Thursday, October 30, 2003

First Finals Leg

Updates for this week done, results and stats updated.

I have also included a new 'honours' page. This page will reveal who has the pride of achieving something in this season's comp ;)

It ain't finished yet :P

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Friday, October 24, 2003

Semi finals update

I have added results to the finals page and updated the stats page.

I plan on adding a new 'roll of honour' page to the next update.... this will congratulate all the best teams in the various stats that I have been keeping.

Can't wait till Scott does the semis reports.... It's the highlight of the week!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


What can one say?

Coming to this crazy blogger spot trying to find a couple of thoughtful words to put down..?..!..@£$€\§~ø..Ehh???
Oh no, it's just not possible after having read the match reports from the quarter finals.

Scott, after a long one hour painful peal of laughter I was almost dead. Then I discovered that my own brain was sitting next to me, with a laugh even worse than mine...or was it me?

This page will for sure kill me some day. But what is life without excitement?

Logging out in pain, with a big happy smile on my face... *ROFLMBO*

Friday, October 17, 2003


hey Scott. doesn't that request for entry into the Das Losers Cup fall under some kind of Cup Director, Director privilage. You know, like the attorney client privilage. That wasn't suppose to be revealed. now I've got the local press breathing down my neck, not to mention all of our suporters who think I abandoned the ship before we even began to sink. This is going to take some serious weaseling to get out of this unscathed. I may have to either have half price beer night this Sunday or maybe barrow some of Claus' new supporters to distract them.........or maybe both. Yeah, that ought to do it. Nothing better than a good drunken topless melee. woohoo!


Absolutely brilliant. Scott, you've really outdone yourself with the recaps this week. I was crying I was laughing so hard. Well done. Give my thanks to Jeff and Brian's mum. She gave us a rather intimate insight into the two brothers that helped us understand just why they are who they are. Cheers Mrs. Beck, this Bud's for you.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

By the way....

We are going to need to submit 4 teams to the Confederations Cup, in case one of our teams can't make it due to national Cup commitments by the time the Fed Cup season starts in week 5 (I think). So just as we are playing a home-and-home final, we should probably play the 3rd place match that way as well.

QF/SF Update

Results and stats updated for all matches played to date. Scott's recaps for the QF are on the site (Dunno what happened to week 6 commentaries do you, Scott? ;))

Best of luck to all three other semi-final teams ;)

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Feds Cup

I agree that this would be a good idea. As a potential champion this season I would be happy to enter a champions cup type thing next season... although next season I will be in series V so I may not be able to do us justice ;)

I guess as long as all the semifinalists are happy to enter that cup instead of BC next season then it's a go!

Representing our fed against all those others would be fun, IMHO ;)

Shame about the Das Losers cup... I had started on a new page for it... looked ok too ;)


Jeff brings up a good point, one that Boyd and I were discussing previously. We'll have to do a couple of things to address tiebreakers in the future for the Semis and Finals. First, if the first game, which should be played normally, ends in a tie the 2nd match will be played Cup Rules, to ensure that there will be an overall decision. As for an overall tie, we will go with away goals first, then home goals, then, if we really need it, we can go with total scoring opportunities.

I speak from experience to say that these ties really suck.

As to Tom's question, there was little interest in the Das Losers Invitational, so I never organized anything. I guess Matt is too busy winning league matches to bother....

And one more point of discussion: We have the option, as a league, to send the winner of the Brooklyn Cup to the newly organized Federations Cup, a 38-league Cup Winners' Cup that will be beginning next season. That would, of course, necessitate that the winner of the B-Cup not be IN the B-Cup for that season. Let me know your thoughts, as to whether you think it would be a great idea or a horrible one, to pursue the Federation Cup.

Monday, October 13, 2003

Good luck to all of those teams still in the Cup. As for those of us who aren't, will there be the inaugural start of the Das Losers Invitational this week or next week? Or did we not have enough volunteers?

Friday, October 10, 2003

Quaterfinals Update

The results have been posted and fixtures for the semi finals listed.

As the semis are two legs then it does not matter what order you play them in... but I assume away goals will be used to break a tie over both legs(?)

At this point I should mention a little situation which developed in one of the QF has been sorted. Some of you may have noticed that the QF match between BFC and Ellwood resulted in a tie. This shouldn't have happened as the match should have been a cup game and so have been decided with extra time and penalties. Normally this mistake should have cost Ellwood the match as they were responsible for setting up the game (as they were the home side). However, Scott set up the match instead.

As both teams were slightly at fault and as this is not a deadly serious competition ;) an amicable solution was found.

Ellwood and BFC will play a replay next week. I will play the winner of this match the following week. The result is that one semi final will be played as a one match cup-game, the other will be played over two legs as was originally intended.

I hope this is fairly comprehensible to you all... just thought I would keep you all informed incase you were a little confused ;)

Good luck to all teams still in the competition.

P.S. As a private (?) aside to my opponents in the QF match I would just like to say [nelson's voice]Ha-ha![/Nelson's voice] :-D

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Fantastic Idea! :)

"Das Losers Invitational" is a brilliant idea to come from the minds of some of the most twisted managers currently operating in HT ;)

It is almost worth throwing the QF to be a part of it... almost! :D

I will put up a new section for it as soon as You let me know the details, Scott.


"The Brooklyn Cup... some day all competitions will be made this way"

The "Das Losers Invitational"

It appears we now have a name for the annual "those who didn't make the final cut in the B-Cup" tournament. I love it.

Yes, we will have a side tourney; as I mentioned in a previous post for those of you who are interested please contact me by Thursday and I'll come up with something. 8 teams should be about right, and if we need to we can incorporate teams from outside our group.

Boyd and I clearly have a lot of confidence in our teams if we're now looking ahead to the Das Losers Invitational....


Are we planning to do some sort of consolation thing for those who don't survive the quarterfinals? I mean, I just want to be sure that Tom knows how to plan for friendlies next week, of course.

Friday, October 03, 2003

Jus' Jawing

LOL @ "Das Losers"... that is a quality putdown ;)

Sounds like Pell has to prove himself and put 'Chocolate Fireguards' back in their place ;D

You can practically smell the testosterone in this place!

*Note to Scott: Maybe we should clean this dump once in a while?* ;)

nicely said

Well said Claus. I couldn't agree with you more. This cup is so much fun to play in. I especially like beating Das Losers, and I am going to enjoy beating Mike and FC Bonafide next week. :-)

Hey Claus.............How much do you want for the police report?

Thanks for all your work guys!!


Scott's vacation came very timely directly after his visit to swinging party-town Stockholm and after the humiliating loss to Bajen Avs..!? Hmm... no reports came out and described his and his teams doings the night before the match...not to mention the somewhat murky activities early in the morning on the actual match day!! Hmmm...
But Scottie boy, I promise you - my lips are sealed. The police report as well as the fine from Stockholm Ministry of Moral dept have ben "taken care of", just as we've agreed.

Although I must admit that I truly was a bit curious to see what kind of "activities" your match report would have focused on!? Naughty you! :) Vacation...!!!?? Yes,yes *he-he* that's agood one for sure!! *lol*

With or without any report, from especially the above mentioned and missing match report, I must say that you're (Scott & Jeff) doing a great job on this blog! While reading the exciting and humorous reports from Scott I laugh my pants off and go nuts while in the next minute I find myself swallowed up by all the excellent provided stats from Jeff.

Just want to say - Thanks guys - for making BC what it is. A fantastic "fun to be in" friendly cup - The Brooklyn Cup!

G'night m8's!

Finals Page Added

All fixtures will be posted on this page so make sure you keep an eye on it ;)

Just a reminder to all that the QF should be played as cup games as there is only one leg ;)

Best of British to you all :D

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Stats Update

Stats have been updated for week 6.... cheers for the rankings, Scott ;)

I will make up a finals page asap... probably tonight, so look out for it ;)

No Problem

Here's the top 8 seeds after yesterday's matches:
1. Dirty Ratz 18 points
2. Ellwood 15 points
3. Bajen Avalanche 12 points
4. FC Bonafide 12 points
5. Chocolate Thunder 10 points
6. Sea Lane 9 points
7. Brooklyn FC 9 points
8. Heacham Hornets 7 points

Given that, we have the following fixtures in the Quarterfinal round:
Game 1: Heacham at Ratz
Game 2: BFC at Ellwood
Game 3: Lane at Avalanche
Game 4: Thunder at Bonafide

Congratulations to the quarterfinalists.

Week 6 Results

I got up extra early this morning and put the results on the website before work ;)

I have not managed to finish the stats yet... they will be updated tonight.

No time to calculate top 8 seeds... will do that tonight as well.