Wednesday, December 31, 2003


I have updated the UK matches again... almost couldn't bring myself to do it after losing my first brooky cup game since the second match in season XIX :'(

Heh, j/k ;)

I have also done some major changes to the group tables and stats sheets. The old method was far too time consuming so now I am using the tables directly from my spreadsheet to speed up play (so to speak). I have also colour coded everyone's teams (except teams in the original hattrick green... yuk!) so they should match your major/minor colours (as far as I can). If you want me to change your colours then just let me know what major/minor colours you would prefer ;)

It's been a long night tonight... but I have given up smoking today so I need plenty of things to keep me occupied ;)

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Last Exit?

It'll be the last exit tonight!

I'm going to play a mixture of young and old, to get the most out of tonights game. My boys don't travel well however, and have all had to stop in Ratzs' local, to get taknked up with the travelling hoardes before we go to the ground....

NOT the best tactics in the world. Let's see if my boys 'fuck the dog' tonight... (SS;))

Hey has anyone been unlucky enough to become addicted to overthe festive eperiod? I haven't! Honest! :o&

Ahhh Last Exit.....

I was just there this weekend, ate at Pete's across the street.....Been drinking at Last Exit for 2 or 3 years on and off, Small World....

Stakes Redux

I just checked out the Brooklyn Tigers' defensive ratings from their first match. Extra-terrestrial? Titanic? World-Class? Are you kidding me? I haven't heard words like that since.....wait for it....Scott's mom stopped all the pillow talk. That being the case, I'll re-do the challenge from last season: I will buy the first pint for the manager of the team who puts the first goal past Brooklyn Tigers in this B-Cup. (Sorry, Jeff: you've been upstaged as the target.)

Prize redeemable at the Last Exit, 136 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

I feel sorry for all you Group B saps who have to go up against that defence. Oh wait, that's me.


I have had confirmation that Sea Lane are replacing Dragon AFC and have made the necessary adjustments.

Sea Lane's info sheet has been re-added and also Group B matches in week 1 have been commented on by Scott.

Enjoy ;)


Sea Lane is replacing Dragon AFC? First I have heard of it. So much for me being information minister... lol!

Perhaps I can go join Comical Ali in whatever nuthouse he is resident in? ;)

No Apologies.....

If Sea Lane is replacing Dragon, then (I can't belive I'm saying this) don't credit the points, i'll just play Sea Lane. Let the Chips fall where they may!

That should let you guys off the hook. 2-0 with a +12!!!! The cup was half way home!!!


I wasn't inferring that you had been 'gamey' and waited to claim the points, honest! Apologies if that is the way my message read ;)

I think you did everything correctly, James, and as such I will be crediting you with the 5-0 victory this week.

Dang! But that puts you way out infront unless I can whup System's butt by 10 goals to nil!... Shouldn't be too hard to do ;)

Further Clarification

Dragon never made the challenge. I'm used to friendlies on Wed/Thurs. night, so when I saw no challenge this afternoon, I check the Dragon's page and saw that he had a friendly sch. for tomorow night, I then e-mailed Scott. Scott then sch. a match with Sea Lane. I would rather play the Cup match as well, I was just being Cute about the points! (What else would you expect from a guy with so many girls on his team)

Rule clarification

The home team is supposed to issue the challenge. As Dragon was due to be the home team in your match it was up to him to challenge you.

Did you receive such a challenge? If not then you are entitled to claim the match. If he was unable to challenge you because you had set up a friendly before he had challenged then it is you who is at fault and so he will gain the points.

I assume that you waited for a challenge, without getting one, until you saw he had already set up a friendly game. Then you challenged someone else for a friendly.

If that is correct then you would get the points.

Personally, I always issue a challenge to my opponent if I don't receive a challenge from him by Friday. Even if I am the away team. Can't see the point in being 'gamey' and wait to see if you can claim three easy points, I'd rather play the cup game ;)

I have a B-Cup Match v. Sea Lane

Scott, in a whirlwind, arranged a Match v. Sea Lane, I still get the walk over points........

I Guess

I have sent him a message asking him to get in touch, James, but I would say that you definately get the walkover points this week.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Do I get the Walk Over Points!!!!

I was just wondering ;>

Sunday, December 28, 2003


Last season's Golden Boot winner and all-round nasty piece of work, Ryan MacTire, will not be retiring from the Brooklyn Cup competition.

By popular demand (and the fact that I can't seem to get a replacement without spending way over the odds for one) he will be making his seasonal debut against System 3loc on Tuesday.

After much discussion with the Club Chairman, Jeff Beck, Head Rat has decided to allow MacTire to head up the strike team for Ratz in all future Brooklyn Cup matches. He may have dropped a level of scoring due to age but at the moment he is in great form and so should still pose a significant threat to the opponents net.

So Claremarre can continue to sell his MacTire anti-fan-club tee-shirts and the rest of group A can enjoy the Ryan MacTire experience... hope your players' medical insurance is up to date ;)


I have added the week 1 commentaries for group A. Group B's will be added asap.

Enjoy reading 'em ;)

Saturday, December 27, 2003


I have updated all results and statistics (including the reversed score in favour of Ellwood). Hopefully they are all correct!

If you spot an anomaly then please message me or post it here and I will either set your mind at rest or change it ;)

Happy New year to everyone! (In case I forget later ;))

Friday, December 26, 2003


Sorry, haven't been in town for a few days; no access to HT. The victory, in truth, goes TO Dan as a 5-0 walkover. I've been in touch with both teams and it was Dragon AFC who mistakenly scheduled a friendly. When Ellwood tried to offer, he was unable and contacted me immediately.

So, as we say in the states, it was Dragon who "fucked the dog" on this one. That was for you, Brett....


Good first round, by the way, with some chalk as well as some significant upsets.

I'll try to sit down this weekend and get working on the match reports.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

I Guess....

Dan must have thought that Dragon AFC was a pink fluffy cloud machine... kind of a camp dragon?

Hehe, easy mistake I guess? ;)


What the?

Little fluffy Pink Cloud Machine?

Dan? Are you trying to tell us something mate?

First Results are in!

I have posted the three UK results on group A's page... and there seems to have been a small problem. It seems that Ellwood have thrown their first match of the cup which has placed Dragon AFC at the top of the table (walkovers are an automatic 5-0 victory), not a good start to the season!

It's nice to see the three English teams on top of the table (even for only a little while) the sad thing is that I am only 3rd on goal diff :(

I will update the stats page when all the first weeks games are completed. Probably at the weekend as I will not be at home until 27th at the earliest... family commitments ;)

Have a great Christmas all... and best of luck with the remaining first matches!

PS Don't disappoint me, Claus, I wanna whupp you in this seasons final for a third time... hehe ;)

Tuesday, December 23, 2003


Third Season! Third Season!

That's what I said diddle I!?


Escape from reality?

Brett, which one of the 2 seasons prior this one are you having problems with? *LOL*

But I fully agree with your best wishes for the upcoming season. Luck is what we all need when butting against Tigers goal keeper! Just seen his ratings. It was a shocking experience! Goood Luck to us all! :D

Wish you all a merry christmas and a prosperous start in both Brooklyn Cup and the New Year!

Take care!

(...third season. Brett means third season...)

Best Of Luck Eveyone

Just to wish you all the very best of luck in your games (unless you're playing me, in which case.... um... you're going to need it!!! ;)) in this, the kick off for what will be the second season of the Brooklyn Cup.

Football's coming home! To Hereford! ;)

I knew it! Of course...

It was a plain nasty US/English conspiracy...but it went wrong! he-he
Scott & Jeff, the two sharp-witted gent's in charge of this awesome Cup didn't realize that it is impossible to reach 2 straight BC-finals with a team like Bajen Avs without being very careful in examination of the basic conditions prior to a
match or cup event. This of course includes even to read the the small print hidden in the prerequisite!!!

So, you have found an suitable excuse...and I do accept your swift measures to improve your damaged reputation!
Therefore I will immediately try to collect back the homemade letter-bomb from the post office
...first thing tomorrow. O :-)

Finally, when evrything seems to be in perfect order (as usual), I want to welcome all new teams and club mgr's to this fantastic and enjoyable friendly cup. Seems to be harder competition than ever before its nice to have an easy task in the 1st match against my honoured supporter FC Bonafide! :-O

Welcome to a swinging Stocholm Michael!...and to all other teams that will remember the city itself in a more
positive mode than the experience you will gain at Bajen Avs stadium! he-he...

Let's get started! :)

Changed Team Info

I have removed Sea Lane from the team pages and replaced them with System 3loc.

If anyone else wants their own team info sheet (or would like theirs updated) then just send me the details and I will sort it as soon as poss ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Do they know it's Christmas?

I think it's a wonderful example of the holiday spirit that Claus has offered to play all of his matches away during this season's B-Cup. As manager of the team that was scheduled to be first on the chopping block at Avs Arena, I say well done. Claus, we are happy to host you here at Henry Street any time.

Happy holidays.

OOPS! My Bad!

Erm, Claus, apologies but Scott did assign you four home games. I have put down that fixture between you and Tigers the wrong way round (just checked Scotts original fixture list he sent me).

Could it have been an error caused by tiredness? A Freudian slip? Or a dirty tactic by the Ratz?

Either way, sorry mate and I will rectify it immediately!

I will also recheck the other fixtures to ensure a similar mistake has not been made ;)

*Goes off to sulk coz his fiendish plan was scuppered*

What the heck..??!

>Quote< " I have assigned the extra home game to teams that have been in the B-Cup in past seasons. If you have any issues with the schedule please let me know." >Unquote<

Hmpffrr..!? Well Scott, remember me and my team? If so, just wonder why you make me and my team Bajen Avs "the exception which confirms the rule"..??!!
While I only get to play 3 home games, new teams like Brooklyn Tigers get 4 (incl. 1 home game against my team).
A bit contradictory I would say...or?

I can see you've got it right and assigned 4 home games for Bonafide FC, Dirty Ratz and your team Brooklyn FC.
So therefore my question: Remember me and Bajen Avs? :-(

Or should I take it as a compliment from you that your having sooo much faith and trust in my team that I'll make it trough whatever obstacles you place in Bajen Avs way??

World War 2 started for less reason than this! But then again, justice won at the end.
I'm eager to read your explanation, especially to your thoughts when you decided to give Brooklyn Tigers home advantage against my team and thereby giving him 4 home games and my team only 3 ???
It can't only be the team name...or??

Well...I'm waiting! >:->

N.B! *keep smiling*

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Brooklyn FC

I have seen this team play... I have even played them a couple of times... what are you guys scared of?

Scott's guys are ok players for an OAP's second XI but they aren't a serious football team! Just you watch our opening match next Tuesday ;)

BTW please do let me know your team info... I am happy to tailor your page to whatever you require or create a link to an existing page/site. It is really great to get to know who you are playing against... we really are interested. The Brooklyn Cup is the friendly Cup (except for UK/US rivalry... j/k ;)).

It's probably about time an American team won this cup anyway!

wtf am I talking about?!?!? Go Europe! ;)

Wednesday, December 17, 2003


This is the second time in recent events that I am going to get hosed by a system crash. For the Big One a few weeks ago, I lost over $200,000 when a transfer that had been completed was suddenly undone. For today, I had not yet put orders in for my friendly with Scott, so I will lose a week of training for my B Team and run injury risk for my A Team. Moral: put your orders in as early as possible. Hey, at least this way I might finally beat Scott. Maybe.

My Day is Ruined....

...Whenever the Hattrick site goes down. I just don't know what to do with myself.

I'm still working on my new team page (since "Brooklyn FC" beat the crap outta me and took my name ;>) as soon as it's done I'll post it!

NEW TEAMS (and some of the veterans)

Please feel free to add your team page to the B-Cup website. That can either be done by emailing jeff with some text, or providing him a link to a site you've already got operating. It would be great to find out exactly who the hell some of you are.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003


I have tweaked a few of the pages (found a few errors and inconsistancies) and added some extra categories to the stats page ;)

I will be using a spreadsheet to keep a record of all the stats for the coming season. If anyone wants a copy (so you can keep tabs on my record keeping... and stuff) then just drop me an email or post the request here ;)

PS Yes it does, Brett ;)


So, does this mean that I am up and working now?


Problems with the introduction page

I have updated the intro page (put team badges on there) but sadly the flames refuse to work... some java problem.

I will work on it over the next few days before I give it up and try a brand new one ;)

Monday, December 15, 2003


OK, everyone, welcome back to yet another season of the Brooklyn International Cup. After much thought, I have reworked the groupings to present two 8-team leagues instead of going with four 4-team groups. Basically, I like the idea of the increased number of opponents (in previous seasons we'd only play 3 other teams twice), and it also helps to preserve some of the natural rivalries that have formed over the years (Ellwood v. System, Thunder v. Quakes) and ones that are joining the league this season (Presidents v. Kings County). The downside is, of course, that teams will only be facing each other once this season. I have also tried to minimze travel by grouping the Swedish sides together in one group and the English sides together in the other. Two of the teams (Saltopus and Idali) have yet to sign up for the Fed so it is possible they may have to be replaced. I'll let you know if that happens.

As far as matches go, the fixtures list will be posted to this site shortly. I will also try to send around an HT-mail each week with the fixtures but I can't promise anything. It is the responsibility of the HOME TEAM to post the challenge whenever possible. All matches should be played on Normal, not Cup Rules, to mitigate the risk of injury. Points will be as normal, 3 for a win and 1 for a draw. Since there are an odd number of matchweeks half of the teams will have 4 home games and the other will only have 3. I have assigned the extra home game to teams that have been in the B-Cup in past seasons. If you have any issues with the schedule please let me know.

Without further ado:

Group A

Dirty Ratz (ENG) 56406
Brooklyn FC (USA) 70981
Ellwood (WAL) 177895
System 3Loc (ENG) 57936
Dragon AFC (ENG) 8008
Presidents (USA) 228484
Kings County Utd. (USA) 8457
Saltopus (USA) 229252

Group B

Bajen Avalanche (SWE) 101308
FC Bonafide (USA) 71939
BenditinBrooklyn (USA) 72213
Das Earthquakes (USA) 70838
Chocolate Thunder (USA) 72057
Rasaritul Delta (RUM) 180587
Brooklyn Tigers (SWE) 5740
Idali (SWE) 15690

The season will look like this:
There will be 7 matchweeks, running from week 6 to week 12. At that point, the top 8 teams (top 4 from each group) will play each other in the B-Cup Championships, and the bottom 8 teams will play each other in the Losers Invitational (I dropped the Das in anticipation of the Cup run Matt and his Das Earthquakes will undoubtedly be making this season). All ties will be broken by Goal Differential, then goals scored. The quarterfinal round will be played week 13, the semifinals week 14, and the finals during week 15. League Cups start during week 16. Since we started a week later than normal this season we cannot have a 2-legged final this year (not that it matters since Dirty Ratz doesn't lose home or away).

The playoffs will be as last season, where the teams will be seeded according to points and GD, with the higher-seeded team always getting the home match. We will re-seed after each round so that the highest seed remaining will always play the lowest seed remaining. Think NFL playoffs, that's the format.

OK, check back for the fixtures.



All the fixtures and groups have been put onto the site. Check out which group you are in and remember that the team listed first is at home and responsible for setting the challenge. If you don't know your opponents team then try searching for them in their own country.

Maybe you could post the team id numbers, Scott? That may help a little ;)

Best of luck to all for the first round next week :)

Test Post

Seems to be working fine now, Scott. Try again mate ;)

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Refreshed Site

I have added a new season XX archive and replaced all the pages with fresh new ones ready to receive the new team info.