Monday, March 28, 2005

New York New York

Well time flies, as they say.

Soon its time for me to get on a plane and fly all the way to NY (NJ).
I have a faint remembrance of a gettogether at the last exit, altough Im uncertain if we actually made a reservation for the 22nd april.

Please confirm. Cause the swede is coming to town!!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Other Matches of the Week

While Boyd is correct in naming our match, "Match of the Week". Let's not forget this Avs-Elwood match or the Pus-CTFC matches. The losers of those two matches dig themselves quite a hole.....

Congrats to Stones for placing themselves in the driver's seat in the Group of Death, though two matches coming up against Ellwood is make or break time.

Good luck all. Except Boyd.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

left coast digital in effect

We gots the digital cable, but as far as that new fangled "on demand" thing............I don't know nothin' 'bout that.
I'm pretty sure we have it, but I must admit that I'm a little scared to try it. Maybe tonight will be the night.

Airdate schmairdate

Ain't y'all got that digital cable out there on the left coast? All those HBO shows are available here on demand now (no surcharge, not PPV). I'm going to be watching that thing tonight. Probably.

Taxi airdate

It looks like the title of that episode was "Ney York, New York" It also looks like it will replay on Sunday at 11:00pm pst on HBOZP. We get all these different HBO's and it seems to be on one of the more obscure ones. I'm not sure if the line up is the same on this side of the country, but I would think that it is. Maybe just the time would be different. Check your local listings. ;-)

oh taxi!

Actually I think it was a gay couple. Maybe Scott and John???????

Just kidding. It was on this last weekend so I'm sure the one they are running right now is the same one. I only just saw the street names mentioned and didn't get a chance to check out the surroundings. I'll record it this week and check it out.

Taxi Cab Confessions

Thanks Boyd.

Actually, I used to live on Amity just about right at Henry.
And that is a bizarre place to catch a cab. Makes me think that whole show is a con.

Anyway, strange things happen over in that part of the neighborhood, both Boyd and I can attest. Some people fall on their heads some people fall on park benches.

Good luck to all this week......except Boyd, of course.


Near? Oh yes.

Um, yeah. It's very near. Henry and Amity is about 2 blocks from my house. In fact it is between my house and the Last Exit. That's funny -- it's not exactly the best place to get a cab because not that many free cabs come down Henry Street. I will keep an eye out for that episode.

But if the guy in the show was extremely good looking with an extremely hot female companion, then it very well coulda been Scotty. Or Johnny Sic. Toss-up, really.

Henry Street

This one is for all you Brooklynites out there. I was watching Taxicab Confessions on HBO the other night and it was from New York. This taxi picked up this one guy on the corner of, now get this...............Amity and HENRY STREET. I said, "holy crap! I know that street." Is that anywhere near any of you?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

I'm King..

..of alot of things Tom. Come visit us in Brooklyn sometime.

Friday, March 18, 2005


King of the multiple posts I tell ya.

cup manager

Great first week for the BC this season. We had some really good matches. It's going to be a tight race.

That Cupmanager site is great. Thanks for getting that all set up there Boyd. I especially like the goal scoring efficiency category. :-)
The only thing I don't see is any goalkeeping stats. Are we still going to have the spetacular keeper stat?

I think it is clear...

.....who's going to win this thing now...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Anything Could Happen

I could even beat Delta 8-0....NYC is full of monkeys today.

Anything Could Happen

I could even beat Delta 8-0....NYC is full of monkeys today.

Anything Could Happen

I could even beat Delta 8-0....NYC is full of monkeys today.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

could happen

btw, Saltopus won a league match, on the road, by holding on to a 2-1 score through the closing minutes. Monkeys are flying out of Johnny's a** even as we speak....

Ah yes...

The trash talk begins......


Oh yes, the better of the 2 sides won on the day. The champions fell. We wiped their faces in the dirt. Oh Danny Boy, the pipes the pipes are calling.......

Despite my full expectency NOT to do too well, as I am using this to train my mids (including the new Spaniard, scoring on his debut!), it was oh so sweet to beat (f)Ellwood.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Johnny is the king of the multiple post. LOL

Great analysis John. Brilliant in fact. Except for the part where I don't make it to the finals. That part is absolute rubbish!

So what exactly are the odds that you will be cutting of your own sack if Ellwood wins this thing again??

Le Tigre...........It's on today. The Thunder is coming and I'm bringing hell with me!

Day One

It's kind of ridiculous that I am so excited about two fake computer simulated football matches that aren't really occuring in England and Wales. But I am. Could start with two better matchups. Let the games begin.


The first day of the B-Cup. Always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

One more thing

The WOP will cut off his own nutsack if Ellwood wins this thing again.

PS: Sorry about the multiple posting!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Cheeeeers Johnny!

John you have some seriously deep and VERY funny observations about all us teams ('ridiculous midfield'? Nah just 'a little silly' ;)) but you seem to have one heck of a problem with posting on here ;P

I will delete the 50 or so (ish) copies of your post ;P

Just one further thing to add...

... the cup is MINE this season! MINE I tells ya!

Maybe ;D

Johnny the Wop's Group Play Predictions!

It’s time again for Johnny’s B-Cup Group play predictions and I’m happy to share my observations - even though they really don’t reflect any real knowledge or insight on my part. These are my advancing teams this year for the 2nd Round: Le Tigre, Direwolf, Ellwood, System, Delta, Wind, Brooklyn FC, and Dirty Ratz. Below, you will find some form of reasoning behind the predictions. As always, these prognostications are intended to be used for illegal wagering purposes only.


Le Tigre

The clear favorite of this Group. He’s still hurting from the spanking he received in the Final of last year’s cup and he hasn’t won the thing in two seasons. I don’t know what his series situation is like, but I’m not sure it matters. Le Tigre walks through Group A with 18 Points.

This is where things get a little dicey. Direwolf had a interesting start to it’s Series play and a horrible Cup run but have settled into the top half of the standings and can probably afford to use some frontline power on the B-Cup pitch. I’m picking Direwolf to advance into the second round on goal differential, just ahead of both The Pus and CTFC. Rumor has it that there is a trade in the offing between this team and another B-Cup power that involves a Keeper and a Wing. We’ll see about that.

Back in a new Series in Division IV, The Wind’s alter ego is in a tough fight for the top spot. He’s got some easy matches coming up but ultimately I think all the last three teams will end up splitting their matches. Back to Das Loser’s go the Thunder.

The ‘Pus
I am so personally disappointed with this team lately it makes me want to puke. If you have never seen the match report for his Cup loss on Feb. 17th, please take the time to review it. It’s the worst collapse of any team in any Hattrick match ever. And I am not making that up. How do you lose AT HOME with a 4-2 lead in the 88th minute? Ask the ‘Pus. Das Losers should be named after the Pus and that’s where he’s going.

GROUP B (Group of Death)


Someone, who’s name shall remain nameless, recently told be that he didn’t believe this was an ‘elite’ B-Cup team. I’m thinking, a) he’s got the cup sitting in his house or flat or whatever they have there in Wales; b) he spanked an ‘elite’ B-Cup team to get there; and c) see ‘a’. This team has to be the favorite going into this thing and he’ll beat the stiff competition to win this group, though System might steal a point or three away from him.

This team has a cozy top half spot locked up in his Series and might be able to bring out the big guns for some B-Cup play. Now, I know what you’re saying, “I’ve never seen big guns in a B-Cup”. But remember, we’re talking about virtual fake simulated footy, ok? System advances over Avs by a hair. System also has the best player name in the Cup: Aghaghna Sivaramaprasad

The Avs are locked in a battle for the top spot in their Series. It’s a really really tough call but I don’t believe they’ll make it to Round two this season. Though they’ll be a top seed in Das Losers. It was a tough draw for them this go around. By the way, you ever notice he has a team in his series called “Meg Ryan United”? Is Meg particularly adored in Sweden?

The only team to have a worse draw than the Avs is the Stones. I really want the Stones to do well and advance but in this Group I might consider it close to impossible. No way. No how. But I want them to prove me wrong. This team is getting better and better. They’ll squeeze out 3-4 points and fall short unfortunately.



Delta could win this group and probably will. They’re in a tough series back home in Romania but they’re in a decent spot. Might not win but in no way at risk to relegate. And I have a feeling they want to do well this B-Cup campaign. They’ll win this Group in a close fight with……

The Wind
This is the team that I actually know something about. The Wind’s recent acquisition of two very promising young mids and it’s goal of auto promotion will likely mean that we play the young guys in the cup and assure winning results in our Series play. However, as my most hated rivals know, I will likely stop at nothing to beat the HATED Bonerfried squad. The Wind barely advance over Bonerfried 11 points to 9.

The Hated Bonerfried
The Bonerfried is in real danger of relegating to Division V where they probably should be anyway. They are about the only team fighting hard to stay up and remain in their Division in the B-Cup this season; though I have no doubt that he’ll stop at nothing to beat the Wind in group play and risk either his training program or his spot in Division IV. Still, we’re going to beat him regardless.

The Genetic Freaks make up the third NYC team in this series but I’m not sure about they’re ability to compete. Look for an upset against either Bonerfriend or Wind. The Freaks are getting better and better and I know my team will certainly not look past them. Still, Das Freaks are bound for Das Losers.



Brooklyn FC is a team of destiny this season and will win this Group with one away loss to Ratz in England. Otherwise, they win this group with around 15 points. Imminent relegation in Division III allows them to field great teams in Group play. The team may have a hard time converting opportunities because of confidence problems but we’re talking about a team that’s got nothing to lose and everything to gain in B-Cup play. Look out.

Dirty Ratz
A B-Cup Elite team if I ever saw one, this team dominates the opposition and easily advances to the 2nd round despite a fight for the top spot in his series. He has a great B-team and so it just won’t matter. The Ratz midfield is ridiculous by the way. Just ridiculous.

Talk about getting the shaft in the draw. This team is getting really good but doesn’t have a chance to advance with BFC and Ratz in the same group. KCU finishes with 6 points and some nice ratings but never really has a chance to compete. Actually, Ratz and BFC being in the same Group is a direct result of the Wind’s upset win over BFC in the quarters last season. Sorry about that KCU.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for these Presidents. Presidents do not have any risk of relegating to Division VII this season so expect them to pull out the big guns for B-Cup play. Or the DD Cup.

Good luck to everyone!! (Except Bonerfried....)
Johnny The Wop

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Just to clarify (because there has been a bit of confusion by more than one manager), first round matches are this week and the official groups and fixture list are on the CUPMANAGER PAGE and are not posted here.

The direct link to the Cupmanager page is:

To get full access to Cupmanager features, you need to set up a password for your team, which is free of charge. You don't need a password, though, just to look at the fixtures list or stats etc.

For the avoidance of doubt, first round fixtures follow (home team first):


If anyone has further questions, just let me know. Good luck to all!

Dumb arse

Not like you to be confused and not up with what is going on mate!! Look at the cup manager site for info.....and as for kicking my arse, well we will see!


?? The only instructions I have are to kick Ellwoods arse all over the pitch.

Am I missing something here people?!?!?!

Okay, NOW it's on.

Jeff was kind enough to lose his cup match despite his unusual all-offensive 2-5-3 lineup. And I came damn, damn close to spoiling the party by a couple of penalty kicks. But in the end we both did lose and failed to set the record for national cup progress among B-Cup sides.

So in other words, it is in fact on.

You all have your instructions. Best of luck to all. Especially to the New York sides, who are going to win the Cup this year. No, really.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


I'll be in Mexico for the next week thinking about my Hattrick team and scheming on ways I might be able to actually win this thing. (In three years, that is........)

PS: I have a very solid group of new youngsters that are going to make Bonerfried's life hell...

PPS: Dan, I recently bought back and original midfielder in anticipation of promoting him to be a coach next season. I also have actually retired number 19 for an original CD that played over 100 matches for me.....

It's not.

I felt the same way when I sold off the first few orginals. But now I'm cold and jaded and it doesn't bother me anymore. ;)

Friday, March 04, 2005

Is it just me or......

Does any one else get this kind of empty feeling inside when you transfer list one of your greatest and longest serving players? I have just put my 30 year old best midfielder up for sale to try and cash in on him before its to late but it was so hard to do!! This cant be normal or healthy!!!! I think i am off for a beer before i totally lose it.

The Brooklyn International Cup

Nice groupings, do i really have to kick Systems ass again??? To be honest, the Brooklyn Cup sits proudly in the Ellwood trophy room(in the process of being extended!!) It was an honour to claim the trophy last season but this year i fear i will be less of a threat. With my ageing midfield it is time to start bringing in some new juniors! Plus i am in one hell of a tough league and cannot see myself being able to switch my side to put out a stronger BC side. Anyway, no excuses, may the best man or woman win and if it means keeping the cup on this side of the atlantic then what the hell....i will throw the league game. Cannot be any worse than having your bo****ks cut off hey?

Good luck to you all and hears to one day all meeting up and getting extremely drunk whilst talking over old Hattrick tales!!

ready for the cup

My only complaint is that I'm in the same group as Tigers and Direwolf, as last season. Nothing against them -- just like to face different foes each HT / BCup season.

At some point, I'm hoping for some rules changes to establish more parity, especially across multiple seasons. Something like not playing your best players in both your league *and* BCup matches.


Question.... it me or do the BCup fixtures kind of assume that Boyd and I are going to get beaten in this week's national cup match?

I don't know whether to find that funny or feel insulted! ;P

I guess if we do win this week's cup match then we effectively throw the first BCup game?

Ah well, c'est la vie! Incidently I have still had no joy with my ISP webhost so will probably use a different host for the final pages of last season's cup.

I'll keep you posted!

Fixtures Etc

Further to Scott's posting of the groups below, all fixtures have been generated and can be found on our Cupmanager page (the link to which is in the menu on the right).

PLEASE NOTE one change this season: all group-stage matches will now be played under NORMAL RULES instead of cup rules. Playoff matches will be on neutral sites and under cup rules.

The Cupmanager site is pretty cool -- many stats and other useless but fun information is automatically generated, which means Jeff can now actually spend some time with his son.

It's that time again

Brooklyn Cup Season 25 Groupings are as follows:

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

From the looks of it, old rivalries are renewed anew. Ratz and I get to battle it out again during group play, and System/Ellwood and Wind/Bonafide are also in the same groups. This was not planned, by the way, just the way the random numbers came up.

Group B is the early nominee for Group of Death; System and Avalanche are going to have to battle it out for that 2nd qualifier spot, and Maidstone is clearly no slouch and could surprise. Group A comes close, but B gets the nod as a result of the B-Cup longevity of the teams involved.

I am publicly stating that this is the season when the Brooklyn Cup finally returns to its rightful owner: ME. I will win the B-Cup this season, at all costs.

Matches will start in time for next week's friendlies, and fixtures will be posted shortly. Good luck to all of you looking to finish in 2nd place.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005



Still Alive (and Holding Us Back)

Done and Ready to Rumble!
Genetic Freaks

The Brooklyn International Cup

I'm ready to rumble!! See you in the cup