Friday, April 09, 2004


OK, sorry about the delay. We have an extra week in the mix--I was planning on using it for 2 legs sometimes in the playoffs, but if we need to solve a scheduling conflict we can do so. At any rate, due to popular demand I have gone back to the 4-team grouping, which means you'll have to face each team twice, home and away. I've tried to keep the traditional rivalries brewing in this one, which means Wind/Bonafide, System/Ellwood, Quakes/Thunder and Tigers/Presidents all get to bloody each other twice again this season. Ratz and BFC are set for another go-round as weel, though since Jeff keeps pummeling me about the head, I wouldn't call it much of a rivalry...

Without further (freddy) Adu:

Group 1

Brooklyn FC 70981 ENG
Dirty Ratz 56406 USA
Maidstone 8008 ENG
Genetic Freaks 228487 USA

Group 2

System 57936 ENG
Ellwood 177895 WAL
Quakes 70838 USA
Thunder 72057 USA

Group 3

Bajen 101308 SWE
Tigers 5740 SWE
KC United 8457 USA
Presidents 228484 USA

Group 4

Brooklyn Wind 72213 USA
FC Bonafide 71939 USA
Delta 180587 ROM
Saltopus 229252 USA


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