Team TSI
Spurred on by Cpt Neatza's comment on the last post I figurred it was time to update the Team Strength info for this new season.
This season it looks like Ellwood has shed almost half their team strength... presumably to save wages. When you combine this fact with KCU's MASSIVE increase in strength then the Welsh Wizards don't look quite so unbeatable this season!
Monmouth Town have also upped the ante this season and look as if they could pose a threat to the title if they get placed in a better group than last season.
Ratz, 3loc, Delta and the Wolves have all made good improvements this last season and are looking like strong contenders.
BFC, Tigers and Anfield seem to be going backwards, however, and Legio seem to have attached a turbo to their reverse gear! What is going on, babyarm?
Even Presidents have improved their TSI by 50%!!! Watch out folks!