Thursday, April 29, 2004


I've just put the following up for transfer:

Ioachim Floroiu
142 000 US$, 21 years, solid form
Has wretched experience and weak leadership abilities

Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
Playmaking: wretched Passing: poor
Winger: wretched Defending: excellent
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: poor

I hate to sell him, but I am switching to wing training and had to replace him with someone with better winger skill. He's performed very well for me, earning 4 stars on several occasions and 3.5 stars in his remaining 20+ matches with the club. He's a very good back, if you're looking for one.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004



Scott's first week commentary is up on the site folks!

And I have it on good authority that week 2 will be up pretty soon too ;)

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I need help....

I could only afford a Soild/Weak coach, now my TS is killing my midfield........I need a clown. I'm looking for one but have no luck. If you guys come across one, would you be kind enough to drop me a line. I'm dying over here!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Week 2 Update

Sorry this first update is a little behind schedule but I am really snowed under with other work at the mo and this site is coming a poor second :/

I have updated the group tables and results for this week. The team and player stats have been updated too.

BrookStats has not yet been updated... I am feeling too tired to tackle it tonight :P

I will try to get them updated during the weekend ;)

EDIT: BrookStats is now up and running for week 2 ;)

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Further appreciations from Sweden...

Fully agree with all others who praise Scott and Jeff for this unique and awesome international friendly cup.
I'm full of admire for these two gent's. Jeff marvelous stats (and all other fantastic figures..!) together with Scotts match reports are just an unbeatable combination! :)

I wouldn't have a problem with player ads here. In contrary, it could be an added value for all teams in BCup.

How the hell did I beat the Tigers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Good Luck to all this season...and the many more to come!

Saturday, April 17, 2004

nice job Jeff!

I just have a few points to make here....

Excellent job on the new stats page Jeff. Even in it's diluted form it is more than anyone could ask for.

Scott great going getting this thing up and running again this year. It should be as fun as ever.

I don't have a problem with people advertising their players here.

How the hell did I loose to Das Earthquakes!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Re: League Question

I have no problem with members advertising players here... In fact I have an excellent PM up for grabs right now ;-D

BrookStats up and running!

It's all in the title folks ;)

I have an apology to make, however. BrookStats is still not the way I had planed it: I wanted cross linking between pages and more stats in general but these have not been possible. It's not a question about 'whether' I can do it, rather the problem is that I simply don't have the time :/

All my stats pages are compiled completely by hand (and the use of excell) which takes time... sadly my parser-writing abilities are basically zero (although I am trying to learn how to use XML data for future stats info) which means time needs to be invested. After spending five hours on the design, layout and compilation of BrookStats for this week I have decided not to implement the 'Group' stats nor to add in hyperlinks from one page to another.

I don't want the stats pages to become a rod for my own back... and with a baby on the way my time is going to become more and more at a premium.

So "sorry" folks, but BrookStats will have to remain 'half-finished' until I can come up with a quicker way of doing them.

For now, though.... enjoy my (somewhat downsized) offering ;)

BrookStats XXII is ready :D

Laying the ghost!!!

wow, Jeff you are really doing a fantastic job with these stats......keep it going buddy. And thanks to Scotty as well for getting another BC show on the road.

And last but not least thank you to my dear pal Brett and his fantastic team Bloc! for letting me give you an absolute hammering...he he!! Think the tiltle sums it up....say no more....RIP Bloc!!

Good luck to everyone

Friday, April 16, 2004

League Question

A couple of seasons ago--before this site went up--we decided as a league to allow posting of transfer ads and other similar things on what was then our Conference page. Since we've switched, we've sort of stopped the practice, which leads me to ask the question: should we resume posting transfer ads here, or just leave well enough alone. I personally don't mind myself, but it should be a group decision. Let me know what you think, one way or the other.


Thursday, April 15, 2004

Great Start

Wow. What a start.........nice job on the groupings Scotty. Rivalries are flourishing. Too bad we lost. A zero goal differential and zero points.

Someone recently referred to my aquad as 'mild' in a cuppers guestbook. Interesting.

Week 1 Update

Okay folks the results are in! Tables and results have been updated and the new stats menu has been integrated.

At this precise time the stats menus are not 100% up and running as I am creating the new pages today. They will be added as I do them, which will take a little longer this first time as the system is a new one.

There are two new statistics to watch out for: 'Fame' and 'Reputation', they will be explained more on the relevant stats page ;)

I am being a little more ambitious with BrookStats this season... I am not sure if the system will need tweaking a little before I am happy with it.

As always, post any comments, criticisms, praise, suggestions etc etc here and I will do what I can to sort out any probs ;)


My ears!!

Call me psychic but I guess you're pleased then, Claus? ;)

Gratz, mate. It looks even better when you compare the ratings... Your 58 beat Mr Glasgows 95. Now that's impressive.... Poor Mr Glasgow must be gutted!

My condolences to you, sir.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

What a start..!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) etc...

I did it! I WON !!!

From this day on I'll never again say something stupid like - "It ain't possible..."!
Everything is possible!
To beat the "unbeatable" BC XXI Champs, Brooklyn Tigers, with goal keeper Thomas Ljungby in passable form is a true conquering the forces of nature! I don't do this very often. In fact it's rather rare! ;-)...but it happened today. Yeeeehhaaaaa!!!

Anyway, it's true. I have logged in and out several times to HT...and every time the same result appears:
Bajen Avalanche - Brooklyn Tigers 2-1

Am I proud? Yes, I am! :) Hmm...must log in again and have a 25th look at the miracle..! :DX

Thanks to Scott for inventing it and thanks to Jeff for all the hard work with this amazing site and thanks to all other nice and friendly participants for making it interesting and thanks to Peter for creating the super-team Brooklyn Tigers and thereby gave me a second chance to once again believe that nothing is impossible...and thanks to mum who gave me birth so that I could experience this fantastic event!

Am I happy? Well, I' really am a fairly level-headed person, so the result was a rather good one... *YEEEEEEEEES!!!!!*

Cheers mates! The beers on me...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


After spending about six hours on the site I have finally updated it ready for this season.

One of the main problems I had was entirely my own fault; I have allowed the main host site to become cluttered and untidy, some bits I needed whereas others I did not. About 3 hours of my time has been spent simply housekeeping and reordering the host site. I have spent extra time coordinating the site and making things more logical so next season should be easier to sort out. The sheer weight of stats and things lying around was what did the most damage, I think.

A new feature on the stats pages (when they are up and running after this weeks games) is that I have now indicated if a player has been mentioned in previous cup competitions, and which season. So the cherished old timers will now have something to be proud of ;)

Updates will happen as and when but expect the first one to occur later this week... thats when the new stat pages will begin :D

Friday, April 09, 2004

First week's matches

Given the below groupings, here are this week's B-Cup matches. Home team listed First. CUP RULES THIS SEASON, PLEASE. Please let me know if you have a conflict:

Group 1

BFC v. Ratz
Maidstone v. Freaks

Group 2

System v. Ellwood
Quakes v. Thunder

Group 3

Avs v. Tigers
United v. Presidents

Group 4

Wind v. Bonafide
Delta v. Saltopus


OK, sorry about the delay. We have an extra week in the mix--I was planning on using it for 2 legs sometimes in the playoffs, but if we need to solve a scheduling conflict we can do so. At any rate, due to popular demand I have gone back to the 4-team grouping, which means you'll have to face each team twice, home and away. I've tried to keep the traditional rivalries brewing in this one, which means Wind/Bonafide, System/Ellwood, Quakes/Thunder and Tigers/Presidents all get to bloody each other twice again this season. Ratz and BFC are set for another go-round as weel, though since Jeff keeps pummeling me about the head, I wouldn't call it much of a rivalry...

Without further (freddy) Adu:

Group 1

Brooklyn FC 70981 ENG
Dirty Ratz 56406 USA
Maidstone 8008 ENG
Genetic Freaks 228487 USA

Group 2

System 57936 ENG
Ellwood 177895 WAL
Quakes 70838 USA
Thunder 72057 USA

Group 3

Bajen 101308 SWE
Tigers 5740 SWE
KC United 8457 USA
Presidents 228484 USA

Group 4

Brooklyn Wind 72213 USA
FC Bonafide 71939 USA
Delta 180587 ROM
Saltopus 229252 USA

Sunday, April 04, 2004

In the distance...

... a rumble can be heard.

Prepare! For the time draws near... BCXXII