Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Do yas best! ;)

Hey Michael, can I claim the pint if I play my reserves against my own first team? Knowing my luck it will be a nil-nil draw :/

Whilst I am here I would like to ask a quick question. Scott, what is the setup for the quater/semi finals going to be? Is it like we discussed or have you come up with a new brainwave?

Just for the record, I suggested we play the quarters/semis in a seeded fashion: 1st v 8th, 2nd v 7th, 3rd v 6th, 4th v 5th for the quarters and then 1st or 8th versus 4th or 5th, 2nd or 7th versus 3rd or 6th. As the quarters are a single cup-game I suggest the highest seeded teams play at home (an advantage for doing best in the league round).

Any thoughts from you peeps?


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