State of the Cup Address
I propose the following, now stay with me.
The Brooklyn Cup should be awarded once every year, not at the end of every season. The first 2 HT seasons (3 HT Seasons per year, I think) are qualifying rounds for the big game. Think of it as a Champions Leauge style tournament. Teams would have 2 seasons to qualify for the main tournament, and those that don't would have a consolation tournament. Spread over 2 HT seasons we could have all teams play each other at least once. Greece just scored against Spain 1-1. BIG. That way all of the Brooklyn Cup Federation Teams play each other and get to know each other a bit better. We could all chip in and help Jeff and Scott keep up with the stats. As the current holder of the Losers Cup, I say we give it a real name, make it a bit more important, give the teams that are not that good yet, something to shoot for.
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