Thursday, May 26, 2005

Saw it by accident

I happen to have a mild case of whiplash (hit my head on the bedpost in the dark picking up clothes...don't ask...) so I stayed home from work, layed out on the couch, kids at school and at the park with the wifey. So, imagine my surprise this afternoon when I turned on ESPN2 not realizing the match was broadcast live in the US. Got to see the 2nd half, OT and penalty kicks uninterrupted (Dudek came 3 feet off his line on the 2nd PK, but the ref apparently didn't care--perhaps he was trained in Germany...). Anyway, great match! And one I'll remember for a long time.

Sometimes following HatTrick and the occasional MLS game I forget how good the best (real-life) players in the world are....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I'm watching the game tonight, i hear it was pretty amazing.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Antichrist? I thought his first name was Tony?! ;)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Brooklyn International Cup

The Brooklyn International Cupeh? hang on, surely yo udon't fancy (antichrist) Blair!?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Anglophilia; west of East Anglia

I will only dispute one claim and enhance another:

Since we are a former colony, your history is our history.

You have a intelligent(ish) and hot (for an old guy) political leader.

Oh, and speaking of royal families: I officially relinquish my title of Queen Loser to the Freak. Congratulations! :)

Poor Maria

You could just add it to the list of all the other things you guys envy us for:

Non-psychopathic Police,
A Royal Family,
A Stronger Currency,
A History (I mean a proper, longer than 200 years, kind),
Sexy Accents,
Correct Spelling,
An intelligent(ish) Political Leader,
World's most professional Armed Forces,
and of course...
The Dirty Ratz FC!!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

So gray. So sad.

It's a pitiful day when I have to envy the English for their sunshine.

Xpert Eleven

Sorry peeps, but I just don't have time to take you all on and beat you all in another comp ;)

HT takes up a bit of time as it is, and what with Summer coming up, bring on the sun.!!!!

Once again, would love to join y'all, but no can do!

- system

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Final call to Xperteleven!

This is the final call to those of you Brooky cupers who still haven't responded to the earlier announced invitation to register for a team in Xperteleven. The idea was to fight against each other in league play with the same, or almost the same, conditions from start and see who'll be fortunate or skilled enough to concer the very first Xpert Manager League title.
It would be a pity and for sure a regretable moment for you to miss this delicate chance.
The Xpert Manager League will start with or without your participation in the week after next.
So I propose you get your act together and at least give us a response to this invitation.

Following Brooky Cup teams still owe me a yes or no:

Brooklyn Tigers
Chocolate Thunder FC
Ellwood (Congratz to the Champ!)
Maidstone Reunited
System 3loc

C'mon you cowards! You're all welcome but I expect you at least to respond to this challenge.

Thanks to Maria and her Direwolfs Athletic who did respond, although the answer was negative.

Following Brooky Cup teams have accepted the invitation and signed up for a team in Xperteleven:

Bajen Avalanche
Brooklyn FC (Congratz to a great Brooky Cup campaign. Next season...)
Dirty Ratz (Lost yesterdays prestigious training match against Avs with 1-3 in Xperteleven:)
FC Bonafide
Kings County United
The Brooklyn Wind
The Genetic Freaks

Biggest thanks to the guys behind these teams! :)

We need to have 16 active teams on board before we can start the league play. So, I really want you to respond with either yes or no to this invitation ASAP. We will fill up the Xpert Manager League with some other interested HT managers if it proves that those of you that haven't responded yet can't participate due to any today unknown but surely odd reason!? ;-)

So please, give me a yes or no now. I copy in earlier sent out invitation below for your convenience and help to sign up...already tomorrow. Welcome guys! :)

Soon we'll have a couple of boring weeks while waiting for a new league and Brooklyn Cup season. But I have come across a very fun and exciting manager game where we all Brooky cuper's can play our very own league challenge...and finally get to know who really is the no.1 coach talent amongst us.

From the site:"Xpert Eleven is a game where you can challenge your friends in the noble art of coaching a football team.Get your friends together and create your own league system.It is completely free to play Xpert Eleven.If you want a greater challenge please join my own created Xpert Manager League. Show everybody who's the real Xpert! Xpert Eleven is a social game that everybody can play.It's easy to play, but hard to master."
Select either English or Swedish as your default language on the site. Register and log in.
Click on "Find league" in the menu to the left and search for League ID: 27242.
Don't hesitate to assign for your very own team and fight together with your friends to become the ultimate Xpert Manager champion!
Best of all, you don't need to lay down hours after hours to manage your team. No economic concerns, just a lot of fun and exciting matches against each other. Success to those who manage the tactics before kick-off! :)

So, I challenge you to try this game and prove your excellence...Your on!

Best regards
clarremarre (Claus Nielsen, mgr of Bajen Avalanche)

Final DLI Match

Direwolves and Freaks will try once more to settle just who is the best loser in the Cup. Tune in 17 May at 21:00 to watch the match which is being hosted by Maidstone Reunited in the Whatman Way arena.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Losers on the Fence

The Freaks and I need to play a second match. Should we make this one cup rules to ensure a winner? And who wants to offer their arena?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Congrats to Ellwood...

We tried to hurt you and you just roared back and sunk us. Oh well, another B-Cup is in the books. Congrats Ellwood. Shit.

Gotta go find a 'big' pair of scissors...

Monday, May 09, 2005

Re: Homeless?

The game defies logic with this aspect, because you can have an unlimited number of matches playing in parallel on the same arena (I think the HTs responded to this on the Global conference - that's what I recall. Not that my memory is to be trusted).

xpert eleven

this looks like a pretty decent football game, with its goods and bads vs. HT, but the main advantage being that we all start from the same point - zero.

So far there are only 7 teams in the league started by Claus, it would be good if a few more teams can join, so we can have a better rounded competition.

Friday, May 06, 2005


Out of curiosity, does anyone know what happens when other teams use your arena? Are you prevented from playing a home game during that time? I looked up the post on neutral friendlies but it didn't say anything about that....

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Lop off your nuts!

Yes, John you did agree to it so standby everyone for the big moment....should i beat Scotty. After you have finished burning my stadium and raping my sheep could you please sign the visitor book.....look out for the sheep shit on the pitch guys.

Good luck to Scott and here's to another Welsh win...baaaa

DLI final at TH3 BOWL

Also, the showdown between Direwolf and Freaks for the championship of Das Losers Invitational will be held in England at TH3 BOWL, home to System 3loc. So, for your viewing pleasure, the DLI Final and the Consolation match will be on Tuesday, with the big daddy to be played on Wednesday in scenic Stockholm.

And by the way...

Did I really commit to lopping off the sack if Ellwood wins this thing again? Scotty, you better bail me out or I'm in serious trouble.

Consolation in Gwent!

After a very very brief discussion between the members of the consolation match committee - comprised of Jeff and myself - we've decided that we would storm into Ellwood Arena in the lovely Gwent, Cymru - also know as WALES - and play our colsolation match. Afterwards, and more importantly, we are going to burn down the arena and go on an unchecked rampage of raping and pillaging our not so gracious hosts.

Winners and Losers

Well, well, well. It looks like either Ellwood will keep my support for another year or...hmm, I already support BFC. I think if Scott wins, I'll just keep the last "spot" blank until a new champion emerges that I don't already support.

Looks like the Wolves and Freaks are going to duke it out for bestest loser.


The Competition Committee would like to announce that the site for this season's final has been selected as NEW SOUTH STADIUM in Stockholm, home to Bajen Avalanche, a charter member of the Brooklyn Cup. Although we all know that the true reason it was selected was for the attractiveness of the supporters. Or something.

Good luck to both Brooklyn FC and Ellwood in the final.

(...but mostly to Brooklyn FC. Or something.)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Invitation to XpertEleven Football Manager game

Maria et gent's,

Soon we'll have a couple of boring weeks while waiting for a new league and Brooklyn Cup season.
But I have come across a very fun and exciting manager game where we all Brooky cuper's can play our very own league challenge...and finally get to know who really is the no.1 coach talent amongst us.

From the site:
"Xpert Eleven is a game where you can challenge your friends in the noble art of coaching a football team.
Get your friends together and create your own league system.
It is completely free to play Xpert Eleven.

If you want a greater challenge please join my own created Xpert Manager League. Show everybody who's the real Xpert! Xpert Eleven is a social game that everybody can play.
It's easy to play, but hard to master."

N.B! Select either English or Swedish as your default language on the site.Log in and click on "Find league" in the menu to the left and search for LeagueID: 27242.
Don't hesitate to assign for your very own team and fight together with your friends to become the ultimate champion!

Best of all, you don't need to lay down hours after hours to manage your team.
No economic concerns, just a lot of fun and exciting matches against each other. Success to those who manage the tactics before kick-off! :)
So, I challenge you to try this game and prove your excellence...

Your on!
Best regards

clarremarre (Claus Nielsen, mgr of Bajen Avalanche...also in this league!)

Pain and Suffering.

I think Mr. St. Andreas will have paid his dues once he reads "Gloria Hussoun." ;)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

In Mikey's Defence

Michael Hassoun has the full support and continued faith of the Ratz managerial team. He is not to be considered at fault for his lapses in concentration during tonight's match against Ellwood. At the ripe old age of 32, 'Boom-Boom' Hassoun is finding it difficult to maintain concentration for long periods of time (e.g. more than 30 seconds... as testified by his wife, Gloria Hassoun).

In addition to this his zimmer frame and white stick often seem to hamper his usual style of grace and skillful dribbling (extra kleenex in the post Mikey).

The Ratz want it known that certain slanderous allegations by a particular American team manager (for anonymity reasons he will only be referred to as 'Irish St. Andreas') will be answered in a legal capacity by Mikey's Lawyers in the fullness of time.

Michael Hassoun

Will be on the transfer list as soon as this match is through....

0-1 Ellwood at half despite Ratz having the run of play. Hassoun has two bad misses and a yellow to show for his afternoon's work.

Let me go on record here as saying that I am going to CRUSH Sic tomorrow. Screw this polite society thing.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Due to several unfortunate events I still havent been able to meet up with the lads in Brooklyn. but on tuesday or wednesday its going down, if Brooklyn boys can find the time, but Im shure they can.

Then youll get the report, the pics , everything!!