Thursday, November 06, 2003

Crowd Goes Wild!

Yay! We have done it again!

Okay... so the rest of you may not see this as a happy event (especially Claus) but I am sure happy ;)

What a fantastic final... It has to be said that Claus should have just won the second leg, according to the stats, which would have made the scoreline closer but as it turned out... I won 6-1 on aggregate.

As for the Confed Cup thing... I am in 2 minds about it. On the one hand I want to defend my Brooky Cup title. On the other, it would be a great honour to represent all you guys in a champion of champions competition. I think I will sleep on it.

All I have left to say is thanks to everyone for making this competition what it is, especially to Scott, without whom this comp would never have gotten off the ground. Thanks to all the teams that I beat along the way, especially Claus, I couldn't have won without you guys ;D

I really hope that this comp does as well next season as it has done this. Never fear, however, even if I don't take part in next season's Brooky Cup I will continue to maintain this website for the rest of you. I love this cup... winning this has been far more important to me than winning my division this season, in this competition I have been playing against my friends!



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