Quaterfinals Update
The results have been posted and fixtures for the semi finals listed.
As the semis are two legs then it does not matter what order you play them in... but I assume away goals will be used to break a tie over both legs(?)
At this point I should mention a little situation which developed in one of the QF has been sorted. Some of you may have noticed that the QF match between BFC and Ellwood resulted in a tie. This shouldn't have happened as the match should have been a cup game and so have been decided with extra time and penalties. Normally this mistake should have cost Ellwood the match as they were responsible for setting up the game (as they were the home side). However, Scott set up the match instead.
As both teams were slightly at fault and as this is not a deadly serious competition ;) an amicable solution was found.
Ellwood and BFC will play a replay next week. I will play the winner of this match the following week. The result is that one semi final will be played as a one match cup-game, the other will be played over two legs as was originally intended.
I hope this is fairly comprehensible to you all... just thought I would keep you all informed incase you were a little confused ;)
Good luck to all teams still in the competition.
P.S. As a private (?) aside to my opponents in the QF match I would just like to say [nelson's voice]Ha-ha![/Nelson's voice] :-D
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