Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The WOP's Season 28 Group Play Picks

(and not that kind of group play, guys and gal)

Well well well….the time has come, hasn’t it? Time for another Brooklyn Cup campaign. This season brings us more change than a Welsh hooker in New York…..more teams, fewer matches, all neutral sites. Makes it difficult for teams like Wind, Ratz,, Tigers, and Ellwood to qualify, you know? Oh wait…..

Some big questions loom out there this season.

1. For two seasons the cup has resided stateside here in our beloved Brooklyn. Will it remain here, or can the Euro trash bring it back across the pond? Maybe and maybe.

2. Can the Brooklyn Wind finally break through and win this thing? Maybe not.

3. Will any of Johnny-come-latelys, and that’s NOT me by the way, qualify and challenge? Maybe not.

4. And finally, will we see our first ever B-Cup national league champion this season in Ellwood of Wales. Sure, it’s Wales, but still, I’m impressed with that team as I am sure all of you are as well. Probably.

So let’s get down to it. This season I am going to make a quick remark about each Group, list my picks in order of finish, with a comment or two on each squad’s chances this year AND overall odds to win it all. Got it? As usual, it’s hard to predict what you guys and gal (are any of the new teams a gal? don’t think so) are thinking in terms of risk vs. reward in the b-cup, and even harder for those new teams with whom I have zero experience. Is that going to stop me? No. As usual, these predictions are made for illegal wagering purposes only. (Illegal here in Pat Roberts, USA, anyway. )

This group is very very hard to predict but here it goes. I’ll give it my best.

1. Ellwood. (3-1) Despite his run at the League championship, Ellwood still wins this group. A two-time champion with an ax to grind from last season, he has a b-team better than most a-teams.

2. Sea Lane. (5-1) Did you guys know Julian could probably pilot ferry through the East River with his eyes closed? This guy knows his transport. Sea Lane gets in. Barely.

3. Direwolf Athletic. (25-1) Did you guys know Maria probably can’t pilot a ferry through the East River? Direwolf has taken a little tumble in league play and I think they’ll just barely miss qualifying.

4. Saltopus. (100-1) Jay’s fighting to win his series. I’m not sure he’ll be a factor in this thing but he could surprise.

5. Monmouth Town. (100-1) This guy will be too busy presiding over the US Supreme Court to be interested in the B-Cup. He will also be trying to avoid relegation. Welcome Monmouth!

This group is very very hard to predict but here it goes. I’ll give it my best.

1. Rasaritul Delta. (6-1) If his Romanian National Cup run is any indication, he’s going to win this group with ease. Cozy 2-5 spot in series play gives him the flexibility to throw some A-teamers into the mix.

2. Kings County United. (6-1) KCU has shown a willingness and ability to excel in the B-cup lately with his counter-attacking style. I think CA’s should be taken off the menu of tactical possibilities personally.

3. Bajen Avalance. (6-1) Claus’s dream of a b-cup championship are dashed as he fights to win his series. Good luck, Claus.

4. The Brooklyn Wind. (1000-1) Who, me? Fughetaboutit. If I want it, I can take it. My run of 6 qualifying seasons comes to a screeching halt.

5. Reefs fc. (100-1) Reefs is a relative newbie with lots of potential. He appears to be English, however, and this could prove troublesome. I thought we had a moratorium on these bloaks! Welcome reefs. Cheerio, now.


1. Dirty Ratz. (3-1) This B-Cup has Ratz written all over it. Can’t win his series, but can win the B-Cup. Former and original champ is hungry.

2. Brooklyn FC. (4-1) Scotty won’t want to suffer the humiliation of not qualifying with the cup on his mantel. Ahem. He’ll lose that match to Ratz but beat everyone else.

3. Genetic Freaks United. (50-1) Freaks are looking good and have some room in series play to take some chances. Problem is that they’re in this group.

4. Anfield IF. (50-1) Uh oh, had scheduling problem from the outset. Not a good sign. As a Liverpool supporter, Anfield should be allowed one scheduling mistake per season. I don’t think the 3-0 walkover would be all the different if they had played. What’s Anfield doing in Sweden anyway? Am I missing something? Welcome Anfield.

5. Presidents. (200-1) Presidents make it back after a season of relegation. Did they learn their lesson sitting in the corner? Not so sure.

This group is very very hard to predict but here it goes. I’ll give it my best.

1. Brooklyn Tigers. (4-1) Once the dominant team in this thing, has fallen back to the pack, Still, in that 2-5 spot in series play, will pull out some big guns to easily win this group.

2. The Hated Bonerfried . (6-1) Will it be apparent at some point that he can’t possibly win his series or not? Does it matter? His team looks good right now, and he’s got some depth. Will take the number 2 spot, at the chagrin of all Wind supporters.

3. Maidstone Reunited. (20-1) Stones are going to come very close and it’s going to come down to that Round 5 match against FCB. And I hate to say it but I see them losing.

4. System 3loc. (20-1) Past performances and series position make me think System is going to fishing in this spot. Though they could surprise anyone in this series in a given week. We know they have the players.

5. Legio Primigenia. (100-1) New American team from my hometown in Dallas. Looks a lot like my squad a couple seasons ago. Central D just got ravaged by injuries, lucky for that 1st round bye. Still, don’t quite have the players to stay up in this Group. Welcome Legio.

So there you have it. The final 8 are:

Sea Lane

Questions, comments, hatred? Throw it all my way. I’m ready. Good luck to all…..

PS: In one of those rare and only in Hattrick occurrences, the competition gets going today as two matches – Wind-Reeefs and FCB-System will be played at Ellwood arena at the SAME EXACT TIME – 21:30 CET. Could get a little crowded out there on the pitch, eh? Cheers.

The Wop

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


OK, here we go again! First round matches are to be held next week. As a reminder, keep the following points in mind:

1. There's an odd number of teams in each group, which means that one team in each group has a "bye" each week. If you don't see your team in the list below, you don't play until next week. I was also able to arrange it such that Brooklyn FC and Delta have their "bye" weeks in the first week, so they can get one more round of national cup play without forfeiting a B-Cup match.

2. The team listed first in the fixture list on the Cupmanager page is responsible for issuing the challenge, and our normal scheduling rules apply.

3. Neutral site. Normal rules.

4. Please welcome our newcomers and wish them the best of luck. I think I forgot to announce the arrival of Legio Primigenia, a former league-mate of mine (who used to trade under the name Sadler Owns Blalock in those days).

5. For avoidance of doubt, here's the fixture list for Round 1:

Ellwood - Sea Lane
Direwolf - Saltopus
Avs - KCU
Wind - Reefs
Ratz - Anfield
Freaks - Presidents
Le Tigre - Stones
FCB - System

Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck to all!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Ellwood Robbed Blind!

Ugh. That was very depressing.

0-1 Tore Rosen (18)
1-1 Jocke Jonsson (90)
2-1 Zvonimir Benak (90)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Special WOP Prediction: Olympic Hocley

The WOP is sitting on his chaise lounge right now settling in to watch USA vs Sweden in hockey in the Winter Olympics back in old country in Torino.

I'm going with the USA winning this one 3-2.

Sorry Sweden.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Here are the groups for this season. Again fate has given us some fun matchups. Remember, only the top two will qualify, and this season group play is only one match against each team at a neutral venue. Cupmanager is having a little glitch, so fixtures aren't generated yet, but they will be posted there soon.

Also, please welcome the final addition to our group, Reefs fc. Turn-ons include champagne at midnight and beating Brett in golf. (Really. On the golf point.)

Let me know if anyone has questions or wants the details on how the groups were drawn. Let the speculation begin! Cue the Totemaster General!

Sea Lane
Direwolf Athletic
Monmouth Town

Bajen Avalanche
Kings County United
The Brooklyn Wind
Rasaritul Delta
Reefs fc

Brooklyn FC
Dirty Ratz FC
Genetic Freaks United
Anfield IF

Brooklyn Tigers
Maidstone Reunited
FC Bonafide
System 3loc
Legio Primigenia

Bad Keepers, Good Strikes

I'd like to note that none of these keepers were trained by me!


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

8th round of the cup

I drastically won the game in the 7th round of the Romanian cup. Well, it had to happen some time - I mean with me getting so good at this game, it was inevitable - I'm in the 8th round of the cup.

But that doesn't mean that my interest for this season's B Cup is diminished - no way. Even if I will have to forfait my first game due to the cup run, if I manage to qualify from the groups - beware...

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Here's where we are at the moment. Also, it looks as though we still need TWO more teams to round out our field. We have 19 signed up, but it looks as though Chocolate Thunder has gone belly up. Tom has not logged in for over a month, so I think we have to assume he's out. (Moment of silence.) Please let me know if you have any nominations, we're going to have to find teams quickly...

Done (and ready to rumble)
Freaks United
Anfield IF
Monmouth Town
Sea Lane

Still Alive (...and holding us back)
Brooklyn FC

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The WOP: A Special Edition

Lady and Gents, as you know we've got a special offseason matchup among B-Cup titans Brooklyn FC (reigning B-Cup champs) and The Brooklyn Wind in the US National Cup. Never before have two B-Cup teams played in front of so many people in a real national (derby, no less) cup match. So, what's MY prediction?

The strong and prohibitive favorite is definitely Brooklyn FC. But wait, The Brooklyn Wind are on an 11 match undefeated run and the chemistry seems to be clicking right now between the younger and older guys......

Hmmmmm....as much as I'd like to see the Wind, and therefore ME, win this match, I'm going to go with a Brooklyn FC win, 1-3.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

It had to happen sometime...

After 10 seasons and many thousands of collective matches, two Brooklyn Cup teams have finally been paired in their country's Cup. No ordinary match, though: Brooklyn FC and the Brooklyn Wind are the unlikely pair.

Dan thought his Welsh Cup win was big? Mice nuts compared to the mother of Brooklyn Derbies. Tactical advice and blatant partisanship are welcome.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I feel like a new freak! Thanks, Boyd!