Re: Format Changes
Bring it on!
I like the new format changes, other than the fact that now I'll NEVER reach "World Beater" status. I'll have to re-set my goals toward winning the B-Cup instead. Sigh...
Welcome Jon and all Monmouth Town-ies!
Support website for the competitors of the Brooklyn Cup competition.
Bring it on!
Here's your weekly cup update as to where we stand. In other news, please note that I still need nominations for another team to join us for this season. I would also like to have at least one standby team on the waiting list, just in case an old-line team drops out. So please let me know if you have suggestions for teams that might join. (Again, preference to European teams, esp if representing a new country.)
Since the end of last season, the Competition Committee has been discussing the format of our competition and has decided to alter the structure of the tournament. There are many benefits to the changes below, but chief among them are (a) the reduction in the overall number of weeks, which becomes more important as our teams get better and make longer runs in national cup competitions and (b) a good resolution to the relegation problem spawned this season. Here are the highlights
Hey everyone, I realized that I had forgotten the Tony Tuesday Award. After a small debate in my head about who should get it, and whether or not a Euro Team really should get it because another US team got it last year, I'm going with....
Is it just Dan and I, or are you guys getting the TS 'bug' over there?