Thursday, January 08, 2004

Match updates

This season's B-Cup has gone on with a couple of fits and starts.

First off, the club formerly known as Dragon AFC has decided not to pursue playing after all, which led to a couple of problems finding a replacement. Originally, I thought Sea Lane might be back in the Cup, but they had committed to another and were only able to play KC United as a friendly. That makes his match with Sea Lane a 5-0 walkover of Dragon, when it comes to the standings

I don't really know what to do with this week's matches, either. Ratz and I played each other as a friendly, since Ratz was supposed to play Lane (now Maidstone) and I was supposed to play Presidents (who mistakenly accepted an outside friendly), which means that both matches should be a 5-0 walkover for each of us. I am inclined to do it that way, but that wouldn't be fair to System, who thus far has won all of his matches fairly.

I am thinking that we keep the walkover results as is, but give Brett the absolute tiebreaker after the season is done regardless of Goal Differential, which is really what the problem is now. So for all other teams in Group A, GD still works as a tiebreaker, but System gets the benefit of all ties and will rank ahead of all teams with whom he is tied on points. So far his top 4 competitors in the group (Ratz, Ellwood, United and myself) have been made beneficiaries of walkover wins, so this should make everything fairly even.

As far as Thunder's missed games go, he missed two matches against the top 2 teams in his series (Tigers and Avalanche). I would say that it's very likely that these two will finish in the top 2 slots of Group B, which makes the GD problem not such a big deal. We have two options: 1) Do nothing and let the race sort itself out, which it will in all likelihood; or 2) Change the results from a 5-0 walkover to a 2-0 walkover for each match to limit the GD damage overall. I personally don't think we need to do anything, but let me hear from the competitors if they are interested.

I'd love to get some input on this from everyone involved; I think each solution is probably the most equitable thing we can do given the situation so far.



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