Saturday, May 01, 2004

Week 3 Update

Apologies for the lateness of the update folks but I have been literally run off my feet marking coursework for the past week (I have done 300 scripts this week alone!). Things may settle down by next week but no promisses :/

The stats, results and tables have all been updated (or are being updated right now) and I have another little surprise in store... just go take a look at the 'introduction' page.

Notice anything? No?!?!? Then turn up your speakers :P

Yep, folks, I have added a stirring theme tune to the Brooky Cup... let me know what you think. If anyone has an alternative theme then email it to me and I will use it... maybe we can vote on which we like the best in a (as yet unused) poll on the Federation's conference?

Good luck this week ;)


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