You can't be away a day or two...can you?
First of all, what a great initiative to post all the beautiful pic's of your home towns.
Secondly, Oh! how fun was it not to watch some of my brooky cup friends smiling faces, although not comparable with or as pretty as East Anglia..of course! ;-)
I will immediately grab hold of my digital camera and try to do something artistic around my own immediate surroundings...
Thirdly, this planned and now confirmed Brooky Cup member meeting in NY in April..!!!
What a fantastic party with all of you US 'bon vivant's'...and a Swedish Tiger!
Sorry to say I will not be able to make it this time. April/May almost fully booked. But Jeff and I talked about getting together soon , and so we will some time this spring.
A kind of mini-mini Brooky Cup member could say! :D
Finally, congratz to Maria and her wolfs who won the not so arousing but nevertheless existing DLI final! Great match and seen over 2 matches a fair winner!
Now, off to work...and no, I won't forget to bring my camera! :)
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