Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Further Clarification of Playoffs

In case you were interested....

Jeff's comment (given below) was partially incorrect:

"IF this was the final standings then the QFs would play like this:

1)Ratz v 3loc
2)Bonafide v Thunder

3)AVS v Lane
4)Ellwood v Hornets

The winners of 1 would play 2 in the semis, and the winners of 3 would play 4."

The Semifinals will be determined by seeding, that is to say that the highest seeded team will always face the lowest-seeded team remaining in the group, and the next-highest seed will face the next-lowest seed. Whenever you involve wild-card seedings it is best to do this rather than have concrete fixtures to reward teams that finished highest in their Group.

So given the above example, if Lane would upset AVS or Hornets beat Ellwood, Ratz would get to face one of those teams rather than the winner of the Bonafide/Thunder match. And so on. When we get the final results posted I'll go into this in greater detail.


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