First Finals Leg
Updates for this week done, results and stats updated.
I have also included a new 'honours' page. This page will reveal who has the pride of achieving something in this season's comp ;)
It ain't finished yet :P
Support website for the competitors of the Brooklyn Cup competition.
Updates for this week done, results and stats updated.
I have added results to the finals page and updated the stats page.
What can one say?
hey Scott. doesn't that request for entry into the Das Losers Cup fall under some kind of Cup Director, Director privilage. You know, like the attorney client privilage. That wasn't suppose to be revealed. now I've got the local press breathing down my neck, not to mention all of our suporters who think I abandoned the ship before we even began to sink. This is going to take some serious weaseling to get out of this unscathed. I may have to either have half price beer night this Sunday or maybe barrow some of Claus' new supporters to distract them.........or maybe both. Yeah, that ought to do it. Nothing better than a good drunken topless melee. woohoo!
Absolutely brilliant. Scott, you've really outdone yourself with the recaps this week. I was crying I was laughing so hard. Well done. Give my thanks to Jeff and Brian's mum. She gave us a rather intimate insight into the two brothers that helped us understand just why they are who they are. Cheers Mrs. Beck, this Bud's for you.
We are going to need to submit 4 teams to the Confederations Cup, in case one of our teams can't make it due to national Cup commitments by the time the Fed Cup season starts in week 5 (I think). So just as we are playing a home-and-home final, we should probably play the 3rd place match that way as well.
Results and stats updated for all matches played to date. Scott's recaps for the QF are on the site (Dunno what happened to week 6 commentaries do you, Scott? ;))
I agree that this would be a good idea. As a potential champion this season I would be happy to enter a champions cup type thing next season... although next season I will be in series V so I may not be able to do us justice ;)
Jeff brings up a good point, one that Boyd and I were discussing previously. We'll have to do a couple of things to address tiebreakers in the future for the Semis and Finals. First, if the first game, which should be played normally, ends in a tie the 2nd match will be played Cup Rules, to ensure that there will be an overall decision. As for an overall tie, we will go with away goals first, then home goals, then, if we really need it, we can go with total scoring opportunities.
Good luck to all of those teams still in the Cup. As for those of us who aren't, will there be the inaugural start of the Das Losers Invitational this week or next week? Or did we not have enough volunteers?
The results have been posted and fixtures for the semi finals listed.
"Das Losers Invitational" is a brilliant idea to come from the minds of some of the most twisted managers currently operating in HT ;)
It appears we now have a name for the annual "those who didn't make the final cut in the B-Cup" tournament. I love it.
Are we planning to do some sort of consolation thing for those who don't survive the quarterfinals? I mean, I just want to be sure that Tom knows how to plan for friendlies next week, of course.
LOL @ "Das Losers"... that is a quality putdown ;)
Well said Claus. I couldn't agree with you more. This cup is so much fun to play in. I especially like beating Das Losers, and I am going to enjoy beating Mike and FC Bonafide next week. :-)
Scott's vacation came very timely directly after his visit to swinging party-town Stockholm and after the humiliating loss to Bajen Avs..!? Hmm... no reports came out and described his and his teams doings the night before the match...not to mention the somewhat murky activities early in the morning on the actual match day!! Hmmm...
All fixtures will be posted on this page so make sure you keep an eye on it ;)
Stats have been updated for week 6.... cheers for the rankings, Scott ;)
Here's the top 8 seeds after yesterday's matches: