_Rat Media Productions Inc.' brings you.......

......... BrookStats

The Brooklyn Cup's very own answer to HatStats!

*** Coming tonight on a Brooklyn-International-Cup-Website near you! ***

You were warned!

Hey Harden.......

"Go getcha shine box"

Brooklyn Welcome

System were lucky they got out alive. Due to heightened security concerns the Brooklyn fans were not allowed to bring in their size D batteries that they "lovingly toss" at the opposing players. Next time, if there is a next time!!!

Harden Speaks!

"On behalf of the team, and myself, I would like to apologise for my disgraceful behaviour in the game against Kings County. It was totally uncharacteristic of me, and I would like to extend my apologies to the travelling fans. Whom I attacked after the game, with a tootpick."


Um.... yes. Perfectly Bernard.


The stats/results/tables have all been updated... I got over my paddy from last night ;)

Brett I want to enrole your guys on an anger management course... they are total thugs! System is going to be the only team in history that is banned from playing in front of a crowd because of the players being too violent! ;)

As usual, Scott's super-recaps will be posted as they come in ;)

Thursday, January 15, 2004


Prsidents = Mike Fewx

A true gent !

Thanks Boyd :-)

What's in a name?

I've switched to Boyd in order to accomodate the gentleman from England. Besides, that's what Scott, John, Julian etc call me anyway.

Good point!

It is going to be even more interesting now we have two Michaels posting on here as well ;)

Maybe one of you could become a Mike?

The teams that have 'team pages' on the menu will have their proper names come up on their pages (Eg 'System 3loc... managed by... Brett Hollis' on the Java header on system's page). For teams without team pages (get those details emailed to me!) I am as much of 'the dark' as you, Mike.

Good idea tho ;)

Here are the ones registered on this site:

Scott Santandrea = Brooklyn FC
john siciliani = BenditinBrooklyn
Tom Natusch = Chocolate Thunder
Claus Nielsen = Bajen Avalanche
Jeff Beck = Dirty Ratz
James Mastoros = Kings County United
Michael Harvey = Maidstone Reunited
Dan Head = Ellwood
Christian Rufener = *Embarassed that he aint sure... Presidents or Rasa Delta I think :/*
Michael Boyd = FC Bonafide
Jay Gonzales = Saltopus
Brett Hollis = System 3loc

Confused of Maidstone

Well my first match is over and I have finally worked out how to add a comment to this site.

The one thing I can't do is put the names that appear here to the team names on the right, apart from Jeff anyway, so if you could be so kind could you 'own up' to your team, thanks.

I will start Maidstone Reunited = Mike/iamthenewno2


I cannot believe this dumbassed....... *** Please note that BLOGGER has edited this text as it contained an unacceptable number of profanities and disgusting swearing, this is not tolerated on a public blog *** ....... spreadsheet!

I have no idea what occured but I have lost all the collated stats from tonight's four American matches. I was really looking forward to getting the site updated within 15 minutes of the matches ending but now it's all gone mammaries-up!

Once I have had a sleep and calmed down a bit I will enter in all the stats again and sort them again and then update the website again!.

It all started when I noticed that choc had the worst injury record (according to the spreadsheet) "Just a sec!" I said "They have only played one game, how the f**k can they have 3 injuries?"

After spending 5 minutes trying to sort it out the dreaded 'illegal operation' message came up and the whole thing closed down... losing the data.

"Gosh!" said I. "Well blow me down with a feather! This is a jolly poor show, what!" (I may have used slightly different wording here).

To recap:
1) Rat did job
2) Computer threw wobbly
3) Rat blew top
4) Mrs Rat picking circuits and microchips out of carpet for next few weeks
5) Rat downed quick dram o' whiskey and buggered off to bed feeling most dis-chuffed!


Hope starts to fade

I suck, and now it's snowing!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004


LOL at the match report for Me Vs Ellwood. A stirling job you've done there Scott.

A pleasure to read them all as always. The highlight of my week.

Monday, January 12, 2004


I have added the week 3 match commentaries! Big cheers to Scott for his (as always) superb work on them :)

I have adjusted an error that worked its way into the stats page on the MVP list. I have also printied the full list of goalscorers (probably for the last time) so please do check that all is correct and let me know if I have messed up (my email is on my website, accessible from this page).

Keen eyed observers will have noticed that some players, on the stats page, have now got symbols next to them. These symbols show which players have managed to get on the lists of top goalscorers in previous brooky cups ('@' for season XIX, '#' for season XX), I thought it might be fun to do so ;)

I was toying with the idea of highlighting previous golden boot winners but as one of them is my own player (he aint on the stats sheets yet :() I decided not to as it may seem a little cocky :P

For future reference I will be trimming the lists of goalscorers (and other stats lists that get too long) for ease of presentation... the full stats lists are still on my spreadsheet so are not lost forever ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2004

RE: Some nobody team?

Hehehehehe... sorry m8 but I could not resist a little jibe ;)

I hope you do win the cup... If I aint going to win then I should hope another English team does... can't have these Yanks running the show ;)

If you do get over here I will personally take you out to a restaurant and a pub of your choosing and you will not have to pay a penny... I will even provide a bed for the night! I can't say fairer than that!

Incidentally this is a genuine offer and extends to anyone in the brooklyn cup... I would love to meet up with you guys at some point in the future ;)

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Some nobody team?

Nice message on your team news page Jeff.

When I win the Brooklyn Cup, I'm gonna make my way to East Anglia, and shove it right where the sun doesn't shine.

:) (or AM I joking?).....

New Team Pages

I have added some HT-Arena team pages to the mix. To make navigation easier I have partitioned the Team Pages section a little.

Friday, January 09, 2004

Advantage Smadvantage!

Good game Dan. Oh,hang on, 6-1? That's a 5 goal differential isn't it? Hmm?

Ha ha ha.

Jeff, could you link my new team home page into my profile somwehere please mate? Or maybe make the logo at the top a link also?

Cheers, and up the 3loc!


I like it, Dan, there is a kind of 'rightness' about what you suggest ;)

CongRatz on finally getting here btw ;)

Advantage to Bloc!!!!

Ask yourself, "Can this really be happening"??
"Can the committee really give System Bloc an advantage"??

My answer is award Ratz, ellwood and brooklyn extra points for having to take walkovers and........kick Bloc out all together!! LOL

C'mon you Welshies....baaaaaaaa!


...... to anyone who has tried to access the site in the last half hour or so.

I had major corruption on the server I use to host the stats pages and had to delete them all. After I re-uploaded them everything seemed to work fine.

If you experience any problems then simply hit Ctrl-f5 on the page you are having the problem on and everything should work fine.

Let me know if there are any problems you may find that I may have missed ;)

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Update for week 3

Updated the tables, stats and added week 2 commentaries ;)

I have also added a new stat: "Heroic Goalies". Each time a goalie's save is mentioned in the match report he will gain a point... lets give the unsung heroes a chance ;)

Cheers for the idea Michael.

Oh, and I have also updated the new FC Bonafide team logo... which I really like ;)

PS About your ideas, Scott, I like 'em ;)

Enough Already!

First, Scott, you beat my butt for the first time ever in our friendly. Then, after I have just finished all the stats for the week and am about to upload them you go and dismiss Sea Lane from the cup entirely... now I gots to go and redo it :P


A Ratz work is never done ;)

I will post the update soon!

*Goes off muttering*

Match updates

This season's B-Cup has gone on with a couple of fits and starts.

First off, the club formerly known as Dragon AFC has decided not to pursue playing after all, which led to a couple of problems finding a replacement. Originally, I thought Sea Lane might be back in the Cup, but they had committed to another and were only able to play KC United as a friendly. That makes his match with Sea Lane a 5-0 walkover of Dragon, when it comes to the standings

I don't really know what to do with this week's matches, either. Ratz and I played each other as a friendly, since Ratz was supposed to play Lane (now Maidstone) and I was supposed to play Presidents (who mistakenly accepted an outside friendly), which means that both matches should be a 5-0 walkover for each of us. I am inclined to do it that way, but that wouldn't be fair to System, who thus far has won all of his matches fairly.

I am thinking that we keep the walkover results as is, but give Brett the absolute tiebreaker after the season is done regardless of Goal Differential, which is really what the problem is now. So for all other teams in Group A, GD still works as a tiebreaker, but System gets the benefit of all ties and will rank ahead of all teams with whom he is tied on points. So far his top 4 competitors in the group (Ratz, Ellwood, United and myself) have been made beneficiaries of walkover wins, so this should make everything fairly even.

As far as Thunder's missed games go, he missed two matches against the top 2 teams in his series (Tigers and Avalanche). I would say that it's very likely that these two will finish in the top 2 slots of Group B, which makes the GD problem not such a big deal. We have two options: 1) Do nothing and let the race sort itself out, which it will in all likelihood; or 2) Change the results from a 5-0 walkover to a 2-0 walkover for each match to limit the GD damage overall. I personally don't think we need to do anything, but let me hear from the competitors if they are interested.

I'd love to get some input on this from everyone involved; I think each solution is probably the most equitable thing we can do given the situation so far.



Sorry they're late, but the week 2 Match reports were submitted last night and should be posted to the site ASAP whenever Jeff gets around to it. I'm just starting out with the week 3s right now, and I'll have them up by the weekend.

Yahoo!!!!!Im in!

At last after many years of trying to log on i am eventually successful!!! Thanx Jeff m8.

Time to kick some Bloc arse, the luckiest team in the world!! Bring it on Englishman...revenge will be sweet when it comes(something you dont do often enough!!)

3 weeks done

Right back atcha, Brett. 3loc is ruling the school right now. First Ratz, then Ellwood....I'm starting to be glad I didn't wind up in Group A, even if I do have to (try to) deal with Tigers...

As for James's question: yes, it is physically possible. Just ask Scott, who has the unenviable task of playing 'keeper for us on the real FC Bonafide. He's seen that happen a lot. He's probably seeing it again in his nightmares right now.

Commentaies, Scott...

In that case, Scott, sort it out man, we have no time for peole to be lacklustre ;)))))))

With regard the photo Jeff, I was cool too til I cleared my local servers cacher. Hold down 'CTRL' and press 'F5' at the same time, this will refresh your cpu's (total - inc cahce) memory.

I'm fucked (pissed) I so must go niw, this is such a strugle. Best of luck all. Especially Bonafide.


I got Hosed!!!!

2 goals against in the 85th minute, is that physically possible, to dash through the central line of defense, twice, all within one minute????? Damn!!!!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

In Answer To Brett

I dont write the commentaries... Scott does. Ask him where they are... or... you could write them and email them to me so I can upload them onto the site ;)

As far as I can see pic 2 is working fine... what seems to be the prob m8?

Dan is a member of this site and should be able to log on... I will email him and ask what the prob is ;)

If anyone wants to write commentaries I am sure that Scott won't mind if you do... if more than one person wants to write them then I think that would be cool also... everyone is likely to have a different, but valid, take on the matches ;)

Week 2 Commentaries

Hmmm. isn't it a strange coincidence that Jeff loses his first game, and we see sight nor sound of Week 2 Commenary ;)

COme on Jeff, tell 'em who's king :))))

And what's happened to pic 2 on my page?

By the by, can you add Danster to this? He's been trying to log in, and mail him...

Cheers me dears.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Another New Member!

All welcome our latest Brooky Cupper... Iamthenewno2 (wot a mouthful!) He is the manager of Maidstone Reunited (57203) and will be taking over from Dragons AFC and Sea Lane.

He is an English Coach (Yay!) and is a pretty good bloke too!

I have updated the pages to take into account this new change so watch out for the fixtures

Happy new Aidan, Tom!

Aidan is a great name but rather unique, isn't it? Anyway, I got curious and looked it up (Google search was great Jeff..he he). I found that the name Aidan belongs to men with cultural skills, such as authors, writers, musicians and photographers. Well, fine I thought...but then I SAW IT - Probably why you have chosen that specific name -
a Saint!!

"St. Aidan - An Irish monk who had studied under St. Senan, at Iniscathay (Scattery Island). He is placed as Bishop of Clogher by Ware and Lynch, but he resigned that see and became a monk at Iona about 630. His virtues, however, shone so resplendantly that he was selected (635) as first Bishop of Lindisfarne, and in time became apostle of Northumbria."

"he was a pontiff inspired with a passionate love of virtue, but at the same time full of a surpassing mildness and gentleness."

Well now you all know!

N.B. You are supposed to host me and my team this Wednesday for the 3rd leg in this seasons BC. I have put a challenge on your sajt but don't count on you being there to accept the match. Well, to pity though...I could really have done with more than the ordinary + 5 goal difference a win by a walkover will bring me! :DX

Take care of You and Your new youth pull...;-)

Monday, January 05, 2004


Excellent news, mate! Fan-fecking-tastic :D

When are you going to sign him up for a hattrick team of his very own? Start him off now and he should have one helluvva team by the time he reaches puberty. No greater love can a father show his boy ;)

Happy New Year everyone!!

Just a little note to let everyone know that I am still here and I am still playing Hattrick. I have not logged on in a little while and for good reason. My wife and I welcomed a new addition to our family at 1:27 pm New Years Eve. He weighed 8 lbs 11 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. We named him Aidan. After staying at the hospital with mom and baby for the past four or five days we brought him home yesterday and everything is going great. I would like to continue in the BC, but I may miss a match or two more. I just found out today was Monday. lol. I will do my best to set up and play my matches from here on out. Good Luck to all, and a Happy New Year to ya!

p.s. thanks for the email Jeff!

An Idea

I have been thinking about this for a long time but have always decided it would be too much of a pain to do... "What is this idea?" I hear you cry... Well i have been thinking that this site needs some sounds (especially the title page) but I do not have any good ones to use.

If any of you have some good sounds I could use here, or know where I can get any (google search was rubbish!) I will be very grateful ;)

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Minor Alterations

I have finally cracked the Java problem that was causing Brett's team page to be functioning incorrectly (It all work perfick now, Brett ;)) and I have added Jimmy's teamsite link to the menu as well... go take a look ;)

Personally, Jimmy, I think what you have done is ace! My present site is actually site number 5 (I think) that I have designed for the Ratz (I wasn't very happy with the first ones) and I am in the middle of revamping that for season XXI (Yeah yeah, I know its half over but I am a busy man :P). It's hard at first because you are learning all the time and it's hard to know when to say enough is enough. Your site is simple, yet efficient. Best of all, it won't take all night (or half a season) to update it ;)

I am sure you will be adding more to it as you go... try to get people coming back again and again to it. This is what I have tried to do with mine... but I have still a ways to go :/

Great start mate... now I just have to get everyone else to do their own :P

Friday, January 02, 2004

Team Site

Please check out my team site and tell me what you think.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

First Update of 2004

Happy New Year!

I have updated all the tables and statistics. I have also changed a few of the teams colours (Those with stripey shirts) to match their kit more. Sadly I could not change Ratz or Avs because the writing was too dificult to contrast well.

I will post match reports when Scott recovers from his hangover enough to write them ;)