HT Clubhouse
Check my page out, and please support my team!! This is just another level of HT insanity, my wife really hates me! I'm like a kid in a candy store! Kings County United HT Clubhouse
Support website for the competitors of the Brooklyn Cup competition.
Check my page out, and please support my team!! This is just another level of HT insanity, my wife really hates me! I'm like a kid in a candy store! Kings County United HT Clubhouse
Look perfect to me, actually. Thanks Jeff.
You must have shit a brick when the Croats scored 5' into the match.
You must have shit a brick when the Croats scored 5' into the match.
Team Stats: *Updated*
First, thanks to all for a great B-Cup.
I quite like Scott's 3rd suggestion and James' idea. However, I have another suggestion to throw into the mix:
I propose the following, now stay with me.
Well, a great season really, which ended with a remarkable final series, in truth the best we may ever see. Ironic, really, that Jeff was the one who fought for the 2-legged final and it was the 2nd leg that prevented the trophy from going back to East Anglia. But in all I felt it was a really great season. Congratulations to our most recent powerhouse in Brooklyn Tigers, and hopefully we'll have a final next season that rivals this one.
What a match that was. Thanks for the drama, lads. Congratulations to Peter, and thanks again of course to both Scott and Jeff for taking the laboring oars with respect to keeping this whole thing running. I'm already looking forward to the next one, right after I finish beating down the Wind...
Now that was definately a fantastic final! Gripping excitement right up to the end.
Thanks to Jeff and his amazing (must also admit - sometimes annoying!) power-ratz and thank you Peter, Head of the Super-Tiger Team, for a fantastic well played and exiting entertainment in the XXIInd Brooklyn Cup Final. It was by far the best Final in Brooklyn Cup history - although the 1st winning team with only weak mid-field! ;-)
Looking good!
Kyle Chan (29797756) 20,000
Hey Jeff and you other blokes -- sorry about the France loss. That was cruel. I did want to point out however that England-France was not the only match that mattered that day. While you Euro kids are amusing yourself with some meaningless "off-year" tournament, we on this side are actually doing real World Cup qualifying. Granted, it is the David-Goliath round of qualifying, but it is qualifying nonetheless. And, yes, the USA won the first leg of its home-and-home series.
I watched the whole thing, it was amazing. Sorry RATS but, France was Dominating the whole game!
David Beckham... who's he?
Greece WON!!!! The Greeks in New York were going crazy, flags everywhere!!!!
He-he It will be as easy as stealing candy from a 2 year old kid! ;-)
Pah! France won't even make it through the first round... just watch their opening game on Sunday! Their opponents are pretty cool ;)
Loser champ this year.....Brooklyn Cup Next Year (not really, but a boy can dream)
Dion Price (34416682)
I havent been that active this season,and I apologise for that of course. In the beginning of this seasons cup I was fortunate enough to get a job, and that job together with the time taking care of my baby and wife, well as you probably understand, my hattrick time has been affected. But as I am now going into my second consecutive final in this magnificient cup I just want to say that I think this cup is the best! play for the 7th place when your assigned opponent and Brooky Cup pal already scheduled a friendly. He was fast! Am I that scary??!
Did I miss something? Surely 5th place final is Ellwood v BFC and 7th place final is AVS v 3loc?
..which is what I am. My apologies for the mistake and the oversight has been corrected. Kings County plays at Thunder for the title...
Hey Scott, I don't know if they came up there and told you, I beat Rasaritul Delta why do they advance in the Losers' Invitational? Now go get your shine box and apologize to the CREW. ;>
Let's face it. The Real Final series is right here at home in Brooklyn between the Wind and the Bonafide. Let's not fool ourselves.
Brooklyn Cup finals, as expected, will be between Dirty Ratz and Brooklyn Tigers. Two legs, with Ratz the top seed getting the 2nd match.
Nicola Giannuzzi (32067942)