Hey Johnny, nice odds. I had no idea there were more Swedish Hattrick players than there are Swedes. You learn something new everyday. Now how about setting the odds for the Das Losers Invitational? My money is on the the young Cinderella team out of San Mateo, California, who fought valiantly against great odds. Who fought against a couple of teams who cheated so bad that they beat our little hometown favorites, but that's neither here nor there. We tried everything to beat them. We even sent gifts, but we found out that BFC are a bunch of lushes because those cases of Courvoisier didn't seem to have any effect. In fact if anything it seemed to help their cause. That's the last time I try to get a bunch of drunks drunk. At least we had our way with Bonafide for our home leg. That was nice, and it sets up a nice tie breaker for post cup play. Two legs, aggregate, Boyd??
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