Sunday, June 27, 2004

HT Clubhouse

Check my page out, and please support my team!! This is just another level of HT insanity, my wife really hates me! I'm like a kid in a candy store! Kings County United HT Clubhouse

Friday, June 25, 2004

Holy Shit.....

Greece Beat France....................

What an amazing game!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Look perfect to me, actually. Thanks Jeff.

Owing to the relative lack of discussion at this point regarding the structure of next season's B-Cup, I am going to figure it out myself with the advice of a small 'committee' of teams; we'll try to figure out as a group whether a Week 6 starting deadline is feasible for this year's competition. If not, we'll come up with an alternative. So, for the time being, pencil in a week 5 or week 6 start; I'll keep you updated from there.

Good luck to all of you in the National Cup play.

Monday, June 21, 2004


You must have shit a brick when the Croats scored 5' into the match.

But your boys pulled it out. Unlike the goddamn Greeks yesterday, they tried to lose that match on purpose, we were very lucky to advance.

Looks like it's Greece v. France and England v. Portugal.


You must have shit a brick when the Croats scored 5' into the match.

But your boys pulled it out. Unlike the goddamn Greeks yesterday, they tried to lose that match on purpose, we were very lucky to advance.

Looks like it's Greece v. France and England v. Portugal.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Final Season Update

Team Stats: *Updated*
Player Stats: *Updated*
BrookStats: *In Progress*
Finals Results: *Updated*
Honours List: *Created and Updated*

I have taken the liberty of creating a 'Rules' page. I must stress, however, that these are the rules as I see them and are not official without Scott's endorsement. If you could all take a look and see if they are ok I would be very grateful. And, Scott, if there are any alterations to be made please let me know and I will change them post-haste!

I will finish off the BrookStats ASAP folks :)

Good luck to all for the new season... hope to see you all here again soon :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Thoughts on the B-Cup Address

First, thanks to all for a great B-Cup.
Jeff and Scott thanks for the groupings and stats and weekly commentaries, oh wait, what weekly commentaries?

Anyway, I like the idea of spreading the qualifying over one season and having another season to handle the final round.

Many of you may have been suprised at my showing this year as the number 3 team, or maybe 4, but I had to spend alot of training time and sacrafice alot to get there. I's rather have a more competetive cup which allows us more true friendlies for training over an extended period of time.

My last proposal is to kick the Tigers and Ratz out of the Cup all together. But thats not very nice is it?

A suggestion...

I quite like Scott's 3rd suggestion and James' idea. However, I have another suggestion to throw into the mix:

The cup can progress over 2 seasons, much like the World Hattrick Cup does now.

First season is a ladder style tournament event. Each team would be awarded points for each match they play:

1) 3 points for a win (I will assume cup rules throughout so no draws)
2) 1 point for every goal scored in normal time plus 1 point for a golden goal.
3) 1 point for every position in the ladder the loser is above the winning team.

Example: Position 1 loses 4-2 to position 4. Position 1 gets 2 points for the goals they scored. Position 4 gets 3 for the win, 4 for the goals and 3 'handicap' points, totalling 10 points.

Any team can challenge any other team and so active teams get an advantage simply by playing (as long as they don't lose by scoring no goals).

The week that starts qualifying matches will be determined by the week after all teams have been knocked out of their relevant national cup.

Season 2 will take the top 4 teams and play them in a 6 week round robin to find the top team. The 8 'losers' will play a 6 week 2 leg straight knockout.

Well this is just a work in progress but you get the idea?

State of the Cup Address

I propose the following, now stay with me.

The Brooklyn Cup should be awarded once every year, not at the end of every season. The first 2 HT seasons (3 HT Seasons per year, I think) are qualifying rounds for the big game. Think of it as a Champions Leauge style tournament. Teams would have 2 seasons to qualify for the main tournament, and those that don't would have a consolation tournament. Spread over 2 HT seasons we could have all teams play each other at least once. Greece just scored against Spain 1-1. BIG. That way all of the Brooklyn Cup Federation Teams play each other and get to know each other a bit better. We could all chip in and help Jeff and Scott keep up with the stats. As the current holder of the Losers Cup, I say we give it a real name, make it a bit more important, give the teams that are not that good yet, something to shoot for.

State of the Cup

Well, a great season really, which ended with a remarkable final series, in truth the best we may ever see. Ironic, really, that Jeff was the one who fought for the 2-legged final and it was the 2nd leg that prevented the trophy from going back to East Anglia. But in all I felt it was a really great season. Congratulations to our most recent powerhouse in Brooklyn Tigers, and hopefully we'll have a final next season that rivals this one.

Which leads me to my topic:

How do you want next year to look. It occurred to me that as the quality of our teams improve, it will be more and more difficult to arrange the Brooklyn Cup as we now know it. As it was, going into this B-Cup Ellwood and I were still in our national Cups up until the week before the start date of the B-Cup. I suspect that several of us may be in the same or better positions next season.

Over the past 2 B-Cups we've started during HT week 6. That's given us enough time to play home/away with 4-team Groups and have a 2-legged final. I'm not so sure that we'll have all of our teams together by Week 6 next year, and that a Week 7 or Week 8 starting time might be better.

So there are several options, none of which we will decide upon today, but around which I would love some opinions:

1) Cut the amount of time we spend in group play. Right now we spend 6 weeks playing home/away. The only real way to accomplish this would be to go back to the plan of last year, where we spent 7 weeks in 8-team groups, with no return leg. With 6-team groups we could accomplish group play in 5 weeks (we'd have to go to 18 teams); with 4-team groups we could be done in 3 weeks.

2) Change the number of teams that qualify for the playoffs. Right now we have 8 teams out of a 16-team league; we could easily cut that to 4. Not quite as fun that way, but that's the way it goes.

3) Do something even more creative, like have a single-elimination Cup OR spread the competition out over two seasons. I could see a season 23 Qualifying tournament where we whittle the field down from 16 to 8 teams, and then a season 24 "Super League" and "Das Invitational" of 8 teams each.

4) Do nothing. We all know the way the ball bounces in HT; we can call for a Week 6 starting date and all teams who happen to be lucky enough to stay in their national Cups can opt out of the event or suffer walkover losses for each week they're unable to play. If we start week 7 instead of week 6 we should be able to have the same format we do now, except without the 2-legged final round.

I should say that I've seen the light and that I'm not crazy about option #1. The home/away thing has created some nice competitions among teams in this Cup and I think it's best kept the way it is. That's only my opinion, and I'm willing to listen to others--but from previous experience I've got to think that most of the rest of you prefer it that way as well. So that would make option 1) the least palatable of the bunch.

Option 2) is OK, but is a bit of an emergency measure. We could save 2 weeks by cutting the playoffs from 8 to 4 teams and getting rid of the 2-legged playoffs--but then you're making the playoff chase much less important for 12 of the 16 teams, which is really what matters. Playing meaningful Group matches is kind of what makes the B-Cup fun.

Option 3) is really intriguing to me--it seems like the next step up from where we are now--but it assumes a certain amount of risk that we'll have teams available over the course of 2 seasons. We've got enough longevity with most of the teams here that I wouldn't worry TOO much about our teams leaving HT, but it will only be more difficult to schedule the B-Cup in subsequent years as our teams improve. Still, it would be much easier to schedule an 8-team tournament two years from now than a 16-team event, so this option may be advantageous as we look down the road.

Option 4) is simple but sucks at the same time. I really don't want to see original B-Cup teams forced out of the B-Cup due to their teams' successes. And I could live with the occasional walkover loss myself, but don't want to get stuck between choosing between the National and Brooklyn Cups.

At any rate, I'm simply throwing all this out there for your perusal. It may turn out to be nothing, and we'll be able to have a week 6 or 7 starting date with little difficulty, but it never hurts to discuss our options ahead of time.

Best B-Cup final yet

What a match that was. Thanks for the drama, lads. Congratulations to Peter, and thanks again of course to both Scott and Jeff for taking the laboring oars with respect to keeping this whole thing running. I'm already looking forward to the next one, right after I finish beating down the Wind...

CongRatz Tigers!

Now that was definately a fantastic final! Gripping excitement right up to the end.

I only have 3 problems with it...

1) I lost
2) It was too much like a re-run of our ladz getting beaten by France (Loeprecht was actually hacked down by his own team after missing that penalty )
3) My ratings look naff!

C'est la vie... but at least my guyz put up a better fight than last season

CongRatz to Sweden as well... I am still hopeful of an England v Sweden final, Claus

The Ratz:

We'll be back!

What a fantastic BCup Final !!!

Thanks to Jeff and his amazing (must also admit - sometimes annoying!) power-ratz and thank you Peter, Head of the Super-Tiger Team, for a fantastic well played and exiting entertainment in the XXIInd Brooklyn Cup Final. It was by far the best Final in Brooklyn Cup history - although the 1st winning team with only weak mid-field! ;-)

CONGRATZ to both of you, and

Monday, June 14, 2004

Sweden 5 (five!) Bulgaria 0

Looking good!

Sorry Jeff for these late unbelievable tragic 2 minutes.
Alfred Hitchkock couldn't have made a more dramatic or worse ending...but it won't necessarily affect the chances for old England still to catch up with Sweden so that we meet in the Final! he-he

On my way to a life in abundance..!!!


Kyle Chan (29797756) 20,000
17 years, wretched form, healthy
A controversial person who is fiery and dishonest.
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.
Nationality: USA
Total Skill Index (TSI): 360 (36 000 US$)
Wage: 820 US$/week
Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: weak Passing: weak
Winger: weak Defending: passable
Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: inadequate


Kent Katz (34765513) 50,000
18 years, passable form, healthy
A pleasant guy who is calm and honest.
Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities.
Nationality: USA
Total Skill Index (TSI): 600 (60 000 US$)
Wage: 800 US$/week
Stamina: wretched Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: solid Passing: poor
Winger: inadequate Defending: wretched
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: inadequate

The other hemisphere...

Hey Jeff and you other blokes -- sorry about the France loss. That was cruel. I did want to point out however that England-France was not the only match that mattered that day. While you Euro kids are amusing yourself with some meaningless "off-year" tournament, we on this side are actually doing real World Cup qualifying. Granted, it is the David-Goliath round of qualifying, but it is qualifying nonetheless. And, yes, the USA won the first leg of its home-and-home series.

What a GAME

I watched the whole thing, it was amazing. Sorry RATS but, France was Dominating the whole game!

Lets go GREECE!!!!!



Sunday, June 13, 2004

gRatz Greece!

David Beckham... who's he?

Sorry, mate, but I don't follow spanish leagues and even if I did I wouldn't follow Beckpig since he abandoned his country all in the name of greed!

Anyways, on a lighter note, Greece did the biz, now lets see them beat Spain too

But, of course, today is all about England v France... no other game matters!

French Fans:
English Fans:


Greece WON!!!! The Greeks in New York were going crazy, flags everywhere!!!!


Hey Jeff, did Becks break his foot or something ;> or did Zi Zou kick him in the Madrid locker room after the disaster of a season they had.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I will be rich!!! :)

He-he It will be as easy as stealing candy from a 2 year old kid! ;-)

I mean, 25 (twenty-five!) times the money if Sweden win Euro 2004??! Í'm staking 260 USD they do!
The Swedish male vikings will do exactly as their female versions and with ease conquer this nice EC 2004 goblet!
...and then, as a side effect - I WILL BE RICH!! Oh, what I love this sport! he-he

N.B! Jeff, although old England haven't been able to win against the Swedes in the past 3 decades I will have England as the team on the opponent side in the big EC Final!
Am I crazy? Well, it have to be proven and the answer will be provided in the next 3 weeks to come. Yeeeehaaa!!! tra-la-la-la-la-laay :)

1. Sweden
2. England
3. Czech Republic
4. France



Pah! France won't even make it through the first round... just watch their opening game on Sunday! Their opponents are pretty cool ;)

Friday, June 11, 2004

Euro 2004

I've got France winning it all, but I'm pulling for Greece.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

King of the Losers!

Loser champ this year.....Brooklyn Cup Next Year (not really, but a boy can dream)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Clown on the Market!!!

Dion Price (34416682)
17 years, passable form, healthy
A popular guy who is balanced and dishonest.
Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities.

Speciality: Powerful

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 41 000 US$
Wage: 680 US$/week
Owner: The Brooklyn Wind
Warnings: 0

Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: poor Passing: poor
Winger: poor Defending: passable
Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: weak

Career Goals: 0
Career Hattricks: 0
League goals this season: 0
Cup goals this season: 0

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Semifinals Update

Tables: *Completed*
Stats: *Completed*

Good luck Tigers.

I share your sentiments, Peter, with just one small difference... I hope the second best team wins! Coz that would be me

Ratz Tigers

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Well well

I havent been that active this season,and I apologise for that of course. In the beginning of this seasons cup I was fortunate enough to get a job, and that job together with the time taking care of my baby and wife, well as you probably understand, my hattrick time has been affected. But as I am now going into my second consecutive final in this magnificient cup I just want to say that I think this cup is the best!

So good luck to Dirty Råtz and may the best team win

Peter of Brooklyn Tigers

Good Point!

If I were you, Claus, I would send the boys round to 3loc's place and Club Me

Thumbs Up

I like that site! Big Grin

Friday, June 04, 2004

It's kind'a hard... play for the 7th place when your assigned opponent and Brooky Cup pal already scheduled a friendly. He was fast! Am I that scary??!

Well, I guess it can wait another week to decide whos the much better 7th best team in BCup than the base 8th team!


Don't we miss a coach with a female look in Brooky Cup?
I don't mind looking at the photos of Jeff and other unshaved friends here...BUT!

Can I start my new search engine?

Cheers lads & Good luck in the various finals! he-he

5th/7th place finals

Did I miss something? Surely 5th place final is Ellwood v BFC and 7th place final is AVS v 3loc?

That's what I have put on my finals page anyway :P

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Big Dummy

..which is what I am. My apologies for the mistake and the oversight has been corrected. Kings County plays at Thunder for the title...

Double Loser

Hey Scott, I don't know if they came up there and told you, I beat Rasaritul Delta why do they advance in the Losers' Invitational? Now go get your shine box and apologize to the CREW. ;>

Let's face it.

Let's face it. The Real Final series is right here at home in Brooklyn between the Wind and the Bonafide. Let's not fool ourselves.

Finals Fixtures

Brooklyn Cup finals, as expected, will be between Dirty Ratz and Brooklyn Tigers. Two legs, with Ratz the top seed getting the 2nd match.

Third place match will be between FC Bonafide and Brooklyn Wind. This will also be in two legs, with FC Bonafide as the higher seed getting the 2nd match.

The 5th and 7th place matches have yet to be decided.

As far as the losers' invitational, this will also be a matchup of the top two seeds, Kings County United and Chocolate Thunder. Thunder, as the top seed, gets the home match.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Youth Pull

Nicola Giannuzzi (32067942)
19 years, passable form, healthy

A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest.
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.

Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 165 000 US$
Wage: 1 380 US$/week
Owner: Kings County United

Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: inadequate Passing: poor
Winger: poor Defending: passable
Scoring: solid Set Pieces: weak

He's listed for 200K u.s. funds, Expires 6/2/2004, 18:57