End of the road, plus Ultimate Cage Match
Earlier this season, Scott and I both decided that after a great four-year run, this season of Hattrick would be our last. We will both be retiring after next week. We had hoped to meet in the B-Cup final to end it all, but unfortunately Ratz and Delta did not get the script!
However, we have decided to play the third-place consolation match as an Ultimate Cage Match, using all resources to try to win. We have agreed to use only our "normal" players, though. No rental players are allowed. I'm not sure that Scott and I have ever met in a truly competitive B-Cup match where both of us were trying to win. In fact, we have played only one match since September 2004. At any rate, it will be a nice way to go out.
Thanks to everyone for the years of fun, particularly to all the charter teams that were there from the first season.
Best of luck and best wishes to all.