Great Job Guys
Keep up the good work.
Best of luck to everyone in the new season.
Support website for the competitors of the Brooklyn Cup competition.
for Scott and Jeff for all of their effort in organizing the B-Cup and making it so much fun.
I have finished the stats and awards pages so please go check out if your team/player has won an award ;)
Congrats to the Tigers and their amazing run. And congrats to Delta who gave me too much to handle on my own pitch for the Losers win. As a full-fledged member of Das Bklyn Cup now, you will be hearing more from the Brooklyn Wind. We are nothing here in Brooklyn if not verbose.
Congratulations to the Tigers for winning the Cup! Nicely done! Also Congrats to Delta for winning the Das Losers Invitational. I also have to say a job well done to Jeff for making the Brooklyn Cup what it is today. With stats galore it makes watching ESPN like watching grass grow. As usual Scott's recaps kept you up to date with all the recent action in a way that makes Chris Berman seem like he's reporting on that growing grass. All in all I have to say thank you for your guy's hard work and I look forward to the next fight for the cup.
Okay okay... so I lost! :P
Now, everyone tune into match no. 14124434, The Bklyn Wind vs Delta at the newly named Last Exit.
Thanks to Brookyn for such a good game.
Don't make me laff! ;)
Hello there
I have updated the name of your team Sic... although you wont see any diff on this site until after the finals games ;)
My team's name has changed from BenditinBrooklyn to The Brooklyn Wind. FYI. Nothing else has changed about the team. We are poised to take Delta for the Losers Championship though he is slyly asking that I come travel to to his stadium eventhough I am higher seed. We'll see about that.......
I have put all this weeks results on the finals page and also included all the remaining fixtures to be played in next weeks finals! (I hope that I have them all correct ;))
The final is between BenditinBrooklyn and Rasaritul Delta, with Bendit winning in a walkover as a result of Idali's scheduling outside the tournament. So it goes. Bendit is the home team, and best of luck to both sides in what is sure to be a barnburner.
I read the skill as Counterattack... I wrote it as counterattack... in my own head I was describing counterattack... but it came out as blasted Pressing!!
To nobody's surprise (least of all my own), Brooklyn Tigers manhandled their US namesake 5-0 this evening to set up a Brooklyn International Cup final between said Tigers and our own Dirty Ratz. Tigers will be the home side.
To the best of my knowledge you have described 'Pressing'.
No!........ ;)
As usuall, nice job on the match reports Scott. And a big thumbs up to our new beat writer, Mr. Michael Boyd. Well done!
I have added the results from one of the semis (>;-P) and also the Quarter Finals match reports!!!
... was being a pain in the ass with all thos 'fingertip' saves... so I decided to get some of the boys to tap-dance on his hands ;)
And continuing the rep in the league, 3loc are proud to annound that once again, they are in the top 5 most violent teams for Series V according to Hatsats!
BrookStats have concluded for the season (I will create a summary page when time permits), but the Season Stats and finals pages have been updated. I am presently working on a new honours list page so the present one is a stop-gap version.
Well then
Go to the matresses Mike. Send Scott a message. Send him a fish wrapped up in his keeper's jersey.
Sorry about Brett's comments guys, he is obviously still a little bit delicate after not being able to get it up with some moose he pulled after he had downed his 3 pints of beer shandy the other night!!!
Hope you boys like my latest press announcement. I had to go back to the archives for that one. Seemed only fitting for such an excellent match, even though I lost....
Yes, thanks for that Mr Head. I'm sure you have won an award for drinking beer before judging by that gut you're showing off...
TO ALL my fans, the club, the players of Ellwood AFC, my Mammy and Daddy,my darling girlfriend and of course Bernard the Sheep and his family and last but not least all my friends from the Brooklyn cup.......Thank you for this fantastic award, it has always been my dream to actually win the "Boyd Beer Challenge" and i now feel my life is almost complete. It has been a long hard road to glory with much blood shed and beer drunk. Many a night i have woken in my sheeps pen just wondering if i had the will to carry on..(shagging flossy that is). Unfortunately i can not be there with you now guys to collect my award but i know one day the Brooklyn Cup, this fantastic tournament, will bring us all together.
The semifinal matchups are as follows:
And the winner of the Boyd Beer challenge is: Dan and the fighting lads of Ellwood who, although losing valiantly 3-1 to Tigers on the road, finally put one in the net against Tigers after 8 straight clean sheets.
ok all you losers out there, I'm out to become the biggest loser of them all. With my win yesterday I am one step closer to my goal. It's been a whole season in the making and nobody better get in the way of my dreams.
Who's next?
Incase you guys hadn't noticed I have already updated the group tables, fixtures, BrookStats and season stats.
Guys, go check out the USA conference. Our own Head_Rat received a duly deserved Honorable Mention in the Most Amicable Owner Awards, ahead, might I add, of two teams in the USA Major Leagues who have been in HT since the beginning of time.
Well folks... for the first time in Brooky Cup history there is not going to be a Ratz-Avs Final!
I can't wait for that Bonafide-Brooklyn matchup next week....thanks guys for doing all this work.
An extraordinarily close race decided the 2/3 slots in Groups A and B--I'll get into it later--and we are left with the following fixtures:
Home teams listed first:
Now that I've spent my last couple of days getting rid of more viruses than Britney Spears' doctor, I'm finally back on-line. After tonight's matches in USA, the seedings for both the playoffs and Losers' Invitational will be posted, so check back here. Also, Claus, can you check with Idali to make sure she's in for the Losers? We'll find someone else if she can't.
Thanks Big J.
... to Brett for winning group A in real style... nice one m8 ;)
Folks we have a situation... Scott has lost all ability to use his internet browser... it is deader than a very dead thing!
I agree, well done to all those who have had such a good season. Reckon if we could play other feds with our best 11 we would kick their arse!! Pity it cant be done.
We are obviously approaching the end of the league season, and I thought I would take a moment to make one point that some of you may have noticed and perhaps others have not. This is especially gratifying for those of us who have been in this competition from the start, because we all started playing HT at about the same time as well. The following is a short table which shows the position of each B-Cup team in it's regular series as of today. Bear in mind the following: (a) Ratz and Maidstone play in the same series in England, and are currently ranked 1-2, (b) as we know, Tom has been distracted this season but won his series last year and promoted into a tough series, (c) Ellwood won its series and promoted last season and (d) System spent significant time at #1 in its series this season and is still in the hunt. Given the number of clubs in our crew that will promote soon, who knows if we will ever see this sort of convergence of series strength again.