Saturday, December 20, 2003

What the heck..??!

>Quote< " I have assigned the extra home game to teams that have been in the B-Cup in past seasons. If you have any issues with the schedule please let me know." >Unquote<

Hmpffrr..!? Well Scott, remember me and my team? If so, just wonder why you make me and my team Bajen Avs "the exception which confirms the rule"..??!!
While I only get to play 3 home games, new teams like Brooklyn Tigers get 4 (incl. 1 home game against my team).
A bit contradictory I would say...or?

I can see you've got it right and assigned 4 home games for Bonafide FC, Dirty Ratz and your team Brooklyn FC.
So therefore my question: Remember me and Bajen Avs? :-(

Or should I take it as a compliment from you that your having sooo much faith and trust in my team that I'll make it trough whatever obstacles you place in Bajen Avs way??

World War 2 started for less reason than this! But then again, justice won at the end.
I'm eager to read your explanation, especially to your thoughts when you decided to give Brooklyn Tigers home advantage against my team and thereby giving him 4 home games and my team only 3 ???
It can't only be the team name...or??

Well...I'm waiting! >:->

N.B! *keep smiling*


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