Friday, June 29, 2007

End of the road, plus Ultimate Cage Match

Earlier this season, Scott and I both decided that after a great four-year run, this season of Hattrick would be our last. We will both be retiring after next week. We had hoped to meet in the B-Cup final to end it all, but unfortunately Ratz and Delta did not get the script!

However, we have decided to play the third-place consolation match as an Ultimate Cage Match, using all resources to try to win. We have agreed to use only our "normal" players, though. No rental players are allowed. I'm not sure that Scott and I have ever met in a truly competitive B-Cup match where both of us were trying to win. In fact, we have played only one match since September 2004. At any rate, it will be a nice way to go out.

Thanks to everyone for the years of fun, particularly to all the charter teams that were there from the first season.

Best of luck and best wishes to all.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

One More Thing

Thanks to Claus and Head Rat for the kind words.

One more thing though.

For you guys overseas, it should be noted that hattrick actually taught me a ton about the real game of football. Aside from having some friends that contributed to my interest, Hattrick really taught me a ton about the game. So I'm pretty grateful for that. To the point that during this HT time I actually learned the keeper position in real life and have contributed to a real football squad as a result. Probably happened the other way around over there I would imagine.

I didn't even know what cups, counterattacks, form or set pieces really were before all this started.....


Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The time has come to end the run in the B-Cup and actually HT in general. It's been a great run but time and even less interest are keeping me from continuing. Losing to Brooklyn FC yesterday in an epic battle was the way to go out yesterday. Congrats to Scotty. Losing to the B-Cup founder and my HT mentor (among other roles in my life) is appropriate.

I'll always revel in the fact that I never won the B-Cup. Oh wait, I mean I'll always regret never winning it. No matter, it's done and so is benditinbrooklyn/wind/ekfc. We'll be bankrupt and locked out soon enough. I may sell the entire team before then. Not quite sure yet, but what is sure is that I've played my last B-Cup match. I can at least be proud of the fact that I always gave you guys my best team, for the most part, when it counted,

For those overseas who I have enjoyed getting to know, I will still tune into the Blog and can always be reached at Feel free to get in touch, esp if you happen to come out this way. Thanks to all who have spent their free time putting it together.

Good night and good luck.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hello peeps. I'm thinking we may have lost Liverpool formerly known as SystemLoc formerly known as Prince......